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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. 50ish people per side 40ish shot so more like 80%.How much is that American college education costing?☺ That was a good day that day, lots of stupid people. When are you going back? If I cant make Sunday would be good to say hello another time.
  2. It was no where near 40%. I took the whole of the peacocks side of the concourse then all but 3 of you in the basement corridors so more like 40 people. Still grinning about that one now. 😊😎
  3. I have never sneaked up and shot you in the back. If memory serves me right it was you who shot me in the arse when you were skulking in a doorway.😒
  4. Not if it was a tenner pointless gimmick from my point of view. Watching those muricans camping around trying to look all operator put me off even more. If I wanted to watch people standing around achieving nothing I would go watch some council workers doing road repairs.
  5. Vfc used to be one of the companies that had a good reputation but to be honest they are not that great anymore. Other companies have come along with much better quality products and a lot of the old guard have improved the quality of the stuff they make. VFC like G&P have just carried on churning out the same old tired stuff the internals are ok but way behind the quality of some others now.Its the way of airsoft unfortunately people always rely on what they have heard and been told so buy the same crap and then tell the next person to. Its time we had an honest impartial write up on manufacturers on here. No rose coloured glasses no memories of yesteryear. Just an honest unblinkered opinion based purely on engineering knowledge.
  6. Just sticking to the standard picatinny rail is easier. Lots of accessories and with a foregrip quite comfortable. If aint broke dont fix. As for G&G they are just mass production cheap sh*te. Worst quality materials of any of the big manufacturers. Edit; M-lok is definitely better and looks nicer. Keymod always makes me think of supermarket racking.
  7. Never liked zero one. Just use Firesupport or Patrolbase for guns. Most parts and accessories either buy from smaller specialist sites or from abroad. Only ever tried dealing with zero one once and wasn't impressed.
  8. Thats actually an easy process on a cnc milling machine. There are loads of back chamfering tool on the market. Keymod rails should be relatively cheap to make especially in bulk. As long as its aluminium you could get the basic shape extruded and then just finish it on a cnc machine. Once everything is set up with a rotational jig shouldn't take that long. Probably still a bit much for cheap airsoft guns but certainly possible on some of the higher priced guns.
  9. There was a couple I came across a while ago but cant seem to find them now, might not have been enough demand for them to become a constant production item. You can get a quite a few mounts suitable for surefire scout lights but be careful if getting one for a clone because some of the clones are terrible.You can get quite a lot of foregrips that attach direct and a few other accessories. Several companies claim to be working on direct mount keymod accessories as its becoming the industry standard.
  10. You missed out the bit about spending loads of money on silly outfits that serve no purpose other than making you look a twat.
  11. You can look at mine in February and if I can fix the other one I can even put it on your gun.
  12. They probably will restock soon if not http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=4967 They are trying to copy real steel guns which have lots of keymod accessories now. Great if you want a £500 flashlight not great if you want a cheap replica. There are more slowly coming out and if you shop around you can find keymod accessories just not as common yet.
  13. A lot of Lithium ion batterys have electronics built into the casing to prevent the battery from discharging or over charging to much. When you play around and force them to go bang though they do in a big way. Not that I would ever advocate disabling a batteries over charge protection. You would have to be stupid to do it.😇
  14. Useful info for the li-po vs lithium-ion debate. http://www.polymer-search.com/polymerbattery.html http://scottiestech.info/2015/06/21/lithium-polymer-vs-lithium-ion-batteries-whats-the-deal/
  15. Just order these with the gun http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=9949 It has a full length 20mm picatinny rail across the top for optics.
  16. Best thing to do is just leave it alone. Only thing that needs to die is this thread.
  17. I didn't call you out for hypocrisy I called you out for berating someone else for their opinion. You have a right to your opinion and a right to disagree with others. What you dont have a right to do is be so hostile and refer to others as moronic or their opinions as bullsh*t. I agree with your sentiments to a point but it could of been said in a less judgemental and confrontational way. If your going to act hostile dont be surprised when someone throws it back at you. Nothing more needs saying about this delusional young man it was all said before and wearing a nazi uniform is the least of his crimes.
  18. Hope everyone is having a good Xmas and got everything they wanted.
  19. Do you actually read the shit you type? Hes a youngster so cut him some slack. As for everybody else, they have a right to their own opinion whether its right or wrong. Let them get on with it, while you look for the ladder to get off your high horse.
  20. They use a light gate to register the bb and flash it. Yours is probably shot, if its new take it back and either swap it or get a new one. B&T tracer units are usually ok but like anything else you get the odd lemon. The XT501 is a good bit of kit.
  21. It would work out alright in the end look at the Aussies a whole language based on nonsense words.What is a f*ckin billabong.
  22. You say there is no elitism but agree that tier1 were right to go invite only because 80% of people who turned up wasn't good enough? Elitism isnt just about kit its about the belief your in some way better. A lot of milsimers do tend to come across that way. As you pointed out earlier though that might just be the ones who talk it more than do it. Maybe one day I will come and join you on a tier1 day, if I am special enough to get an invite 😃 Edit; Night vision is nothing to do with elitism, I want it and I know I am crap.
  23. Not really I spent all your money on Quality street and beer 😉 Merry Xmas 🎅 Only joking yeah all set. Will be collecting rest of fees end of January. The mall is taking bookings for those that want to play Sunday so everybody needs to book in.
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