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Posts posted by Jambo88

  1. Are you sure DX115FALCON? The one you linked to is 4 years old, by a different OP and asking a different set of questions.


    Much of the info on that post may well be out of date seeing as in the last 4 years I have gone from training to be a teacher, to being a teacher, leaving teaching for a rubbish temp job at an insurance company after relocating, being a supply teacher and now back being a full time teacher again.


    The answer to the OP's question, I am a teacher (as if the paragraph above didn't give that away) I teach secondary science, it pays the bills and I use the degree I got at Uni on a day to day basis. However, I would never expect someone to be forced to go to uni if they didn't want to.


    As most have already said: think very carefully about what you want to do, and look closely at how you get there. There are often multiple routes to get to any position, some academic like uni and graduate schemes, others apprenticeships followed by training later on, some just starting at the bottom and working hard.


    Eg hairdressers are unlikely to need a degree, farmer is unlikely to need a degree both have vocational courses or on the job training routes.


    My fiancée is an oceanographer, she got her job after 2 years of a foundation degree then 2 years at uni topping it up to a full degree, followed by a further year doing a masters. She now works for a large ish company after 3 years of working at smaller companies getting experience. For her the degree and masters is very useful. However she works along side some people who just did 3 years of uni and are in their first post. She has also worked in the past with a guy who started as a deck hand on the survey vessel with no real experience of oceanography only his sailing experience and love of the sea. He would do his crew duties then help out the oceanographers, after a while he started being asked to do overtime as an assistant when they were short staffed, after about a year he got employed as an engineer doing much the same stuff as those with degrees and was sent out on jobs on his own.


    Me on the other hand, while free schools are now allowed to employ anyone with the subject knowledge and no teaching qualifications to teach kids. Realistically I couldn't do what I do without 3 years at uni and a year of teacher training. I went to uni because I really wanted to be a paramedic at the time, but the ambulance service in my area didn't take you till you were 21, so I had 3 years to kill and didn't want to sit around doing temp jobs or working in factories etc so I applied to uni and got in, I took the course because I really enjoyed the subject. By the time I finished I really couldn't think of doing the training and becoming a paramedic so I applied for teacher training.


    Only go to uni if it interests you and you can see how you would use the qualification at the end. That doesn't mean it has to be in your subject area, plenty of people on my course took up jobs that are seemingly unrelated but the Uni quals show your ability to learn new things and complete work to your own timetables. Only 3 of 40 are actually working directly in the field we were studying.


    If the cost is putting you off remember that you apply for the loans and stuff, they are the best rates you will ever get, they come out of your pay packet much like taxes, national insurance or pension contributions. I think I get about £50 a month taken. Each year I get sent a statement saying how much I have paid and the amount of interest, it's actually not going down very fast but it's not like they send bailiffs round to take stuff. Also banks couldn't really care less in terms of credit ratings etc.


    Why the hell would you be a teacher?


    you have to try and teach little shits about something they don't really give a shit about and in the long term probably won't do anything for them.


    you must have a fetish for school uniforms.

  2. if your unsure take your time get a shit job in a factory on minimum wage and that will make you come to a decision and improve your attitude at work. I have 2 jobs just now 1 of them I work with a lot of 18-20 year olds and the majority are lazy have a terrible attitude and go in wee huffs when they are told to do something properly I was like this myself. The most important thing you can learn is to work hard, do what your told and dont waste time greetin about it and don't cut corners. Learn to do that and you will get enough money to play Airsoft

  3. Ummm not usually but does happen


    Check YouTube for teardown and maintenance videos, I had similar problems so I regressed everything and it went back up to 330

    I was looking last night and I don't have anything to regrease the gun with. I phoned airsoftworld and they are gonna look at it so hopefully it's got some kind of warranty so it's free to fix. Also if I wanted to increase my range what would I need I know I need a tight bore barrel and a decent hop up but don't know what else to get. I don't want to change my ROF or have over 330fps just decent range.

  4. On Sunday my gun chronod at 270fps with no hop up. I've used it at 3 games and only used semi. It's a G&G GC 16 and was shooting at 330-335 when I got it. Is it normal for such a drop after a short period of time?


    Not saying a 7.4v 2300mah lipo isn't good (use a 2200mah meself) but that guy might be talking crap, unless there was something actually wrong with it a 9.6v or 8.4v nimh is fine.

    7.4v lipo will however give you a slightly improved trigger response and have a much greater capacity for it's size.

    The guy seems to know his stuff and he said if the battery doesn't fix the problem he will give me a free mag so I'm willing to trust him no shop owner wants to lose cash. He was saying if it's too cold the battery can act up and it was a night game that the problems started and it was freezing. I think my old battery is might just be a bit shit. I just hope I don't have to run away and hide to try fix my gun next time I'm playing.

  6. Are you going to be relying on passing trade, or other means to get business? If you think people might look online or search a directory, something beginning with a letter earlier in the alphabet helps since it puts you higher up the list of places, so things like 'a cut above' etc score some points in the regard. But you probably want to avoid all those 'curl up and dye' type cliches I should imagine.


    You could always use someone else's name, like for example just call it 'Dave's' or something like that, which is nice and easy to remember. Or go for something a bit less obvious but memorable, like 'the cat's whiskers' or 'look sharp' or whatever, which are memorable and have a bit of a reference to tonsorial goings on.

    I will rely mostly on passing trade but because I'm going to offer more than most barber shops online searches will generate alot of business aswell I hope. I'm going to offer the ultimate male grooming experience. Spray tan, waxing, microdermabrasion, manicure,pedicure,massage etc.. What I found on google there is only 2 other shops that offer some of those services near me but they are in edinburgh. I have a fine line between appealing to everyone and appealing to a certain type of person and loosing customers so the name is very important. I'm trying to go for the high end services that appeal to everyone at a good price. It's starting to fry my brain this :(

  7. I said Edward scissorhands to my gf but she thinks it's stupid. Sweeney Todd's isn't really a stand out it's up there with top class and first class in how popular the name is. I'm not keen on having my name on the shop but I put the lock smith on as it's my surname and hair gets called locks.

  8. ...parents, who'd have 'em ;) ...

    Nah, basically my parents don't like the idea of me running around with a replica firearm. However, I'm getting closer to being able to go airsofting. The longest time it will be is 2 years, shortest; by the summer holidays.


    Tell them it's paintball. It's how I explain the game to people. Paintball without the mess and more tactical and tell them it will help develop you because it's all team work and effective communication all great things to have on the old C.V :D

  9. http://www.justbbguns.co.uk/product/517/2-TONE-BB-GUNS/338/ELECTRIC-GUNS/3004/M4-PROJECT-Z-AEG



    I have this and a G&G combat machine and this is twice the gun for 1/3 the price. I took it to a woodland game and was easily out ranging everything else. Range is 80-90meters out the box. I upgraded the hop up and it shoots 100M easily. I would recommend this just get a better battery and a smart charger.


    Ohhh sheeeeettt :o

    I also wrote this :D


    We should all leave fake reviews and guess who make them. That will be a fun game.


    Latest comment:




    Put a 11.1V battery in and it will have a better rate of fire than most pro guns. They cost around £15 and honestly they will improved your gun so much"


    Who here put that feedback and is cackling mr burns style at the thought of a spotty kids gun imploding eh?? :)

    If was I. I put another one on see if you can find it :D


    I'll give you a clue it's on a orange M4

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