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Everything posted by Tad

  1. Same style, however not the same sold rifle. They are bad for upgrades and repairs, if you only require a specific part you need to pay for the set which is in most places, +£100. Which is more than the rifle is worth.
  2. https://bbguns4less....-in-orange.html or https://bbguns4less....-in-orange.html
  3. If you are after a backkgarden plinker, have a look at this thread and view the original posters links. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/26256-looking-for-a-well-spring-sniper-in-edinburgh-area/ What you don't want is an ASG or ARES if you plan to upgrade in the future.
  4. Bought some new bits from Taiwangun (Good sales on at the moment!) New Pistol --- (Want something that I can make truly silent for assasinations. http://www.taiwangun.com/en/mk23-heavy-weight-gas-pistol-stti?from=listing&campaign-id=14 Plus a spare magazine for the above. New Steel motor pinion gear [sHS] cause the one on my motor seems to be missing the holding screw, and they are impossible to find!
  5. I think a lass turned up to our site in riding gear (As in equestrian). That was an interesting day...
  6. I'm guessing that you are after the shotgun because of a lack of UKARA registration. In which case -- http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/two-tone-airsoft Is the area you want to be looking. And yes these are skirmish-able. I will say however, if you want a shotgun you would be better playing at a CQB site as the range won't be anywhere near what others are using. But please, take the advice from SeniorSpaz. If you are playing woodland, try renting for your first few games and make sure the sport is something you want to get into.
  7. Me and my Buddy Demon (Who is on here) both run UBACs. Neither of us care what others say, in fact during the winter I wore a sports vest under mine anyway. Black UBAC with DPM trousers. Actually works quite nicely in the woods during winter. As said above, it is what you're comfortable with.. Picture is from Skirmish Billericay. As you can see from above, there is a down side to the armoured sleeves... THEY DON'T ROLL UP IN SUMMER...
  8. That is all good and well, however it has major pit falls. Ie. It's not water resistant, nor is it very durable. What about the mounts for the helmet also, i noticed that there is a velcro patch but I can't assume that is completely fool proof on a motorbike!
  9. Despite what people above have said, I played there 2 weeks ago. When the lights were out, the entire middle section and tunnels are pitch black. However, on the left and right main tunnels, there are red safety lamps at every section. Which give off more than enough light to see people and give away any advantages. Either get a torch as above, or learn the layout well before they turn them out. Usually they will leave the lights on for the first few games to allow you to gain your bearings.
  10. Basically as the title says. I am looking to purchase a multi purpose action camera, with two main uses. Mounting to my helmet for airsoft playing games. (I have a Maritime ABS make with the side rails. Or the front NVG mount). It would also need to be mounted onto my Motorcycle helmet (I had an incident a few months ago, and want it for insurance). Any advice? Also, Budget is about £130, and needs to include the mount bracket for at least one of the above options. (I can but the other mount next month) I'm Honestly thinking doing this setup with a Contour2 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Contour-Rotating-Flat-Surface-Mount/dp/B005Q314XS - Helmet Mount http://www.amazon.co.uk/ContourROAM2-Handsfree-HD-Action-Camera/dp/B009CN8VRK/ref=pd_sim_ph_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=0T6M5CK6M89ESJTGGR0T - Camera http://www.amazon.co.uk/Contour-Picatinney-Mount-Gun/dp/B004L64758/ref=pd_sim_ph_9?ie=UTF8&refRID=1FXF93G7H40G0GEPV74R - Rail Mount.
  11. I've read through a lot of these comments, and can shamefully say that I do get irate with the team when they sit 20-30 metres back when we play an assault game. But here is why... The game mode idea is a 'fall back' So as you take 10 meters, the other team falls back to their next line of defence. The way that skirmish play, is the spawn for the attackers is the last man back. Imagine pushing 30 meters down a hill, then walking back up 50 just to respawn and run back down. All because someone wanted to sit and chat, and not actually PTFO. Sure i understand that you pay to play, but if you want to come and just talk in the middle of a game you're going to piss off more then the vocal players. Yes i have shouted at guys who are fully kitted out to PTFO, most of them are site regulars and really grind my gears... However at the same time i've also walked over to the newbies and suggested that they come with us and shown them ways to flank people or other ways to play the game, rather than sitting in a rabbit hole. Yes everyone pays to play, and yes I am admittedly an arse with some of the *Vets*, but at the end of the day i sit and chat with my teammates in the safe zone whilst gearing up. Not in the middle of the game which can end up making a balanced 12v12 a 12v7.
  12. I've got a Black US Mill carry all, it holds all my gear and the rifle sits on top. One of the guys I know, he is using an old guitar bag for his rifle.
  13. As for the review of the gun, I can't really help you there, although I would advise you to view the item in person before purchase. Running a 11.1v battery on any gun should require the fitting of a Mosfet, if any thing it will aid in the preservation of your trigger contacts! If you are talking about the potential for PE, you may need/want to do some manual work within the Gearbox itself. Stock gears are ususally 18:1's and for the higher ROF you will want to drop that to a 13:1 or 12:1. Then there is the Piston itself, normally they are full plastic or 1 end metal teeth, which would suffer if you get the gear ratio wrong.
  14. I have a Glock 17, the only time it failed me was when I used the wrong gas in the winter! It's not that it is lightweight, because the polymer body makes it very top heavy, but I got it cheap with my first IF purchase and i've used it for nearly two years now. I guess it does what I need it to and i have no real need or intention to replace it. The only complaint I hold is with the mags!
  15. Don't Categorically state that, because it depends on which site you play at. Also.. 'I'm not hit, you're dry firing'. Really? How did i just take out your buddies then?
  16. There will be a group of us turning up on the 31st with any luck, if you want to join us you're welcome to. I'll have some tools on me, but no where near close to what BrightCandle will have. Speaking of, BrightCandle. Is it you that we met up with in Feb? Discussing your Tar and the lovley sling you made from the paracord?
  17. That is on the website, their actual Chronos are set to M/s... All i was saying is that their Chrono's are set to M/s and their data sheet only that they refer to has a limit of 106.6 (I think) It might even be 106.4.. Not Disputing M/s to FPS, just clearly stating what they use as a frequent site attender.
  18. Hate to bring this up for you. Skirmish Billericay don't Chrono in FPS. They do it via M/s. I think the Site limit for .2's is 106.6m/s. They also don't allow anything that goes over it, even in the slightest. So 106.7 is too "hot"...
  19. Yes but whilst I could create the back end of this and have it running by tonight, the issue lies with getting the information populated and then curating it. Sure we could hold tech specs for stock guns when they are released, plus information on specific gear ratios in the gearbox and what not. You could expand it to include upgrade tips for Specific AEGS / Gearboxes and various other useful information. However that would subtract from forums that have setup tutorials / guides for it. I would also want to look at linking the Wiki with the main UK based websites (ASFUK, etc) so their users could use it as a repository.
  20. Would a Wiki for Airsoft be used? I mean, it would be simple to setup and reference but how much use would it get?
  21. This is just it. It's going in a CQB version which will be my primary and after some testing fires, it's lovely! When i eventually get another project, it'll be a full Mosfet with a programmable burst on the semi, but until then this is A) Cheap and perfect for starting out. The wires themselves are about 19 gauge i think so i would deffinately look to beef them up to 18 or 16 later.
  22. My wallet is in pain... A&K M4 Upgrades ------------------------ Firestorm mosfet (Installed last night) ASG Ultimate M110 Spring 11.1v 1300mAh Battery AGM L96 Upgrades ------------------------- Steel cylinder head Stainless Steel cylinder (Import from Atlanta Airsoft!) VSR Spring guide and Piston M150 spring Other stuff ----------------- Various nuts and bolts set Viper Modular GPS Radio Pouch EJY X400 UV Protection Outdoor Goggles YTM Airsoft Adjustable Maritime Helmet ABS This weekend i'm looking at these for the team: 5 Pack BaoFeng BF-888S Long Range
  23. Nope, this is the reason why you chuck it under arm when breaching a room. More accuracy meaning it will hit who you want it to... Would like to say to you all though, if a guy is shot. Calls it, then you proceed to continue firing without allowing them the chance to move, you're a douche.
  24. Those exceptions seem to be the "Locals" or those that are on a first name basis with the marshalls because of stuff like this. This ruins the game and you know it's time to find a new site. We're looking at Epsom tunnels during may, and then maybe Apocalypse in Kent after. Also, pretending to be dead so you're friends can regen from you is another douche move.
  25. From my previous post, 3 marshals were around the bloke when he did it as the team had been doing it all day long. Needless to say, me and a Demon were not very happy with the site or the marshals for allowing the behaviour all day long.
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