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Everything posted by L3wisD

  1. The towel on the chair, covonia cough medicine and multiple air fresheners are fantastic finishing touches I feel.
  2. I'm with Trigger on this one. I did have a status on here a few days ago where I shared my disagreement of naming guns after watching this review (I deleted the status after realising that quite a few of you probably have named guns, or find naming guns important...) I watched about 30 second of it before seeing the description: "Stryker reviewing his Nuprol Delta Sopmod A.K.A Sophia" The man's pseudonym was bad enough but the "AKA Sophia" bit made me want to stop the video immediately. I see it daily on the airsoft subreddit "here's my first airsoft gun - TM P226. What should i name her?" I'm also the same, cynical and grumpy bastard when it comes to naming Cars, motorcycles, guitars etc. They are things, not people. Grumble grumble, moan moan etc...
  3. Is anyone else playing the Mall on Thursday night?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. L3wisD


      Well, if I see you there I'll come and say hello!

    3. Hypermonkey


      I'll be in the Umbrella loadout with the Zombie hand on the back.....and a purple butt-plug for a mele weapon :wacko:


    4. L3wisD


      ......:huh: I'll be sure to keep an eye out!

      I've got a yellow Smiley face on the front of my vest as well as this patch on the front. 



  4. ACEtech AT1000 Tracer Unit x1 BAW .25g Tracer rounds x2 bags of 4000. Ready for the mall on Thursday the 16th!
  5. That's my Specna Arms SA-B12.Now with torch mount: I've upgraded the barrel and hop unit on it as the standard hop chamber was awful. Now it shoots really well and I'm very happy with it.
  6. Forecast is unrelenting rain from 10am for Dorking today. I knew I should've bought those tactical armbands! Wish me luck!

  7. My M203 came today - gun weighs a tonne now. I'll have Arnie biceps within a month!
  8. Got my first M203 for woodland games. But MOSCART shells.. any brands to avoid. Or are they all much of the same?

  9. See, I think the Venom muzzle flash generator looks pretty cool. But it's for this reason I'd never buy one because it's literally a flashing "I'M HERE! KILL ME!" Sign
  10. Does anyone have anywhere to go to test fire their rifles before a game day? I've bunged a load of upgrades into my main gun, but I have to wait until I next play to see how the thing even shoots before thinking of tweaking it!

    1. Albiscuit


      Local store? I know mine has a tech, a chrono and a space to fire...

      Its worth asking!!


    2. Roundel91


      I use my loft of all places lol

  11. CZ 75 SP-01. Should be here tomorrow. Excited and nervous about holding it for the first time in case it doesn't feel comfortable. Never held a CZ pistol before, but I love the look of it.
  12. Mornin' I'm ordering a Prometheus EG 6.03 Barrel and purple rubber. Should I stick with the normal nub that's in my ProWin hop unit, or get one of the Prometheus bridge tensioners? http://eagle6.co.uk/shop/catalog/product/view/id/527/s/laylax-prometheus-bridged-hop-nub-soft-blue-hard-black/
  13. Having my first game at The Mall on the 8th. Any tips? Any particular areas to watch for?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. ImTriggerHappy


      Could of been worse you could of been one of the unlucky ones the terminator was chasing. Knowing the layout does make it much better to play but I do miss the thrill of getting lost in there sometimes. Not sure if I came across you much in game because most people look the same in there.

    3. L3wisD


      Only in the very last game, I recall.


      I was gearing up to tag you in Peacocks but someone on my team got you before I did. :)


      Sorry our meeting was brief, I'll keep an eye out for you next time we come down.

    4. Albiscuit


      Tense terminator games are great, the more people with flashing red go pro lights on their head the better too, so many times people are running away from "the Terminator" only to actually run into the real one cos they were running away from a reflection or a go pro light hahah


      I will hopefully make it down early Feb now!!

  14. Love a good classic M16. Back in the day my TM M16A2 was great. As was my brothers TM M16A1. Both were very plasticky and creaky mind you. And the A2 suffered from barrel wobble something terrible. Might have to get another What are WE AEGs like? I was under the impression that their AEGs weren't great?
  15. Anyone played at First & Only's "The Base" in swindon? Thinking of going sunday...

  16. ZeroOne have G&G CM16s going for £90 at the moment - they're converted from GBB to AEG. Good price for anyone looking for a Backup/Loan Rifle?

    1. L3wisD
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Good spot - but BB boxes can be more prone to cracking when pushed. Not a bad deal though - would of been better to just flog them @ £80 and saved the work

  17. The slide release on my new WE Glock 19 is REALLY stiff and slow. I don't remember my old KJ works G19 being this bad. Hoping it'll be ok after a few mags at EAG Dorking tomorrow.

    1. SeniorSpaz87


      Rack it. A lot. Just let it loosen up a bit.

  18. Aye! Reddit fame at last! The fit is spot on too. Very happy.
  19. Said forum member in need here, well chuffed with these! Just hope I don't lose them as fast as the originals! Definitely recommend Samurai's printing skills!
  20. WE Glock 19 Nuprol 4.0 gas Olive green "Kombat Tactical Delta" gloves. Always loved Glocks so exited to try this at Dorking on Sunday. Also, it's Glocktober! Immediately regret getting the gloves. Very cheap feeling once you're wearing them. Should've spent more on a set of mechanix.
  21. Christ on a bike he's asking alot. I could buy three high end rifles for that!
  22. Probably not a big deal to some, but last night I stripped my AEG and changed the spring. To a complete DIY idiot, this was a huge win for me! (Let's hope it still works on Sunday - Going to EAG Dorking again if anyone else is going?)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      How does it shoot - dunno haven't been able to cock the f*cker yet: sniper-600fps-600x361.jpg?x11261

    3. Governor


      @Duck, when I had my 550fps spring installed I was the only chap in my group able to quickly and nearly effortlessly cock it. Everyone else massively struggled with it :D

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      I will not say "if your right arm is much stronger than your left arm" or "you will go blind etc..." - nope not saying any of that mainly coz I'm short sighted btw

  23. Just ordered this Specna Arms SA-B12 from Geartech Custom Paint: I've been eyeing up Specna Arms M4s for absolutely ages, and when I saw Chris had them going for a very good price, I just couldn't say no anymore. Looking forward to getting my grips on it - though of course I now need to buy crane stock batteries and Keymod accessories which the missus doesn't understand. Birds eh?
  24. Unfortunately, you're about to discover that this pretend soldier malarkey of ours is somewhat of an addiction. Bet you're already looking at your next gun! Have fun and mind your eyes.
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