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Profile Information

  • Guns
    ICS L85A2 (Current In-Theatre Spec)
    Ares Vz.58 Sporter Compact
    KSC/KWA Glock 19
  • Loadouts
    Contractor (OD)
    British Army Light Role Infantry (MTP)
  • Sites
    Billericay Skirmish
  • Gender
  • Location
    Chelmsford (England)

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  1. The awkward moment you realise your 'CQB' set up is actually longer. I know i can remove the silencer... but it looks cool! Lol
  2. Just bought Hef Legends Ares VZ. 58 Sporter Compact and all the lovely accessorys. Pictures to follow.
  3. So, the lesser half and i were in Currys the other day and were looking at GoPro's. "We should get one to make a video of our honeymoon" she said... (save the sniggering, shes talking about the scuba/free diving) "Great idea, lets get one now" i said, (i had already had this idea, but in preperation for married life i willingly accepted it being her idea for the greater good... 'the greater good'.) Once i had convinced her that we didnt need the Hero that was on sale for £94 and that we actually needed the Hero 4 for significantly more, i then came up with some lame excuses about why i needed the headband mount, "because swimming with a selfie stick would be too awkward", when the real reason was because my intentions for this purchase where 90% airsoft related and 10% honeymoon related. I waited until after we had returned home and i had destroyed the packaging and began fiddling to say, "oooo i know, i could take this airsofting with me to test it out, i could even start making videos of it to put on my youtube..." She still hasnt twigged. #winning
  4. MK2DEATHS old L85 with a new G&G Elcan Spectre DR. I'm looking to get a doctor sight for it, some mid cap mags and remove the paint job.
  5. MK2DEATHS old L85 with a new G&G Elcan Spectre DR. I'm looking to get a doctor sight for it, some mid cap mags and remove the paint job.
  6. P_Siddy

    KWA Glock 19

    Yes his videos are definatlely useful. The step by step guide was here: http://www.airsoftforum.com/board/topic/187947-how-to-upgrade-your-kwaksc-glock/ Putting silicone or tape on it isnt mentioned there. So what does it achieve? Im going to do a couple of runs through of a magazine later and make sure theres no feeding issues. How would i notice if the hammer spring needs upgrading too? Im still a bit apprehensive about fitting the barrel, even though it seems relitvely simple as i dont want to fuck it up lol. Would that tape just cover the same area hes put the gel stuff? Thanks
  7. P_Siddy

    KWA Glock 19

    So I have another question if anyone is willing to assist. I wanted to start experimenting with upgrading my stuff and decided to start small as to not get carried away. ​I purchased a Guarder Recoil Spring Guide set and replaced that, and I must say the kick and cycle rate is noticeably quicker. I also purchased a madbull 6.03 tightbore barrel for it, however have not fitted it yet due to one reason... In that video, he uses silicone gel to create a seal around the barrel and clasp its held in and the piece behind the barrel (excuse the noobness). However in a written, step by step guide I found there is no mention of adding any silicone gel to anywhere... is this just a personal preference thing? what does it achieve? and mostly, should I be doing that too? Thanks in advance,
  8. Anyone heard of this place? http://www.univairsoft.com/en/glock/654-magazine-base-plate-ksc-asg-glock-19.html looking at ordering a base plate for one of my mags

  9. Ed, this and your ICS review are some of the best written on the Internet. If you haven't already you should definately write to some retailers and offer your services as a reviewer. I'm looking at potentially getting an L85 for my next purchase (along with G36 series and SA VZ 58) and was leaning towards the ICS L85 because of your review and the fact I am part of a Mil-Sim group on Arma 3. I never originally considered gas due to concerns of how much the gas would cost. But from reading the above I'm some what eased on that concern but that leads me to another question. I am not as technically minded as some, as such I tend not to 'tinker' and would not be hugely confident with repairing stuff myself. With this in mind, what is easier to repair when they go wrong, AEGs or GBBR? I thought before reading/watching both reviews that this would obviously be the AEGs however the components seem alot more complex, fragile and 'finicky' with alot more components that could go wrong whereas from your take down of the WE they look a lot more straight forward.
  10. Interesting... whereabouts in Essex?
  11. All, I was wondering if any of you have seen the below for sale on any site in the UK? http://www.aresairsoft.com/as36_gearbox_frontpage.html ​ I'm after the K variant but I've googled around and can only find the G36c with the EFCS. I've seen lots of Ares AS36Ks but they don't have the EFCS. Any ideas?
  12. So... i just watched dead pool and (for a laugh) i may do a deadpool loadout... now where do i find me some deagles and katanas

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SeniorSpaz87
    3. jcheeseright


      Just get one with a plastic body instead then? It'd shoot like sh*t with a metal kit anyway.

    4. P_Siddy


      Yeah I may do. I want to get either a VZ58 or G36 next anyhow.

  13. what sort of price would be reasonable for a pair of Revision Bullet Ant goggles in good condition?

  14. I've bought a lot of my stuff from PB. Really impressed with how quickly stuff gets delivered by the way. But yes im looking at sewing this into a shemagh. Im going to try to get on with a face mask once more. If it find it uncomfortable i'll be making another purchase from PB.
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