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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. It was a joke if I offended you that wasn't the intent but seriously lighten up. Not interested in getting in a keyboard warrior argument.
  2. That sounds like the same excuse every single guy uses when they cant get a woman.
  3. Mate thats just called a wife/girlfriend its the price everyman pays for getting laid regularly.
  4. Just introducing my 5 yr old to Star wars. perfect Friday night.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Esoterick
    3. ImTriggerHappy


      Yeah starting with lV but I will get him to watch the others they are not as bad as some people make out.

      Im hoping the new one is decent too thats why I am getting my boy to watch them so I can take him to the cinema for the new one.

    4. Sacarathe


      I don't think there's anything wrong with episodes 1-3, I just think that the original trilogy is better - and the material in episode 3 is a bit 12A, more than the others. Plus I think Alec Guinness performance is better the less you know.

  5. Doesnt matter whether its retailer or wholesaler really just price. Both stores I mentioned usually have pretty decent stuff at a good price and are always running special offers which quite often makes them cheaper than anywhere else.
  6. Airsoftclub and Tiger111 are probably two of the best HK stores.
  7. All thats great info but the problem he has is hop related which is a lonex one so it should mate with the nozzle fine. The bit hes sanding is the rhop patch because its low on the right side.
  8. Barrel length isnt an issue its the same length as my sig. Tightbore doesnt help with accuracy best size to go for would be 6.05 or 6.08. You have too much pressure on the right side of your hop which is why its curving right. Your fps is fine for cqb even outdoors isnt an issue. I use a firefly bucking and prommy or firefly flat nub with a PDI 6.05 in my sig it works a treat.
  9. Said it before rhop is overated. Seeing as you already have a shaved prommy purple you could try using a prommy briged nub with it. Hop up units dont change much unless the original was really bad or damaged. Madbull barrels are quite often worse than stock. Its frustrating I have been there what are you trying to improve mainly accuracy or range?
  10. Looks ok in black the tan one looks awful though.
  11. Have you erected a correct ballistics proof barricade and have a medic on standby? Are you using a piece of string to pull the trigger just incase? 😂
  12. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithium_polymer_battery Bit of info for you. You need to relax its a battery not a bomb and lipos are more common than most people think I have a 24v one I took out of a leaf blower they are everywhere.
  13. Yeah it does phones use lithium ion batteries the chemistry of your phone battery is the same as your lipo.
  14. Nah its awesome when my new one turns up will lend you the other one. Once you get used to the ammo counter and easy programmable burst fire theres no going back.
  15. The B&T ones are a cheaper tracer but they are pretty good. The main ones to avoid are the Madbull and G&G tracer units two of the most expensive but also two of the worst. Marui ones the best stand alone tracer but double the price of the B&T.
  16. Thats what I was thinking. After looking round your average safe zone I am surprised so many airsofters have a woman.
  17. G&G's are good beginners guns because they are cheap and pretty simple. Nothing else is special certainly dont have magic internals (thats TM) its all pot metal and cheese alloy. Better than most chinese guns but not great.
  18. I actually cant stand Apocalypse Now.Cant see why everyone loves it so much.
  19. B*llocks to that its the only time I get away from the nagging. God knows what the fallout would be if I shot her.Best thing about airsoft is that you can go alone and get some me time.
  20. My missus doesnt mind me playing just hates it when I am covered in welts and bruises. Which is why I am banned from playing until after the family holiday.
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