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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Nope its chav worthy.Rest of the collection is pretty nice though.
  2. Change the spring it will only cost a tenner. Clean the green paint off, which should be easy as its only the hand guard and grip. Then with everything you will get £100/110. Dont split it up its not worth the hassle.
  3. Mp5 is a good shout add a sling to help support the weight which will make it easier to use one handed. A 3 point sling might be better for this reason. As for mags just get one of these http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft/battleaxe-mp5-electric-500rds-auto-wind-high-capacity-magazine.htm#.Vm1ffS8Ybfs
  4. Are you calling me a peasant? I prefer my console to my pc for gaming. More chavs and more kids maybe but no spotty fat little ginger nerds arguing about whose got the best gpu,ram,motherboard or whatever. Pc gamers have just as many issues as console gamers. Probably more to be honest. At the end of the day both systems have mute and block features for a reason. No platform is better than the other just different.
  5. Have removed players who haven't bothered to get back in touch to sort out deposit. There is room for 5 more players if anyone wants a place send a PM.
  6. Can the players who put their names down but havent paid their deposit get in touch before 11/12/15.If no deposit is received by midday on that date then I will remove your name and bring in other players.
  7. Should come to the game in February then.
  8. Got to agree with eso on this. The expresion calling for a marshall doesn't mean stand there shouting that somebody is not taking their hits. If you think someone is cheating have a quiet word or beckon a marshall over to monitor an area then let them do their job.Screaming and shouting is bad for airsoft unless its a bit of banter. I know the marshalls at the mall take a dim view of cheat calling in any form and usually the person yelling gets the worst of it.
  9. nah just your advantage of knowing the site to make people like that suffer. Within the rules of course.
  10. Amen to that. Still snake oil though😂
  11. Night vision is great (lucky sod)Pick up with minigun is awesome, do it. Practicing entry drills and stuff is borderline but at least its in person and social in the real world so I could see the point if your really into it. Practicing online, words dont cover and I have never come across an emoticon that conveys shaking your head in condescension.
  12. I would agree that its been getting worse. Last couple of games I have had there I have had to call marshalls over or point out to player they have been hit, even ones on my own team. Not quite sure why. The marshalls are usually pretty good at picking up on the players who are not hit taking and if you can give a description will go and monitor the player. It bugs me because I use a tracer and that makes it even more obvious.
  13. How am I changing my mind? I stated that rhops can give good results but still think that others are as good and the firefly is better. Erhop in a sniper firing heavyweight bbs is a benefit because of the extra lift. Most airsoft players use 0.25g to 0.3g bbs and a standard bucking provides plenty of lift and spin. A firefly bucking with the two ramp flaps that push on the two top corners help centralise and guide the bb and create enough spin to create a very stable flight (or at least as stable as a little plastic ball can be) that I found to be better than rhop. Snake oil refers to the fact that people talk about rhop like its a miracle cure all and it isnt. Nice derailed train pic ☺
  14. Playing with toys guns is for kids. The issue should be, should all us old farts grow up and leave you to it.
  15. When your Ukara form is filled out post it to Firesupport and stick a note in asking for it to be put on the system straight away and to please let you know when they have as you wish to place an order. As regards to upgrades leave it alone until something actually breaks.
  16. A bloody xmas tree, pine needles everywhere. Can Jehovahs witnesses play airsoft?
  17. I know how they work I have fitted a few and still have one fitted to my orga barrel. But still disagree that they are anything special, yes results are good but no better than other good bucking nub combos. Its certainly nowhere near the hop miracle that people claim.All the great results that people claim I am positive are the placebo effect. Whenever I have tried different combos I have always locked them down in a vice in an indoor environment, so no human element and no wind to affect results. I aso use a small bore mic when fitting an rhop so they are micron perfect. At some point going to have to get a few different types of guns and film everything, do a proper experiment. You can bring your guns along if you like and use them for it. As for physics too many variables for it to be more than a guideline. Until its its proven emphatically lets just agree to disagree.☺
  18. Er hops can provide a benefit for lifting heavier weights on that I agree. Air seal shouldnt be an issue with any bucking, I always use ptfe tape to seal all buckings. Sorry but as regards accuracy and distance I think its massively over rated. The firefly bucking with a flat nub is easily as good for accuracy if not better. You definitely get less flyers to the sides than you do with any other hop set up.
  19. Rhop is snake oil airsoft myth crap.Normal flat hop works just as well and firefly or other w-hold style bucking works better. Tightbore barrel is almost as bad tried practically every type going and only barrels I would use now are Pdi 6.05 (when its been lapped), Pdi 6.08 or best of the lot orga 6.23. As for projects; Get a back up gun that lasts more than a couple of months. Go to doctors to find out why I cant bend or straighten my arm properly, then maybe I can hold my gun again without crying like a little girl.
  20. Agree with all your points above but still more interested in why he cant just say g36 and how exactly hes planning on buying that pistol.
  21. Couple of things, how you planning on buying your custom pistol?You said on another thread you have never skirmished so you obviously dont have a defence. Unless you are planning on getting it two toned you need to play a few games and get a site membership/Ukara registration to buy a rif. Whats a G-Sanjuu-Roku? I know what san juu roku is but never heard that term.
  22. I hope it works for them and believe that any training tool that can help soldiers in a combat situation is a great idea.But still think practicing your manoeuvres for a weekend playing toy soldiers is sad. Milsim is a great idea in that its more objective based and you do play as more of a team. I love the idea of playing a more structured game that requires a bit more thought but there is a point it starts to get a bit too living the fantasy. I sometimes wonder if milsimers realise how off putting milsims can look to a lot of airsofters. At the point it becomes too serious I think some of the fun disappears and fun is what airsoft is all about. Milsim is starting to take on a bit of a games workshop type of air in the fact that a lot of skirmish players like the idea but are a bit put off by the nerdish feel of it. I honestly think milsim type games are what airsoft should aim to be and one day will hopefully become more popular than your average skirmish day. Its the logical evolution of the hobby. But if it doesnt lose some of its pretentious geeky air then it will always be a niche pastime. Walk down your average high street and everybody knows what paintball is but when you mention airsoft its a different story. Before anybody jumps down my throat I know not all milsim players are the worst sort of geeks. I also know that there are different levels of milsim. Problem its human nature to focus on the worst aspects of everything and things like this thread to your average person look in the same league as grown men who collect toy figures. If airsofters learnt to soften their inner nerd then we would attract more people which can only be good for all aspects of airsoft.
  23. The OP states in his post he already has all the gear but he bought a jbbg special and now wants something better.I dont think I personally would ever say any amount of money is too much for a first gun. He gave a £400 budget and was given a £400 budget answer like he requested. I totally understand your point of view and dont necessarily disagree but prefer just to give the OP the answer he asked for. But as I always say every answer on here is just someones opinion not airsoft gospel.
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