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Everything posted by Sacarathe

  1. How many monitors do you use?
  2. I7 eh, can't imagine what you'll be using that for.
  3. Hope you're planning to play star citizen with that!
  4. I'm sorry. When you used me in comparison with Jedi_Master it really bugged me because I too had tried the 'patient way'. I never thought for a second the entire thread was about my vocalisation, but at that point I couldn't understand why you had chosen to [indirectly] compare us in that way. I honestly don't feel that I've ever "complained" in public. I certainly haven't behaved well in this thread though.
  5. Yes, I inserted the "away" into my thoughts based on the way the title is written, if you'd not been away surely it would have been "What's with the revolution!" instead of "what is with this revolution?!" Nope. You've been very specific. And, until you were, I held off making [regrettable] directed discourse.
  6. Democracy is ebil! Presumption is good. Its the reason I respect the way you put your ideas forward so much, because you're mature and patient. How patient does one have to be exactly?
  7. Describe it in google and then reverse image search it.
  8. DEETS! Give us the deets!
  9. Containing only a whistle and a piece of paper "blow in emergency"?
  10. Why do Devil Blasters cost more than Regular Blasters of the same weight?
  11. You can't honestly think the other topics you started are acceptable, clearly you've not read the rules, Rule 4. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/30416-new-classic-army-km10-black/#entry235586 http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/30415-new-ares-m4a1-tan/#entry235585 http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/30414-new-ares-tar21-black/#entry235584 http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/30322-second-hand-gbb-mp9-tan/#entry234782 - still not acceptable.
  12. I would hope all airsoft sites have ironclad directions to give to emergency services.
  13. Indeed. Guess they had stopped paying at some point. But who could have deleted them?
  14. I must sound like a broken record here, lol. But are you sure you cant?
  15. Factually incorrect, the disease that caused the black death still exists outside a laboratory.
  16. If we encourage people to break the law, defence or not, we encourage the law to take a closer look at the sport, at a time when a relevant Bill is in parliament is a poor time to go telling people these things. Yes, UKARA is an expected [effective] defence and yes being an 'airsoft player' should be a sufficient [defence/reasonable excuse] to manufacture a realistic IF, but neither you nor I are qualified to say that it will be. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules Read this. Technically[actually] having a belief that you have an applicable defence does not make illegal conduct legal, thus you're breaking the forum rules by categorically stating what the police will [in your opinion] do, in relation to an offence you're suggesting to be meaningless. Many of us comment that being an airsofter should theoretically be [enough of a defence], but UKARA saved the sport, don't be the one to encourage the first airsofter to try the law in court and lose.
  17. Think I broke my report post button. :S
  18. L2Read. Tell us more about yourself, whats your favourite colour, are you a girl, what's your favourite TV show, what star sign are you, where are you from, is god real, favourite music, favourite food, favourite sport, favourite book, how tall are you, do you like to run or camp.... Can't just make recommendations without knowing a little about you; jeez! I'd suggest increasing your budget by £30.
  19. Law abiding citizens won't have a problem with others circumventing those laws(?)... to merit quicker gains. I call BS!
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