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Everything posted by Jedi_Master

  1. I can recommend the TM Mk23, it is an excellent pistol, very quiet and gas efficient being non-blowback. It is large though, so limits the number of available holsters. I love playing a game with just this pistol and a few spare mags. This link makes a good read http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/20481-who-makes-the-best-mk23-socom-pistol/?hl=mk23
  2. Even worse if they follow UN rules of engagement and can only return fire once fired upon. They could just camp out around the safe zone or set up a checkpoint and then surrender when challenged.
  3. Why spoil a good story for the lack of fact?
  4. Just need to wait for the next UK Tactical discount on Warrior kit. They have just had one for 20% off. Their holster is quite good, I bought one in a sale before getting a pistol, unfortunately it is too small for a Mk23.
  5. Magazine changes are no more difficult with a bullpup rifle, it is just a matter of getting used to them. If the RAF can be taught to use the L85 then anyone can; an AR15 style gun may be simpler because it was designed for Americans
  6. But how long does it have to be in order to get classed as necroposting. I think of some being more like resuscitation or awakening from a coma.
  7. Some banks will issue a debit card to a child 11 to 16 year old. Retailers really need to tighten up or there will be more children running around with two tone guns that they should not be allowed to legally buy.
  8. welcome Have a read of this post from another Lanc player http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/29438-new-and-wanting-advice/?hl=lancashire
  9. No, stand behind a group of the other team, shoot the Terminator, and leg it
  10. It is the player behind the trigger that kicks ass
  11. First thread I came accross that may help http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/29013-kydex-holster-made-in-the-eu-free-shipping-to-uk/?hl=kydex I have a viper adjustable holster for my Mk23, only just works with the pistol torch attached.
  12. I know, I use larger players in front as padding because it saves me wearing too much
  13. Lowa are a decent brand, I have had them in the past. They are gore-tex. UK Tactical have 10% off until midnight tonight. 5.11 make some good kit, no idea on their footwear. I noted that the boots had two drain holes (like jungle boots) which will let water in and out again. Less ideal for winter. Of the two I would get the Lowa ones.
  14. Welcome Read all the pinned posts, lots of information, and use the search tool. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/12854-new-player-guides-info/ No, do not waste money buying two-tone. Hire guns for your three games to get site membership, then just buy a RIF. A valid defence can be achieved in 2 months, which gives you time to reseach, ask questions, change your mind, research more, and then hopefully get a decent gun that suits your budget and needs. You do not need to be on the UKARA register to buy a RIF. Here is a link to FAQ on UKARA http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/1254-popular-ukara-questions/
  15. What no torso protection? But man, the welts, the welts, those terrible welts! I counted 20+ last time I played there.
  16. Bing, no, it is a mechanism for Big Brother Microsoft to spy on us and track our every online click and thoughts, even if not thinking or awake. It is all part of Skynet, and you know how that turns out.
  17. Yep, my mate Bill told me about this new electonic net thing that if you need to look up something and the library is closed you can still find stuff. Bill knows how to use Google search. Bill is smart, I want to be like Bill.
  18. And some of us did not get out for a Sunday game today.
  19. Hey you cannot use the N word, it is perjorative to people that can spell and use punctuation correctly I forgot to multi quote
  20. Hey you cannot use the N word, it is perjorative to people that can spell and use punctuation correctly
  21. Jedi_Master

    UKARA Question

    A sense of deja vu http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/27802-rif-loopholes/
  22. Now I am going to have nightmares just thinking about armed gimps running amok around The Mall, much more scary than zombies especially in the basement (or should that be dungeon?).
  23. The straight line works but the counties make it a little clearer to define, for example, East Anglia is definately South whereas Lincolnshire is North.
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