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Profile Information

  • Guns
    ARES Honey Badger
    Stark Arms G17
    TM VSR G-Spec
    TM L96 AWS
  • Sites
    West Midlands (Stratford-upon-Avon)
    COMS 3 (Banbury)
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Airsoft, Martial Arts, Rugby & Cars

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  1. Classic Army M14 Unfortunately it comes without a mag, and little did I know the CA mags are quite difficult to find! Now just waiting for Mr Post Man to deliver tomorrow!
  2. Yeah, original plan was for the Honey Badger and G17 and then VSR later down the line. But a week after getting the order of shiny new parts, a TM VSR G-spec came up for sale second hand 2miles from my work at a VERY good price, so I could not really say no. At least now my weapon side of kit is sorted for the time being. Only mods now. trying to stay away from big £ mods for a few months.
  3. Ares Honey Badger Stark Arms G17 with Maple Leaf TBB Red / green dot sight for honey badger TM VSR G-Spec
  4. Thanks for all the info. Will be visiting Zero one hopefully in April so will have a good look around and get an idea of what sits best. As an engineer and petrol head, I don't mind getting my hands dirty and replace / upgrade internals if needed. I would almost be more inclined to buy a cheaper base model and spend extra on upgraded mods and have a better RIF, than just spending the same amount on a more expensive out the box solution. In my eyes, the upgrades, builds etc is half the fun! From whats stated above, seems I will keep my eyes out on either TM or Krytac for the AEG and then TM for piston. Got some gloves and eye protection sorted, now to decide if I get some DPM's from fleabay, or just ware my black combats. Also any recommendations on lower face protection to go well with the ESS V12 goggles? Finally, anyone else going to Com's 3 site on 13th March?
  5. Guess thats the real question. I am happy to spend more to get a decent gun that will last and offer good upgrade options. Maybe £400ish (But again, if I can get a much better model for little more, id rather buy once and get quality than buy cheaper and find I need to sell and buy something else 6 - 12months later.) If I have not got the budget at time of buying, I will wait a month and save a bit more until I can afford. But now I have 2-3months to save. Also some recommendation for side arms. From what iv seen, they seem to be around the £100mark. Whats the census on best options regarding spring, gas, etc..
  6. Thanks for the info, and yeah the site I will be playing at on the13th March is Com's3 near banbury. To start my research off, can anyone recommend a decent brand / RIF that I can look at. I'd like the look and modular build of the M4's and SCAR-H. So either of those or something similar. Any advice / feedback is much appreciated.
  7. As a new member on here, there is some useful information in this thread. First game is on 13th March. Full hire is £25 (Inc 3K bb's), weapon only hire is £15 (No bb's) Was going to buy a 2-tone, but rather save the money and use site gear until I can get enough together for a decent RIF.
  8. Yeah iv seen and heard some horror stories with mesh. (Can just be low quality ones?) After reading some reviews, I decided to order some ESS Advancer V-12 goggles. Not got anything for lower face yet.
  9. New player, just read. Very useful. Even if just to get an idea of reputable manufacturing names.
  10. Thanks for the info. Will keep my eyes open. Ordered a few bits of kit ready for my game on the 13th. Little added bonus I found out was that Zero One airsoft in Poole is about 5min walk from girlfriends parents house, so a nice easy escape location for me whenever we go visiting.
  11. Afternoon All, New to Airsoft (As a hobby) and hope to have my first Skirmish mid March at a site near Banbury (Coms 3). Iv done a few paintball sessions and been airsoft before with some mates. After (Probably years) of wanting to get more involved, iv decided now is as good a time as any. As mentioned, got my first game lined up and hope to get some gear together before then (Face protection, gloves etc..) and then a RIF once I get the UKARA sorted. I live just outside of Stratford-upon-Avon and from a quick google search, there seem to be 2 main sites local to me without heading into / north of Birmingham. The Grange and RIFT. Any other good ones I should give a try??? I would appreciate any advice people have on good quality face protection, gloves and other gear to buy. I'v seen plenty of variant of face protection from just glasses to mesh style glasses and full face protection. Obviously each has its own pro's and con's, but again personal feedback would be appreciated on what works best. (Probably opting towards glasses and lower face protection). Is there a general consensus if glasses + Lower face protection is better worse than a single piece half face mask? Looking forward to meeting people in the future at Skirmish events. Werner
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