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Jedi_Master last won the day on November 29 2024

Jedi_Master had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Guns
    TM HK416D, TM M4 Sopmod, TM SGR-12, TM Mk23 Socom, Armorer Works M712 DL-44
  • Loadouts
    British DPM 'Cold War warrior', Grey urban kit
  • Sites
    UCAP Bunker, The Mall. Also played at: UCAP GreenOps, UCAP Sandpit, Longmoor, Tuddenham, Copthorne
  • Gender
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  1. Yes, then the Mods can take action
  2. You are a user not a customer. There is no service department on this free website .
  3. Jedi_Master


    reply to this question. check for any attachments before hitting send.
  4. 8. Heckler & Koch, if twins (after favorite manufacturer) 9. Arc'teryx Leaf (after favorite clothing) - Christian and middle names for a boy, or just Leaf if it is a girl
  5. One rule for everyone, no exceptions. A member who only comes on the forum to sell stuff should not be given preference over a member who actually engages with the forum but sells infrequently. Single tier, simple.
  6. Any advert posted after 01 Dec will need to follow new rule. So if you re-post a current (expired) advert, you will need to include a new photo with username and date. Adverts will not be automatically removed on 01 December. Any current adverts that cross into December are fine, as they will expire within 7 days of the rule change. Wanted adverts are not sales/swap so do not count. However, anyone should do due diligence if responding to an offer from their Wanted ad or being randomly solicited.
  7. Jedi_Master

    KWA Eve 4

    Moved. @FinnC Best to add some photos to your post, so members can see the items and give a more accurate appraisal.
  8. Due to the increase in scammers, and to add better protection for buyers, any sale or swap advert in the Classifieds must include one photo with your AFUK username and a date. Effective from 01 December 2024. Below is the updated rule 5: All sales and swaps advertisements must have a picture, all pictures must be taken by the seller. Do not use a retailers pictures - take your own. There must be at least one photo with a piece of paper showing your AFUK forum name and date next to the item(s) for sale/swap (this updated rule is effective from 01/12/2024). Do not use Photoshop or other editing software to include your username and date, this is what scammers do and will result in adverts being deleted from the Classifieds. Using photos with different usernames from other forums, and links to other forum photos, is no longer acceptable.
  9. If I remember correctly, the forum restricted max number of adverts to 10 per member (all types - sales, swaps, wanted). This was to stop retailers, those members who are serious collectors acting like a retailer, and spam. A normal airsofter would not need to have more than 10 adverts active, likely only having a couple of adverts per week. Each advert lasts 7 days, you can see how long it has been running, if all 10 slots are used you have to wait for one to expire before you can create a new one replacing it. There is no need for a timer, the adverts already have one which shows how many days and hours it has left to run. The "group" part does seem superfluous.
  10. You need to include a price for this gun, as per Classifieds rules. Just asking for offers is not acceptable.
  11. Former two toned guns should definitely be mentioned in the advert. Easy enough to change an advert title to include two tone when an IF; I do change adverts titles to include two tone when an obvious IF but much harder to spot (and police) one that has had the bright paint stripped or painted over. At one point had considered whether it was worth creating a whole new sub-forum category in the Classifieds for Two-Tone (IF) guns, to separate them out from genuine RIFs.
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