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kwa kriss

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I'm not a fan. I want to know more about the KWA M4 GBBR that AirsoftGI did a video about the other week.


Could potentially be the best out of the box GBBR there is. I bet getting parts for it will be a total bitch though, what with it being KWA and all... Doubt I'll get another GBBR any time soon.

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I can't see anyone making an aeg version tbh, its taken this long for a gbb one, an aeg will be an even longer wait.


The internals are pretty cool on this too, also there's a gbb Masada drop in kit at the shot show too, really want to see pictures of that :)

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aye it may take a while, but I'm sure some other companies will see it as a success and join the band wagone, and with AEG being a potentially lower price for selling at I imagine at some point someone may develop one. I hope.

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KWA's new line of GBBRs look utterly awesome. At the rate they're going they might become as varied as WE Tech but not as sh*t. I'm sure we'll see the same QC in the GBBRs as in the AEGs.


Fingers crossed anyway. I hope they're available in the UK soon after the US as well. Their new M4 and AK line look very promising.

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Although expect the cod-softers to swarm around you once you get it.

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It's a kriss. :P

With an extra long supressor its ne of the best looking guns (imo). And I generally hate smg size guns

the realism of it interests me too, the real one doesn't have much recoil, and what there is is directed downwards. The insides look great to me :)

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at the moment there isn't a KWA dealer/importer in the UK.


also, why do you all want it?

It's a GBB, the point of which is the kick that makes them fun.

This has no kick, where is the fun?


If there's no KWA dealer then where does everyone get their KWA AEGs from?

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Surely there'll be somewhere that'll order them in?

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Surely there'll be somewhere that'll order them in?


Nope. I asked around most of the major retailers and they told me they're not gonna get any KWA stuff.


I managed to get the last apparent KWA P226 in the country XD

Had to order magazines from the US though.

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Just seen AirsoftGI show a fully licensed H&K 417 by VFC, I see an expensive DMR project in my future lol.

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They didn't actually say whether it was gas or not, I assumed it was an AEG. I've kinda done with gas rifles tbh. If I get another one it'll be for summer use only and more likely than not be an RA Tech upgraded WE Tech rifle, probably the M4 or L85.

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In which case they may well miss out on order`s if it`s outside the UK shame but we are of on a tangent i like how they seem to stick tube`s in the barrel`s of the pistol`s did nobody think oh hang on if someone fall`s we may get sued because of this...

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