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Posts posted by MxHaze

  1. Just get a combat machine and have a hassle free day. My first gun was bought from the worse website going (it had bb in the name) it cost a fortune and was drastically disadvantaged at my first three shoots. I plunged shed loads of money into it to try and get it on par but it was a waste of time and effort, staring with a shite base means you have to change loads. Get a good starter and you won't have to do much.

    A g&g cm with a new hop bucking and nub, or even a flat hop, will give you a very competitive rifle for less than £150.

    There's nothing better than taking guys with ££££ worth of kit will your relatively cheap rifle

  2. Believe it or not, there are people who can hit with the first shot. The trick is to not to shoot until you know you can hit. These people did spent hours on a range, setting the hopup, the optics, finding the best BB weight and brand, fine-tuning the gun, and learning what their gun can do. Then spent many many games learning to stalk, to use cover, to learn how to out think the opponent, fine-tuning the gear every single game and reading about it between games

    Yeah I know there's a few these guys at every skirmish, they're the ones that don't call their hits because they're too operator to be hosed down by a CM series.


    you can practice your stalking skills all day long bro, your million pound rifle still fires a 6mm plastic pellet that weighs less than half a gram, and WILL be affected by the wind. and like I said, there's 'the fish was THIS!! big' guys at every skirmish so I've heard all the bullshit claims before, "I get 3-4mm grouping at 1000 yards"

  3. As for the ol' "just shoot what you can hit" argument.... Well sometimes it's more fun to just spray the shit out of the other team, even if you used 450 beebs for one hit if you're lucky lol.


    plus how many "well placed, accurate single shots" do you fire before you've ajusted for, wind, trees, twigs, movement, bb inconsistencies, dickhead Marshall standing in the way before you get that hit.


    Took me 50 adjustment shots, but I got him in one shot! Lol....


    Unless you're running something with crazy rof you're going to be getting at the very least least 4 seconds of full auto out of most mid-caps, 1-2 seconds would be low-caps on a high rof...


    Sure high caps give you the benefit of having lots of ammo in fewer magazines, they also make you sound like a pair of maracas when running and require you to fumble around spinning a little wheel every few seconds.


    So yeah, it's not just about looking 'operator', some of us don't like sounding ridiculous on the move ;)

    Agree with literally everything you're saying there, and I do have 10 of the G&G 79 mags. but it's worth noting that a midcap could be as low as 50 and 25rps is not uncommon so a full auto burst won't last long although my original 1-2 seconds claim was abit of an over statement but you know what I mean. as for the rattle of high caps, when theyre in pouch they'd be wound so not much rattle if any is heard, you'd only get a rattle when you're half way through you're loaded mag and sprinting about. plus running a speed loader and bottle beebs kinda against the point of having rattle-less midcaps imho.

    Like I say each to their own but I know personally, towards the afternoon on a skirmish, that ten mag plate carrier, goggles and helmet are going in the car, and out comes a two high cap belt set up and glasses. which I always seem to have more fun with, it's just more practical for your needs.

  5. It's text on the internet. Being sarcastic or facetious is rarely obvious, let alone painfully.


    What about if you copy word for word exactly what they said but changed one word to something stupid? like the word "site" to "country"

    Although I agree with what with you, in this instance, no.

  6. 1 word: midcaps

    Not really that practical for airsoft unless you're going for generic operator look or doing Milsims. If you select full auto and pull the trigger, you'll need to reload in approximately 1 to 2 seconds.

    each to their own, but personally I can't be bothered with a 10 and 1 loadout, when you can have a 2 and 1 with way more ammo and less weight for the sake of "look how operator I am guys, see.... no winder!"

  7. Since when are paintball rules dictated by the country you're in?


    You stated that you're categorically not allowed headshots in paintball. Tad simply said that's not true and that some sites allow it. Even if some countries don't allow it (and I'd be surprised if there was a law in any country saying headshots don't count as kills in paintball) that just proves Tad's point that some sites do allow it and some don't.

    Blahahaha are you for real dude?


    I don't know whats worse, the fact that it wasn't painfully obvious to you that I was being facetious, or the irony that you posted that in thread titled "best and worst quotes" LOL!


    *awaits the "I knew you were taking the piss, so was I" response*

  8. I'm not 18... I'll just get gifted the gun. But what colour would the gun come in?

    Black and either bright orange, blue or green. I.E two tone. my first gun was blue and black. you can't buy your own all black (non two tone, real imitation firearm) gun, until you're 18 and have your own ukara number, as already mentioned.

  9. I'm just saying the term DMR, is a bit lose regarding airsoft for the above reasons.


    And to be honest you don't seem stupid, you probably already know whT you're going to do.


    But the premise is simple, polarstar powered rifle, 400fps and locked. Job done


    Just make sure you get vn mags and at least a x4 scope so no one mistakes you for someone who isn't totally awesome.

  10. Ah dude this is awesome, the support guy looks better than the assault guy imo tho. You need to get a 45deg offset molle plate so you can angle your back pack. you've even got the bolt cutters! love it. my m4 is an exact copy of the bf4 m4 with the standard silencer vert grip and red laser with the Chinese 4 scope (jmg x4 or something or other) even bought ranger plates for my mids and wrote the same numbers on the stock as the game haha.

  11. I'm not saying anyone's wrong but this guy is about to do the exact same thing i did when I got my raider and it cost me a load of time and return postage. I was just trying to help. But if it really a lottery when it comes to feeding then he may as well start with the cheapest box set. which is the airsoft systems one, but for me they were horrendous.



    I might get a few different mags to test what works, no point throwing £50 at a bunch if mags to find out they won't work 100%.


    In answer to your question mate, the best place to buy anything is anywhere that has it in stock and accepts PayPal. Usually ebay. PayPal is the best thing ever if you're buying, and your worse nightmare if you're selling.

  12. There's four of us um-ing and ah-ing it, we are all in Medway, so it's a mission of a drive but might be worth it if the other three can be convinced. trouble is we've been airsofting for about 2 years but we've only done about 6 skirmishes in that time so we're just not that hardcore to travel that far and we all have wives, kids, work commitments etc


    But I'd really like to go

  13. I find It highly implausible that I could be 'misinformed' about something that's happening several inches from my eye ball. But perhaps they're in reality, not feeding, but for some weird reason the mags were all empty when I released them, and it looks as if I'm firing some kind of white pellet and the other team were calling hits, which again it's really weird because someone told you G&G mags don't work in G&G guns so by that logic I'm, again I quote 'misinformed' about what's happening with my gun. Just out of curiosity who's misinforming me? The magazines themselves?

  14. One thing that annoys me is talking through a briefing cause then you get players asking what we have to do

    My local site is terrible for this, they do h&s briefing but then hand out game objectives on paper, which no one ever reads. 1. 2. 3. Go! ...... What we doing?


    One thing I hate as well is randoms on my team giving me orders when I've already got my own thing going on with my friends.


    Im almost certain someone on here said the G&G Mid cap M4 mags are not ideal in a Combat Raider... Was just passing on what I have read as I posted a topic on Mags for a Raider when I first got mine as my brothers M4 mags did not fit in MY M4...


    So your actually right, not all M4 mags fits in all M4s... Well done Sherlock!!

    oh so your source was something you think you might remember that someone may have said. Nice. That's correct Sherlock, you can get some proper cheap shit mags for m4s that don't work in m4s, like asg mags

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