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FB-63 last won the day on August 23 2016

FB-63 had the most liked content!

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  • Guns
    Too many to mention but mostly GBBRs.....HK's, AK's, L119's, and more!
  • Loadouts
    UKSF and Rhodesian
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  1. This is a Paul Evers Rig, made specifically for the SAS/14 Int in Northern Ireland..... I actually bought this from an operator. There is a similar one made by Price Western Leather that is often mistaken for this one. If he had one identical to this he was either ex-Regiment/14 Int or it is probably a clone. Cheers.... they're a lot of fun!
  2. My Marui M4 M203 project is coming along at a nice pace! Once it's all done I think a camo paint job will be in order! Correct Shade of DE now on Launcher handguard, short rail fitted for PEQ-15, and M203 Flip-Sight added ​[....now also fitted back-up Trijicon Mini-sight to ACOG. ​AN-PEQ-15 fits perfectly on side of MOE Handguard with shorty rail .....and press switch attached with velcro to left side works a treat! Now just to have the barrel of the M4 shortened to have flash-hider 5mm in front of M203 Front Mount, for Knights Armament QD Silencer (also remove another 20mm from Launcher barrel) Love a bit of a project. Internal mods coming on as well!
  3. Marui M4A1 MWS with M203 (KA Type111 Quadrant sight kit with Shield Optics). BOOM by TAG Innovations, BRRRRT by Tokyo Marui!
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