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Everything posted by BlackDragon

  1. Just bagged this Warrior PC on eBay for £70, happy puppy i am.
  2. Its something i will be looking into as i have other firearms to bring home as well, thanks for the concern guys. This is home at the moment @1 o'clock of centre pic and top of my drive being out of shot at the bottom of the pic so plenty of places to run around un-disturbed.
  3. Living in Ireland at the moment and will be moving home to the UK fingers crossed some time this year.
  4. I will be an Airsofter after i play my first game!
  5. Took a chance as its only £160 and bought an Ares Amoeba AM-013, fingers crossed it holds together okay!
  6. Hi guys and gals, My name is Pete, on the forums i usually answer to Poacher but that one is already taken here so BlackDragon it is! I'm 43 years old and currently live in Kerry, Ireland. Originally from Littlehampton in W.Sussex and moved over here 7 years ago but am now looking to move back to the UK as i need a job and there is none here! Looking forward to some CQB and some FIBUA as really enjoyed that in the PWRR for the short spell i was in there and hope to meet with as many of you happy people as i can when i come home.
  7. Yes, messaged him. No pressure, dont want to hassle the guy!
  8. Yep, already signed up to your page thanks and loving it! Just thought Josh looks like he doesn't go on FB much.
  9. Do you know if Josh makes them to order and can he be contacted via FB?
  10. Thats a fantastic collection, well done!
  11. Got to ask, whats the name of those face shields on the fast helmets? Anyone know please?
  12. Some nice looking cut down NI gloves as well or am i mistaken?
  13. Its surprising how a stationary coloured object is not noticed as quickly as a camouflaged moving object is a woodland environment. Dont worry about what you wear, plenty of time for that when you get bitten by the bug, just have fun!
  14. But, for £160 the AM-013 is not a bad RIF!
  15. I just bought the AM-013 'not the Honey Badger' and for less than £160 you cant go wrong i think. Bear in mind it is based on a real weapon not a COD gun. Agree to the Marmite comments and Skoda, Ares have changed and they just need people to stop dwelling on the past and look to the future, they have adapted so why cant everyone else?
  16. http://merlinsairsoftnews.com/?p=3338 There's some more on it.
  17. Do you know when this will happen? The pages i'm on are still up and running at the moment.
  18. Bargain indeed. Found these. http://www.securityprousa.com/fast-ballistic-helmet.html
  19. After a lot of research, seriously, a lot, i found and bought this one. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/161618558452?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT So glad as it is a real solid comfortable helmet. Sooo happy with it and only took 7 working days to get here!
  20. Fond memories having to do PT with them on. Most work i ever put mine through was CS gas, nothing too bad at all but hurts without the S10 on though, felt like someone just reached down your throat and ripped your lungs out while pouring chilli sauce in your eyes. Happy days.
  21. Now thats how to do it! How did you get on routing the wire from one side to the other?
  22. Something i want to do as well. Here is a vid i found on the tube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NObvWSbbXoU
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