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Robert James

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Robert James last won the day on May 18 2020

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    TM MP7 TM VSR10 G&G GTP-9
  • Loadouts
    Greg "budget" CTFSO
  • Sites
    The Mall, The Gaol
  • Gender
  • Location
    North London

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  1. My 4th (ever) painted WH40K model. I'm really happy with the progress I'm making between the 4 I've painted 🎨 20240526_002705.thumb.jpg.fbc12e3a182c61cd54d5a7cf02000db9.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Robert James

      Robert James

      @gavinkempsellMiniatures or just Warhammer? Honestly, I didn't think I'd get in to it. There are some really cool miniatures available, particularly now with 3d printing. It took me about 6 hours to complete

    3. gavinkempsell


      Anything that small painted by hand, I never had the patience to paint my airfix models... even before carpal tunnel set in.


      Had a great collection of grey, fawn & blue models as a kid.

    4. Robert James

      Robert James

      Yeah that's understandable. I actually fond it really relaxing. There are some very big models that require less detail 

  2. A printer? Wife won't let me have one of them. Ive got airsoft, pc gaming, lego and warhammer to hobby with. A printer will just be a death sentence for me. I'd have too much to print.
  3. Not the straightest cuts and it's only wave foam as a temporary until I get a proper case with shadow foam. But....
  4. I'm so jealous of all of you with printers. 🙃
  5. Joined the list for stock notifications from landwarriorairsoft and finally got some mags for the vector. Still available if anyone needs 

  6. Ahhh loctite... hate it. Cannot remove my flash protector 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JinxDuh


      The blowtorch/heatgun is good, but can also melt pot metal. It's how I got my dummy suppressor to only unscrew at one end 😳

    3. gavinkempsell


      use a hairdrier... not too hot but hot enough.

    4. Robert James
  7. Vector came today, can't find mags anywhere 😅

  8. Can't lie, saw my posts, thought it was me 😅, however I kept reading
  9. Only person I remember arguing with everyone was "Duff" but unsure if it was him arguing. Exactly my thoughts
  10. I honestly thought it had a good reputation (the site), this thread seems to be telling me otherwise.
  11. Yes on Facebook it was asked, it didn't get answered. As I said, everyone started arguing about GDPR and radio frequencies. However it appears the post about the Tesco cosplay has been deleted off of their feed
  12. I'm not being negative about it, just don't really see a point. As I've said, I've never seen an "altercation" between marshalls and players, you have. Maybe it's needed maybe its not... nothing to do with professionalism though, if they started filming players etc id suspect a complaint about them may take a while to settle if people are asking for the footage to be sent to them etc. Plus they'll have a headache if they "lose" footage or capture something inappropriate, just for the sake of what? A jumped up airsoft nugget who doesn't accept his/her gun doesn't shoot as far as the person next to him. Again, I dont disagree with your points, particularly around safety, but I just don't see a point in having them.
  13. I dont see how this makes it more professional. Just looks like tesco security cosplay
  14. Quote 1: I've never played there but I thought it had a good reputation, but I agree it does seem odd Quote 2: exactly my thoughts...
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