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Posts posted by Jambo88

  1. Hi


    Get yourself something decent. Someone will be along to recommend a G&G combat machine soon or a JG G36c both cost 150ish but they are 10000000000000000000000000000000x better than that gun in the link and more fun. If you only use it in the garden it will last years and if you decide to play Airsoft you will have a decent starter gun that won't be outclassed by everything.

  2. People never laugh at my gun they are usually too busy laughing at how bad I am at everything else to notice.

    I'm amazing at airsoft. If you want to be good don't take all your hits and act like you're Rambo. Also wearing the most expensive gear makes you better.

  3. Jambo, my local doesn't allow you to not surrender, as long as the player causing it has managed to get close enough without being hit...so yeah, he did cheat. Either way, its put me off returning to my local site as I've had nothing but hassles with non hit takers, mardy people having hissy fits and even a punch up when one player was adamant he had hit another, when in reality he'd hit the Marshall about 4 foot the other side of said player...

    did you maybe think he never knew that? It's easy to miss stuff in the briefing and at other sites you would be the one in the wrong for emptying a mag into him and that just makes you the arsehole. It's only a game no point being a bitch about it.

  4. i wouldn't say he cheated you asked him to take his hit he refused you could have then shot him but he shot you instead so either you never had the advantage or he was just quicker at pulling the trigger. You were hit first and shot him back so I would say you were the one in the wrong. Unless it's a rule you have to accept someone asking you to take your hit. It's not where I play

  5. Eye protection was sorted before I went first time. My eye sight is bad enough without taking a bb to the eye.


    All the g&g's i have looked at so far haven't looked quite right for what i want where as the Cyma looks wise is perfect. Plus action hobbies is just down the road for me. I'll be going there this weekend anyway as i need to pick up a few other bits. I'll see if I can take a look at a few m4's.


    What model do you have?



    I have the 30th anniversary mod 0 GC16



    The only plastic is the foregrip where the battery is kept. But it's all high quality and doesn't wobble about.

  6. You can get a metal body G&G m4 at airsoftworld for £150 that's decent fires around 330fps so it's good for cqb and woodland. I've got one and im pretty happy with it. If your willing to spend as much as the G&P you could get accessories dont bother with a pistol too much. Get a decent battery spare mags and good eye protection to start off with.

  7. I have seen a quite a few female players at my regular site and been shot by them a fair few times as well. Airsoft is one of those sports where the only thing that matters is how you play. I saw one girl who was very pretty and quite a few people cracked jokes in the safe room. A couple of matches in and it all stopped when people had been completely owned by her she was very fast running around with 2 pistols. One of the best CQB players I ever saw.

    It's not really a woman's sport though. You would expect women that play darts to be interested in Airsoft.

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