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Everything posted by Druid799

  1. Hate to tell you this mate but you forgot to put the front end back on before you took the picture ? 😁
  2. Its because the thread is 100% synthetic so won’t take up the dye , it’s manufactured from polymers in the colours needed .👍
  3. Similar event for me , got one of the briefcase sized divided boxes to put all my hundreds of dremel bits’n’bobs in spent a good few hrs transferring from half a dozen different packs and kits and what not so there all neatly sectioned off by use and then couple o wks ago I decided to balance it in the corner of the breakfast bar while I did a piddly little job and promptly knocked it off and there’s Dremel shit everywhere ! So yes I am a knobhead ! 🤦‍♂️
  4. Funnily enough Specna are the actual OEM for Arthurian airsoft ! They build them to AA specs , bit like the deal TaiwanGun have with Cyma , different gearbox parts , different inner barrels Etc .
  5. Ahh didn’t know there sticking mosfets in them now as well(mines 3yr old?) won’t deny its heavy but it does feel bombproof, I’m pretty confident that if I go arse over tip I’ll break before it does ! 🤣
  6. If you’ve got the beer tokens I’d get the Mordred , I’ve actually got one and it’s hands down one the best feeling AEG’s I’ve ever owned absolutely love it . I know it hasn’t got a mosfet like the other one and it’s the most expensive but with me it’s the ‘feel and curb appeal’ that matters the most , if I like a gun I know I’ll play better with it . Classic example the EVO a lot of players recon it’s the best gun going basically for every style of play , me ? I just don’t like the look of it bloody hate them and would never own one because of this . Add bonus the Mordred’s got excellent performance as well ! 😁👍 this is my one .
  7. Very true but certainly not 30squid a pop ! 😳
  8. Freely admit even after 20+yrs playing I’m still an absolute mong when it comes to the tech work( I know what I need to do , I know how to do it , I can even talk you through it effectively , but the second my cursed fingers even touch ANYTHING let alone try and do the tech work it all goes horribly Pete Tong and is FUBAR’ed beyond belief !😳🤦‍♂️) so bar changing hop’s I leave mine stock and touch wood haven’t been unhappy with the performance of any I've bought the past few years .👍
  9. Not to the normal scale of dumbshitery but still worth a chortle , an ammo tin for £30 that you can get on fleabay from £15 ?!?!?! 😳
  10. I’ve a few JG guns and I’ve always been of the opinion there punching well above there weight for the price(I’ve even still got a JG AUG that I bought from ROSV well before all the UKARA shenanigans started and that’s still running ok !) I did have the JG recoil SA58 and that had a very satisfactorily clunk when fired , yes was a bit slower rate of fire with the ‘recoil’ on than not but still fired fast enough to hit the other player , do you ‘really need’ a gazillion rps ?
  11. Now THAT is a perdy gun !😍 And you know with my twisted sense of humour I’d do it ! 😈
  12. I’m lucky my home site does allow them . 👍 upset the milsim’ers ? Even more of a reason to have one ! 😈🤣😈🤣😈🤣
  13. Not a particularly epic make just a small alteration to make a rig more useful to me . I’m not a great user of pistols always carry one but vary rarely extra mags so the ones you often find on rigs aren’t much use to me . Bought a mini rig of @lucaslu1709on theses very forums (cheers bud👍) which had two pistol mag pouches on the front , so split the two centre seams on the elastic , stripped the webbing panels off the front of the pouches then stitched two sections of elastic to make one single and used the shock cord from the top of the pistol pouches to make the bottom retainer . Simples !
  14. Famous last words ! 🤦‍♂️🤣🤣🤣 with coloured kit try washing it inside out and at a lower temp , will help the colour last longer 👍
  15. Oooohhh ! I’m liking that !😍 Can I have the one with all the colours around it ? Will go absolutely spiffing with my Bizon ! 😇
  16. And because who ever has changed the inner hasn’t shortened it so you can’t actually run it with out the bloody suppressor on it ! As to the ‘custom paint job’ was it done by a professional painter(can’t see Geartech mentioned any where) ? Where the paints individually Mixed just for him ? Think it’s safe to say as if ! so no it’s not a ‘custom paint job’ All he’s done is just lay a scrim net on it and given it a couple of squirts with a rattle can ! 🤦‍♂️
  17. As far as I can remember back in the dim distant past Sir is pretty much spot on with his assumption 👍 you can’t really successfully dye synthetic fibers , you can certainly stain them (we all know that curry stain that never came out of your rugby jersey !🤬)but you won’t get a uniform colour on synthetics . Main reason for fading after dyeing is most use cold water dyes and not fixing the dye properly , for best results you really need to use hot water ones and fix them exactly as the instructions say too . As to which to use me personally I’d always go for synthetic dyes . 😉
  18. Doesn’t have to be black mind could use any dark colour you wanted a deep navy would look good , once did a set of desert in a really dark purple for the misses that turned out rather funky .👍😁
  19. You won’t get a blue even vaguely like the navy vegatato I’m afraid to say , the base colour On the woodland is darker than the base on the Naval . It will come out a strange green colour due to the Woodland colours on your trousers . Worked a couple of yrs in a printing business so I lived colour overlaying bloody day in day out ! 🤦‍♂️😖
  20. Dried peas also work really well in the moscarts that you Just fill up and seal the end . 😈 Or so I’ve been told ‘allegedly’ 😇
  21. Had a really good chat with a firearms officer a while ago(I was sorting his shredded arm after a raid) and we were discussing shoot don’t shoot scenarios then , his take was as a British policeman his core ideal is to save life not take it and living in a society that is so against guns so they really are not the norm , no matter how much you train with them there’s still very few officers who don’t have that split second even micro split second hesitation before they pull the trigger , hence when there where all those raids on suspected terrorist sites a few yrs ago and there was thought to be a real risk of suicide bombers it was predominantly SF leading the breaching teams , No hesitation . Which I freely admit I’m more than happy having a police force the still sees firearms as a necessary evil and NOT something encouraged to be carried every day .
  22. Do agree with you on this . Comes down to making your own educated decision in the end , same as you do wether to wear mesh goggles or not ? What are the chances of a BB hitting the mesh shattering and penetrating your eye ? and equally what are the chances of a BB hitting the lens at the right point that it’ll break through and still have enough energy to damage your eye ? All the eye injuries I’ve ever seen or heard off have been the result of either the glasses slipping down or the player lifting there glasses for what ever reason in game , now not saying it won’t or hasn’t happened but me personally I’ve never actually seen or heard of an injury through the eye pro failing like this , I have seen a pair of normal glasses inside a pair of fan goggles shatter because the player took a full auto blast to the face from less than 10ft and the goggles flexed against the glasses shattering the one lens and the shards of glass ended up in the eye(luckily no permanent damage done because I was able to get the player NOT to rub his eye) Equally your asking for trouble if you wear £2.99 goggles from B&M’s or Poundland but I think you can make an educated choice to trust the ‘named’ Chinese brands like Emerson , FMA , etc they’ve got way too much invested in the sport to risk there standing and as a result there profits being trashed ?
  23. Wasn’t having a pop at you or anything like that , only reason I ask is over the 20+ yrs of playing I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen someone asking “what does everyone think of this idea ?” and “I’m starting my own business selling XYZ !” So the guys on hear try to help out AND it then turns out the OP is a 14yr old kid in his parents basement talking Bollox . and the other question is due to having a bit of experience with making custom kit and the customer being at the other end of the country so all communication is via Email , it’s a f**king nightmare !
  24. Serious question To OP , what experience have you in manufacturing or production ? plus how old are you ?
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