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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Have you ever actually been to skirmish?The most irresponsible players are usually late 20s to early 30s going through there I wish I was rambo phase. They are closely followed by the mid life life crisis group who are having one last stab at trying to be young. The youngsters are usually the best behaved. Anyway as Kurtz said above the whole topics a bust as not once is airsoft or airsoft weapons mentioned in the document.
  2. Nobody off here then for spokesperson but plenty of takers for the mongs. 😂
  3. Couple of problems with that. Most sites dont make huge profits. Quite a few people running them do it as a hobby and dont make much if anything out of it and still have to hold down a 9 to 5.A lot of players are students who struggle to afford to play regularly let alone pay a registration fee. It would definitely help to have a more organised voice but once you start saying about people paying for it someone else whether it is the government or a private company is going to start saying how can they make money off it. Then it will get more and more expensive. Needs something but dont think the solution is going to be a simple one.
  4. Yep niche markets do represent big profits but for a small amount of people. I agree with a lot of what your saying we do have a problem with people not wanting to get off their arses. But we have created a system that means a hard working man is quite often no better off than a dole scrounger. Cost of living has gone up far faster than wages. I have always worked (in engineering) and always will but I can also see why some people struggle for incentive. Too much wealth in too few pockets and very few of those pockets are on the hard working everyday man. I am a firm believer that the guy picking up the litter is worth far more than the accountant signing his checks.
  5. Anyway back onto topic. I am sure at some point there will be more rules on owning rifs. A government database of registered players or even a licence. Or to put it another way a stealth tax.
  6. Some businesses will still grow and best of luck to your family business. But the companies you mentioned are high end products which the UK has always been good at, but they are niche markets who employ a relatively small amount of people. General engineering and production has died down a lot. Some of the companies who survived the last couple of recessions can still report an ok turnover and a small amount of growth but it's not enough to really look to the future. The north has taken a kicking, the Midlands hasn't faired to well either and now the south is struggling. Britain has always been a country reliant on its industry and that is failing.Even our own armed forces and police are procuring more and more gear from abroad. Biggest name in British defence technologies is probably Lockheed and they are American. New nuclear power station is being propped by the chinese. Most of the shops you walk into the fittings are made abroad and so are the goods on them. Anybody who doesnt see the decline is lucky enough to stuck in a little oasis bubble or just blind to the real world. Lots of new offices going up to provide admin for companies who make all their goods somewhere else. But not a lot else.
  7. Big problem is small to medium businesses are still getting stuffed and cant compete with the foreign market. Its not just China and other far east countries either Poland,Romania,Czech Republic just too name a few undercut our manufacturing prices hugely. Until wages and the cost of living are leveled out across Europe then the whole union thing is crap. Uk businesses still cant compete and the EU just treats us like piggy bank. The UK is on a slippery slope and its not getting any better.
  8. Are you serious?If some poor sod falls over or runs into something and damages the gun you expect them to pay for it. Get insurance or just swallow the damages. Stupid rule that will.put off new players. I really hope if you dont amend that policy your game falls flat.
  9. Anybody on here playing this? I need a couple of people to help out in the raids.
  10. That is a bit of a get a life wake up call.Time to quit the forum I think. Bye everyone all the best for the future.
  11. Split gearbox doesnt make any difference to modifying selector plate. If it has to be a physical disconnection of full auto as BrightCandle says then modifying the selector plate is the best option. Its a 5 minute job to put an unmolested one back in afterwards.
  12. Think its a she with a name like Tia but could be wrong. Nope read the original post the op wants to be able to return to full auto after the skirmish. Personally I would just fit a programmable fet so it shoots single shot even in auto.
  13. Send RockclimbyDave a PM he works for Patrolbase. Will say though, that gun looks awful with the M4 stock.
  14. Thats a bit personal isnt it 😲
  15. That will work but leaves you with semi only, which isnt a bad thing. Ics guns have a snappy trigger so you can spam them pretty quick in semi auto, even quicker if you chuck a £19 gate mosfet inside.
  16. Drill a small hole then tap it and put a screw in to prevent the selector engaging full auto. You can remove the screw in a couple of minutes when you are at a site that allows full auto and replace when needed just as easy. Seems like a bodge but is actually the simplest way round it.
  17. Lovely well written essay, but unfortunately although I agree whole heartedly its all a waste of time.The people making the laws and calling the shots are so far removed from reality its not even funny. The main reason the powers that be dont want guns in the hands of civilians is because one day those civilians might realise that the public servants are really only the servants of the rich and powerful. Joe public can be controlled as long as the people in charge are the ones wielding the big stick. Having a voice doesnt matter because the ones who need to hear it are sipping tea and brandy behind a barricade of armed officers feeling safe and omnipotent. Meanwhile the poor officers who get the bricks thrown at them are being screwed over by the people they are protecting. We are meant to elect people who run the country on our behalf but that again is a smokescreen. MP's get lots of privileges that are denied to the ordinary folk that they are meant to be in the employment of. Nothing has changed since medieval days we have just learnt to put a shinier picture on it. Until everybody says enough is enough and we get a government of real people we will always be screwed over. Scrap the house of lords get rid of the peers and elect people who have lived in the real world. Until that happens we dont really have a say no matter what petition you sign.
  18. Going to cap the game at 30 so have removed the players I was going to bring for the moment to see if we can get more forum members there. 5 places left. If you want to play the private game PM me to confirm soon. Can players who want both days and to stay in hotel get in touch also. Hotel fees; £50 single occupancy £60 double occupancy
  19. Got to agree its a great idea, dare to be different as the saying goes.Lets be honest it doesn't look any worse than the standard scar stock, always makes me think of a welly boot.
  20. I was meant to be going today but had to cancel. As I am feeling a little jealous I am going to have to say no you cant go.😟
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