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Head Moderator
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  1. Haha
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Tackle for a status update, Whack a mole   
    Whack a mole

  2. Like
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Emergencychimps for a status update, Whack a mole   
    Whack a mole

  3. Sad
    Jedi_Master reacted to Shamal for a status update, Just a message to say that I will be stepping down from the forum. On the 13th I lost   
    Just a message to say that I will be stepping down from the forum.
    On the 13th I lost my wife and best friend.
    Thank you all for listening to my silly comments and crap jokes over the years. Life seems to have lost its humour for me.
    Fire off a few for me and remember, call your hits 👍
  4. Thanks
    Jedi_Master reacted to airsoftworld for a status update, ATTENTION ALL G&G LEVAR OWNERS! THERE IS AN ISSUE WITH YOUR RIFLE. It has come to   
    ATTENTION ALL G&G LEVAR OWNERS! THERE IS AN ISSUE WITH YOUR RIFLE.   It has come to our attention that there is a serious design flaw in the G&G LevAR rifles - both sizes. The pistol grip is breaking and disconnecting the gas line that travels from the gas tank within the pistol grip and into the main receiver. If gassed and under pressure, this can happen with an explosive release of the pressure, so please DO NOT use or mess about with your rifle.   We were notified two days ago of a customers rifle 'exploding' as it was lifted from its box immediately after delivery. As we have not yet received that rifle back, we were not sure what had caused this failure and were hoping that it had been damaged in transit by the delivery courier. Around 5 mins ago, we've had two customers at the same airsoft site with the exact same failure. First use of the rifle and they both failed after a small impact. All three of these were the LONG 15" version but the grip is the same on the shorter 7" and although the shorty doesn't have the associated weight and leveraged forces of having the full stock and longer top receiver, there is still a risk of the same thing happening if you impact it hard enough.   One rifle was propped on its stock and slid sideways, landing flat on the ground. The other was accidentally dropped to the ground from waist height whilst standing in the safe zone. Both pistol grips shattered and instantly released the gas as the line connection disconnected.   Please bear with us as we are not open again until Tuesday (we have always been shut on Mondays) and we will contact YOU. So please do not start sending us emails, texts and everything else you want to throw at us, including the LevAR's We cannot get hold of G&G until Monday, and although I'm fairly sure they must already know about this failure we need to discuss a solution in order to resolve this quickly.   PLEASE PASS THIS ON
  5. Like
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Galvatron for a status update, Thank you for spam reports. You only need to report each spammer once.   
    Thank you for spam reports. You only need to report each spammer once.
  6. Thanks
    Jedi_Master reacted to Enid_Puceflange for a status update, Expilon sent me a dm when I was looking for a part sending me a sellers email address   
    Expilon sent me a dm when I was looking for a part
    sending me a sellers email address. Tread carefully
  7. Thanks
    Jedi_Master reacted to BYRNEMORGAN52 for a status update, Do not trust this guy. Uses altered images. Then blocks you as soon as payment is sen   
    Do not trust this guy. Uses altered images. Then blocks you as soon as payment is sent. Hopefully g&s will get me the money back
    Sadly Scot is a real person who has been victim of identity fraud. If anyone has any contact with this account please inform me so i can pass info on to the real scot
    UPDATE: got the money back from paypal thank fully minus the paypal fee
  8. Thanks
    Jedi_Master reacted to DanBow for a status update, Just reported a load of spam adverts, how do you report the actual account?   
    Just reported a load of spam adverts, how do you report the actual account?
  9. Sad
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Rogerborg for a status update, Looks like another mass spam attack from china again   
    Looks like another mass spam attack from china again
  10. Thanks
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Rogerborg for a status update, Trader Feedback is only meant for actual sales. Do not leave feedback if you did not   
    Trader Feedback is only meant for actual sales. Do not leave feedback if you did not buy (pay for) an item or sell (receive money for) an item.
  11. Haha
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Shamal for a status update, Classifieds are only for airsoft guns, parts, and kit. No consoles, tattoo sets, pets   
    Classifieds are only for airsoft guns, parts, and kit. No consoles, tattoo sets, pets, or wives
  12. Haha
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Gepard for a status update, Classifieds are only for airsoft guns, parts, and kit. No consoles, tattoo sets, pets   
    Classifieds are only for airsoft guns, parts, and kit. No consoles, tattoo sets, pets, or wives
  13. Haha
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from novioman for a status update, Classifieds are only for airsoft guns, parts, and kit. No consoles, tattoo sets, pets   
    Classifieds are only for airsoft guns, parts, and kit. No consoles, tattoo sets, pets, or wives
  14. Haha
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from MILITATED for a status update, If adding your username and date, then it only counts if on a piece of paper or card   
    If adding your username and date, then it only counts if on a piece of paper or card next to the item in the photo. A photoshop image added to a photo is not proof and does not look genuine.
  15. Like
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Impulse for a status update, Create a Wanted advert if looking for an item, do not post adverts outside of the Cla   
    Create a Wanted advert if looking for an item, do not post adverts outside of the Classifieds.
  16. Thanks
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Rogerborg for a status update, Please do not create duplicate topics. It just wastes Mods time to delete them.   
    Please do not create duplicate topics. It just wastes Mods time to delete them.
  17. Thanks
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Floperator for a status update, Keep sending the reports of spam   
    Keep sending the reports of spam
  18. Thanks
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Rogerborg for a status update, Keep sending the reports of spam   
    Keep sending the reports of spam
  19. Thanks
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Rogerborg for a status update, Gel blasters are NOT airsoft guns. Adverts for them will be removed.   
    Gel blasters are NOT airsoft guns. Adverts for them will be removed.
  20. Thanks
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Rogerborg for a status update, Please read the forum and Classifieds rules, then create a Wanted advert in the Class   
    Please read the forum and Classifieds rules, then create a Wanted advert in the Classifieds section
  21. Like
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from sonofsammo for a status update, If selling a gun, make an advert in the Classifieds. And re-read the rules.   
    If selling a gun, make an advert in the Classifieds. And re-read the rules.
  22. Like
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from zwez for a status update, Keep those spam reports coming.   
    Keep those spam reports coming.
  23. Like
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from sonofsammo for a status update, Please report new members messaging about a "friend / relative" with a gun for you. S   
    Please report new members messaging about a "friend / relative" with a gun for you. Stop the scammers.
  24. Thanks
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Rogerborg for a status update, Please report new members messaging about a "friend / relative" with a gun for you. S   
    Please report new members messaging about a "friend / relative" with a gun for you. Stop the scammers.
  25. Like
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Nick G for a status update, Please try and keep politics off the forum. Especially when not airsoft related   
    Please try and keep politics off the forum. Especially when not airsoft related
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