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Jedi_Master last won the day on August 28 2022

Jedi_Master had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Guns
    TM HK416D, TM M4 Sopmod, TM SGR-12, TM Mk23 Socom, Armorer Works M712 DL-44
  • Loadouts
    British DPM 'Cold War warrior', Grey urban kit
  • Sites
    UCAP Bunker, The Mall. Also played at: UCAP GreenOps, UCAP Sandpit, Longmoor, Tuddenham, Copthorne
  • Gender
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  1. Former two toned guns should definitely be mentioned in the advert. Easy enough to change an advert title to include two tone when an IF; I do change adverts titles to include two tone when an obvious IF but much harder to spot (and police) one that has had the bright paint stripped or painted over. At one point had considered whether it was worth creating a whole new sub-forum category in the Classifieds for Two-Tone (IF) guns, to separate them out from genuine RIFs.
  2. Keep the boxes. Much better to have the original box to go with the gun.
  3. Sounds like you would like a project Jez. Become a Mod and you can set up the new topics and move all the posts from gun picture topic into the new ones .
  4. You own or work for axxxx. I have removed your advert. Maybe just be genuine and let members know this is a business you are involved in, and not acting as if a random member of public giving a recommendation
  5. This forum is for Airsofters not shops, the Classifieds are for second hand sales. The forum rules do allow for a retailer to create one topic in the Places to Buy section, using their shop name as a title, with a link to their website and a description about why players might wish to do business with them. They are encouraged to engage with members and answer any questions that might be posted in their shop topic. If a shop topic is full of copy and pasted marketing spiel it will get no replies (before it's deleted). It is possible that a shop owner/worker could also an airsofter and wants to sell their personal items. However, any advert they create in the Classifieds needs to make sure that it does not have shop related images and retail style text (or lift from a retail website) because if in doubt the Mods will treat an advert as if it is from the retailer and not an individual.
  6. If reporting an advert has false information, it would help the Mods to tell us what you think is wrong

  7. Moved to Wanted section and changed to correct advert type
  8. Today I watched an old man feeding the birds in the park. He was dead.
  9. Advert moved to correct section and advert type to Wanted
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