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Everything posted by MILITATED

  1. Anyone know of a 8.4v NiMH battery that can fit a standard M4 buffer tube and is fairly inexpensive?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      8.4v nimah's go in AK dust cover or hammered in a mp5k, some are bloody tight fit in Galaxy mp5k.

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Forget hpa tank on ya back. Ibjust strap a car battery on my back instead and hose away until gun breaks (15 mins usually)



      LOL well I just need to put it in a SOCOM stock for the M4 :) Gotta test the gun. Think the battery I saw was 10cm in length, 2cm wide and 1.3cm high, which will fit :)

  2. Ah G&P do spare switches for majority of their lights apart from the one I actually need! Soldering iron for 2 quid? Bit sceptical, gotta say...
  3. I no longer own a soldering iron D: it has disappeared
  4. Silicone oil spray or just silicone oil in a bottle?

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      oil in a bottle would probably work out cheaper....

      just a smidge on a rag wiped over any areas makes it slippery like oil on black ice.

      if used on barrel use very very very little squeezed out almost dry and keep well away from bucking. awsome to polish cylindersoak o-ring etc... - just no good on buckings



      Great :) the gun is definitely overdue for some maintainence!

  5. Hephaestus and Angry Gun do some pretty good ones. They're in stock on Mil Spec Solutions. I will be ordering one for my Vector in a minute, actually! I happen to have a 335mm suppressor laying around so I may as well put it to use Here is a metal adapter if that is what you're in to http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Matrix-Solid-Billet-Airsoft-Adapter-16-mm-to-14-mm-CCW-/121707301318?hash=item1c565209c6 I ordered the metal one linked above, expected delivery Friday (wow...). Don't want to risk it with plastic threads if I am honest - the metal one is cheaper all together anyway.
  6. I live very close to Highgate My local airsoft shop is ProAirsoftSupplies - About 20 minutes out from me. Just went on the website for Pax airguns and apparently they do refills! Airsoft shop and a shop for refills on the same road Brilliant!
  7. The wire of my G&P T1 tac light for my Vector has come out of its pressure switch after it got caught on something. Can I buy a replacement tail cap and pressure switch? It is a 0.75 inch tail cap. Thanks! Image for reference http://imgur.com/dePcf1M
  8. Pretty soon I will have a HPA drum mag for a Kriss Vector running off a 48ci/3000psi tank. Where can I get them refilled when the time comes? I've heard about scuba diving shops, and the nearest one is about an hour from me. I am in North London. Are there any other places that can fill them? Thanks
  9. After seeing a Facebook page get happy over a 70mph Nerf gun, I decided to convert my fps into mph, turned out to be around 240mph! Didn't expect that

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      Never really thought of it in MPH, but that is bloody fast

    3. Hudson


      For about the first foot or so, and then it slows down massively... ;)

    4. GiantKiwi


      KWA/PTS Masada stock, is 313MPH, with npas is set to 228MPH :P

  10. Of course a bloody BB rebounds and hits my TV... Well, that isn't usable any more

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    2. Avionyx


      Ouch! sorry to hear that man-

      Reminds me of this:



      It was a 34" Bush one so not too big of a loss, but still a pain in the ass. Happy I didn't shoot the 50" one in the living room though! That would have put me in a very bad situation. Tell you what though, those TM glocks sure do make a dramatic impact!


      Ah yes, that is the video that popped into my mind instantly and I must say, I felt like a right bellend. On the bright side, it was time for a new TV sometime soon for my room anyway! On the not so bright...



      ...side, I'm broke! Damn it. Well lads, let this be a lesson to not be a bellend and underestimate the bouncing capabilities of a BB from a ridiculous angle.

  11. Anyone recommend a set of iron sights (rail mounted)? Not looking to break the bank though!

  12. Didn't take a screenshot but I wish I did! There was someone on Facebook wanting to trade a highly custom TM G17 for another gun, and a guy in the comments offered a £20 flip knife. He'd only just joined the group and whatnot, but I gotta say, it was fairly funny to see.
  13. Is there a reason why I am always seeing people selling L85s? Not that I'd ever ( EVER) want one, but there seems to be a lot of them being sold. Any particular reasons?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more


      The look of that gun has never really appealed to me to be honest! What is the heaviest point of it?

    3. BBrotherwood


      For the same reason lots of people sell M4s. Lots of people buy an L85 and suffer from ooh shiney syndrome and go for something else later on. Its a popular replica so your naturally going to see it for sell more.

    4. Avionyx


      I think it's something that suits a particular style of play/player.


      The weight and firing position of the gun don't suit everyone and I think people don't always take that into consideration before buying.


      I personally find M4's very uncomfortable to use yet my G&G L85 just seems to fit well.


      I suspect for those people that are used to using an M4 or similar type of stance they may find the L85 strange and as such it could negatively af...

  14. Does anyone have a Glock hammer? The one in mine has broken and I desperately need one! Thanks



      Needs to be Marui compatible by the way

  15. I have been treating myself lately! Bought a KWA Kriss Vector with 3 mags, a Madbull SOCOM stock and a 335mm suppressor! I plan to get the suppressor with the integrated inner barrel to put on my Vector (heard the FPS shoots up! Makes the gun fire hot though so not for skirmishes). But yeah!
  16. Picked up my Vector with 3 mags! Incredibly happy :D Great piece of kit.

  17. Buying a Vector tomorrow from a guy that happens to live on the same (long) road as me! Sounds like it needs a bit of attention, but it'll be fine. Very happy

    1. Show previous comments  6 more


      Might be able to get the other mags. Someone offered on my TM G18C but I have to wait until the morning to talk to him about it. If it sells, then I will have the Vector and a few mags! Also a LaRue 12" M4 rail maybe

    3. b1n0gHo5t


      well best of luck with it all if i ever get round to passing bike test i may get round to buying mp7 or ump 45 gbb XD



      If I didn't get a Vector, I'd definitely have went for the MP7. I just like SMGs that look completely different with an extended mag (such as the Vector/MP7)

  18. Anyone interested in a M2000 RDS + 3x magnifier (both from airsoftworld) for £55? Need money ASAP! M2000 alone as £45 new

  19. It seems that after you enlighten people to the average sale price of a gun (when they're trying to get twice as much), they tend to act extra childish. Who is going to pay £160 for the cheapest combat machine with barely anything else with it?

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      Those Facebook groups... Full of a special breed, I'll tell you that much

    3. GingerBreadMan


      Put it in macs airsoft dreamers thread so we can all have a good laugh



      He removed the post after acting all childish unfortunately

  20. Nearly sold my M4 in the quest for a Vector! That was close. Glad that desire is over

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      Or whenever it comes out

    3. b1n0gHo5t


      you want the vector in the AEG form hmm dunno how i feel about that one



      Will see how it plays out, if it isn't so good, then I will turn to KWA

  21. Anyone fancy getting me a KWA Kriss Vector?

  22. Okay wait why do you have 7 of the same gun? Always wanted to use a FireHawk. I'd assume they're quite easy to hold (maybe even dual wield the buggers!). Where do you keep them?
  23. Perfect time to share with us what you have in your collection!
  24. Exactly I don't have the money to keep them, so when I see something, I will sell it and buy the one I wanted. As I said though, I've reached what I want so I am pretty happy. Only thing I want now is a Vector, but I won't be selling my guns this time!
  25. Well, I share the obsession, but I've bought and then sold them *up until now*. I've finally got two guns which I am very, very happy with (primary and a secondary). Actually, more like 2 and a half guns... I keep buying parts so I will soon have 2 M4s, unintentionally. One thing I do notice though is that any money I get is gone in an instant! Always buying things for the guns. But at least I've stopped buying/selling them (I must have had about 7 last month)
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