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Hand up - who's going to the Mall on 20th?

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I was looking for somewhere to go this week since there is no game in Red 1 woodland. I might come !


Krytac Spr - Harley boots - Camo trouser - black thermal shirt - camo vest


how do you guys go there ? and dont you think that place is overpriced (35 quid) ?

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I was looking for somewhere to go this week since there is no game in Red 1 woodland. I might come !


Krytac Spr - Harley boots - Camo trouser - black thermal shirt - camo vest


how do you guys go there ? and dont you think that place is overpriced (35 quid) ?

Maybe it is bit pricey but I still love it and since we do not know how long it will stay I go there on monthly basis.


It is fully booked so unless you are planning to take chances and be there very early there a slim chances to get there unless booked in advance.


If you see short chubby guy in flecktarn camo wearing glasses - make sure to say hello -that will be me :)

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I'm like a shadow, you'll hear my voice in your ear whispering "knife kill".


I was looking for somewhere to go this week since there is no game in Red 1 woodland. I might come !


Krytac Spr - Harley boots - Camo trouser - black thermal shirt - camo vest


how do you guys go there ? and dont you think that place is overpriced (35 quid) ?

You start somewhere around 8:30 till 16:00, minus briefings, breaks, you will get a solid 4~5 hours of gameplay. Not many sites offer what The Mall does, I enjoy it. Check the spaces if you want to go as I think they are fully booked, maybe email Luke and see whats up.

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how do you guys go there ? and dont you think that place is overpriced (35 quid) ?



Yes and no...


Its a little more than most other sites within the same distance, most are £25... But the bonus of a great place a well run site and being indoors (at this time of year not getting rained on is GREAT) is worth the extra tenner to me!! And not being a huge outdoor place means less walking backwards and forwards to spawns etc..

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That's so Trigger : )))

I'm way to clumsy to be stealty plus I don't own a knife.

Speak behind him and bite his ear. No knife needed :)

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If I had spare this kind of money I would change my life (but buying more airsoft stuff). Nah not a gambler but you know .... Basement is quite dark :) just saying ;) ;)

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He does have cat eyes I have to say, or he's blind as a bat and know that place like the back of his hand. His aim is pretty solid so you can't say it's luck, so you better watch out. He shoots from the shadows.

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