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Everything posted by Sacarathe

  1. Back from the Mall in record time. :D

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Albiscuit


      It was my battery :(

      I know hypermonkey, seen him there once or twice now as I know the zombie hand... Are you the same guy who dressed up on the halloween game (he also had a KSG)

    3. Hypermonkey


      Yep, that's me as well. So many alter-egos it's hard to keep count. The zombie piggyback costume was fun as my stride was limited to 1 1/2ft per step so stairs, escalators and moving in general was quite difficult, but fun.

    4. Sacarathe


      Well you know me too then. :) Aor2 guy

  2. Bought my first hi-cap.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jedi_Master


      I like ankle support, so Roman style sandals would work better than flip-flops. Still suffer childhood trauma from when flip's Y strap snapped and I was only left wearing flop, a long walk home.

    3. Cheeserush


      That does sound like a very traumatic experience, roman style sandals it is!

  3. I find the <£20 red/green dots work really well.
  4. 9000 Baster 0.3g BBs, annoyingly I forgot to buy another speedloader.
  5. 1, 2, 3 Cheap Cm16 Raider two tone there. Also, while limited stock, their polarstar stuff is very cheap too. http://gunfire.pl/firm-eng-1476888682-PolarStar-Airsoft.html, and Krytac Mk1 £270. Soo tempted to pick up another G&G M4.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sacarathe


      That so, well call me unhappy to make that mistake! :P Seems, non of the I5 have clear lens by default though?

    3. Jedi_Master


      Now that is an issue, I chose my i4 because it came with a clear lens. Then purchased a spare tinted lens for outside. I suppose you could buy a clear lens at same time as getting i5 but that will increase overall spend.

    4. Sacarathe


      I4 lens is fully compatible with i5.

  6. Why does the only difference between the Dye I4 masks have to be colour and whether or not they've got a restricted use lens.

    1. Jedi_Master


      Airsofters cannot cope with too much choice. One size fits all, so only need to choose the colour of mask and if you want clear or tinted lens. Simples. What I find amazing is the price difference between colours.

    2. Sacarathe


      Aye, the most unpopular choice is £70, the most dull (with clear lens) £85, the best imo £105, and the most expensive £125 - and all functionally identical.

    3. Jedi_Master


      Car manufacturers do the same, basic paint colour for free and then extra charges for better/more interesting colour schemes.

  7. For my helmet. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/282183340400?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&var=581184288478&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  8. Doiiiit, if you mean landwarrior, they currently have a 10%discount code floating around for the next 4 days.
  9. Anyone know what regulation is being referred to at the bottom of this page? http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft-m4-m15-m16-variants/mk-ii-trident-spr-black.htm#.WBJ58MkbiVM

    1. Albiscuit


      This gun is designed to meet government regulations with an output limit under 1.1 Joules. Please use a 9.6v NiMh or 7.4 LiPo for optimal performance.


      Not sure TBH, im not up on the laws etc is this even a thing??


    2. Samwise


      It's probably just copy/pasted from the Krytac description, which is probably an American mis-interpretation of the UK law.


      To be fair, it's really not that clear to a lot of natives, let alone our brothers over the pond :P


      I suppose it could also be to meet the NI laws, though their limit is 1J not 1.1J

  10. Doesn't help when people can't produce the original parts either - who would buy from someone that changes a part in something and loses the original piece.
  11. Careful, you'll put all the other airsoft stores out of [2tone] business with that slogan.
  12. I nearly bought one a while back, but my youtube due diligence left me disillusioned by the tight spread reports. Albeit realistic spread, but at airsoft ranges one would hope for some kind of kickback to compensate for the various disadvantages. I evny owners, but there's still the Milkor MGL style options.
  13. Be sure to feedback on the spread, I considered buying one but all the reports indicate the spread is far to low for firing 12 BBs. I was hoping for 1-2m spread at 15m to 20m range.
  14. C'mon, be reasonable, for some people mid caps are a major overhaul.
  15. I don't see a sniper, does anyone else? /me summons proffrink
  16. TIL, My two broken TM G17 magazines only needed a tighening of the only screw to fix them both into working order, shame one is lacking a baseplace (and I'd already repalced them with 4x WE months ago), now I have 6 G17 mags.

    1. proffrink


      Blue/tool strength threadlock :)

  17. Is a 'tape switch/pressure switch' for a flashlight still able to be described as such if you can feel a row of microswitches and feel them clicking, and more importantly resisting pressure from your fingers? I had to press till I could feel pain in my finger tips to set it off, so I sent it back as there was no chance of using it delicately with my palm or w/e on a foregrip.
  18. Is there a version with the whole head for a smaller gun?
  19. I couldn't say tbf. I believe the effect of undervoluming is that after the compressed air has all expanded if the BB has not left the barrel the air behind the BB cannot expand further and there is a minor vacum as a result. In a WBB more air can escape ahead of the BB than normal, and with heaiver BBs accellerating slower there is more time for more air to escape ahead, in theory exaccerbating this. Call me a sceptic as to whether the relevant values are high enough to make a measurable difference though. Its easy to test, as you said, get another shorter barrel with the same bore and try chronoing the different weights.
  20. Well [of joule creep], it's only an issue for people wot don't know about it, no? What you're describing with the WBB sounds like undervoluming?
  21. How do you know what size scope rings to get?
  22. One is green, the other is not, I guess no one wants a tan one, can't recall a tan one in the franchise.
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