Thanks for all the info.
Will be visiting Zero one hopefully in April so will have a good look around and get an idea of what sits best.
As an engineer and petrol head, I don't mind getting my hands dirty and replace / upgrade internals if needed. I would almost be more inclined to buy a cheaper base model and spend extra on upgraded mods and have a better RIF, than just spending the same amount on a more expensive out the box solution.
In my eyes, the upgrades, builds etc is half the fun!
From whats stated above, seems I will keep my eyes out on either TM or Krytac for the AEG and then TM for piston.
Got some gloves and eye protection sorted, now to decide if I get some DPM's from fleabay, or just ware my black combats. Also any recommendations on lower face protection to go well with the ESS V12 goggles?
Finally, anyone else going to Com's 3 site on 13th March?