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Posts posted by MxHaze

  1. Also might be worth noting that if you haven't actually chrono'd your gun and are just taking the manufacturers word for it, your rifle could be +/- 340 by a long way (not over 340 by much but it could be under by a lot)

  2. I don't think there are any airsoft stores that don't accept PayPal.


    Thinking about it, other than ammo at a skirmish. Every airsoft penny I've ever spent has been through paypal.


    Ebays rif rules are not governed by payment method, selling paypal won't change ebays rules at all. hopefully you can sell stuff on eBay now without the buyer just claiming it never arrived and getting their money back and keeping your stuff.

  3. Hi mate I've got the same gun.


    First off if your playing in the dark, obviously a light will make a difference, if your playing indoors it may help but it's probably more for show and outside you'll never "need" one.


    As for the mags, let me save you time and money. BUY G&G MAGS. I've bought box sets of every budget mag out there from asg/ares to the really cheap airsoft systems ones, and in a word, they're all shit.

    The AS barely fed at all and would be an absolute joke at a skirmish. ASGs were better but still had feeding issues every ten rounds or so. dboys were ok but I couldn't find box sets and were more or less the Same price as g&g. just get g&g mags from land warrior, I believe they're the cheapest. At £38 for 5 midcap Pmags or £50 for metal ones.

  4. I've bought a lipo 3 battery charger that says its a balance charger, but only one lead from the lipo plugs into it, surely this means it's not balancing the cells right?


    Also I've got a cheap rc lipo charger which has two ports, I guess for a balanced charge? And one lead from the lipo fits but it's got crocodile clip connectors, rather than a female tamiya. if I cut off the clips and stuck on a female tamiya, is there any reason why it wouldn't work?



  5. Not a quote but did have an hilarious Eastern European guy square up to me a few Sunday's back. was having a boring game, there wasn't a lot of the other team about so I flanked round really wide and came up on there spawn from behind to find about 10 of them camped out shooting from cover. so I jumped out the bushes and sprinted towards them spraying full auto from the hip screaming God is great and a bag a few of them but they realise what's happening and pop me. The guy who got me comes running up at me gets right in my face and starts shouting "you cannot get us in the spawn you asshole" I laughed and said "but you're shooting from your spawn" he replies in a heavy borat accent, "yes but I am sniper" I just walked away, you can't argue with that.

  6. The marshals will allocate you a team on arrival :)


    but if you want a squad within your team just get some radios, doesn't matter if your kit and patches don't match just say your UKSF and its job done.


    Then just hope no one asks what channel your on, or you'll have to explain why some random can't join your chat haha. "Eerrrr well it's squad chat only mate sorry"

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