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Robert James

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Everything posted by Robert James

  1. Found a bunch of old Warhammer 40k and LOTR battle games in my loft last night. To sell or to paint 😣... Some of it still sealed as well 😀

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jam Sandwich

      Jam Sandwich

      Defiantly interested as to what 40k stuff you have

    3. Robert James

      Robert James

      @Jam Sandwich i'll take some photos later & PM you. Just the 40k or LOTR? From memory, its Iron marines, Space marines and Chaos Marines. But i'll take a look. There was a tank in there somewhere but it's been painted. 

    4. Robert James

      Robert James

      @Jam Sandwich sorry for the delay. Will try to remember tonight/tomorrow. 

  2. If memory serves, - also following the thread on the same person in Forum Feedback - , he was court ordered to pay back all the money he stole and told if he is to do it again he will get some time... Small claims court might work.
  3. Speak with Airsoft zone. Last time i got TM m92 mags they were £20 each? Edit: http://airsoftzone.co.uk/gas-magazine-for-m92f-m9a1-black-pistol-gbb-tokyo-marui?filter_name=m92 £26.99 so saved a fiver. Or go extended http://airsoftzone.co.uk/gas-magazine-for-m92f-m9a1-extended-pistol-gbb-tokyo-marui?filter_name=m92
  4. Not me! 😎 Thought it was when I saw it, clicked to make sure Mine is only on this forum for now
  5. Time to sell the Raider :(

  6. Yes mate. Season 2 Ep 1. Only saw it today, watched it this morning as I was early for work for once. They started where they left off
  7. Its back on BTW incase you didnt know
  8. Fekin' DHL 😡

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Prisce


      Wait, you expect Delivery drivers to be able to read?! Ours just grunts and taps his hand held device...

    3. L3wisD


      Oh dang, is that out goodies?

    4. Robert James

      Robert James

      Don't worry I have your items Lewis

  9. Ordering from Patrol Base later/tomorrow, anyone want anything that's can collect Saturday rather than having to pay loads of money for delivery

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Robert James

      Robert James

      Please do. Looking to order in about an hour or ao

    3. L3wisD


      Ah feck. @Robert James 

      I was going to browse the pouches but I'll do a military 1st order instead.


      Cheers anyway.

    4. Robert James

      Robert James

      It's fine, I can wait until tomorrow and put in on 1st class, only £1 more. 

  10. Does anybody know where to get Mlok screws from before Saturday ? 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MisterG


      😁, I'll bring them Saturday, I have black duct tape too just in case 😉


    3. Robert James

      Robert James

      I should be ok now I think? I managed to get into my rail and attach my keymod... not sure if I want the Zoxna launcher on it or not now :)

    4. Druid799


      Plain old nuts and washers will work fine as well 

  11. Took a quick look on Amazon, couldn't find anything... Found this instead https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com.au%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F253572999243
  12. Thanks for the recent email, I'm not bothered about time/having them for the mall meet up. When they come, they come. If you change to another company, keep my money as I'll still reorder. Good work @proffrink
  13. Maybe not for obvious people that are here to shift it. But for people that have seemed to post atleast. I just think some people don't know
  14. I feel everyone who puts someone in here, should either message the original poster or tag them atleast. if they respond, like i did, they may not realize its not as easy as saying I spent £1000 so its worth £1000
  15. PM me if you want to be part of the Mall game with full names of you and and your guest

  16. wait, I've just noticed.. Who changed my loadout to Greg 😂

  17. Edited: if you're interested in the AFUK Mall game, send me a pm with rough numbers. I'll send you the date and details when I know more. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Robert James

      Robert James

      I can start a new thread in forum meets and events? 

    3. proffrink


      That works too, but it's unlocked and split now if you'd prefer that. Up to you.

    4. Robert James
  18. Damn auto correct... Grey... Chuck in Greg as well screw it
  19. Oof originally I wanted Greg but I'm kinda feeling the white... Decisions
  20. Thought I'd pop it in here







    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Aengus


      Probably because you’re ducked 😂. If it still doesn’t go far enough back with that off you have no chance 

    3. Robert James

      Robert James

      Yea thats fine, ive ordered an offset rail to mount it on, or ill try a riser. If not, it'll go onto my main 


    4. Robert James

      Robert James

      So my small torch fits this pistol nicely, the torch above doesn't fit with the riser BUT fits on the offset rails but I'm not sure I like the look of it 

  21. Take the plate out? It wont be able to clamp onto my gun then
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