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When a ‘good idea’ meets reality


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4 minutes ago, ButcherBill said:

Does anyone really need a map on any UK sites?

I've been a first timer at a few sites where the briefings mention various points of interest/targets, & i didn't have a clue what they were refering to, you end up following regulars in the hope you'll get your bearings🤔

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The app can show you the different points of interest e.g. for your objectives, show where your team mates are (if they are using the app), you can receive instructions from command etc (if that app is used at your site).
So in theory it all sounded interesting to try out.

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3 hours ago, ButcherBill said:

Does anyone really need a map on any UK sites?

I’ve made and used many maps for sites, which makes particular sense when I’ve designed and run events on sites but I have printed and even made my own maps of sites that I’ve just played at


I’ve been especially fond of overlaying a sites feature/zone sketch map onto aerial maps giving context.


I prefer event days/weekends where the entire site is in play rather than a standard day where you play a single zone at a time walking to it as a group.  But it’s still handy to have some context


I come from the Orkney islands famed for their Viking history and explorers.  But my family tree traces back to a shipwrecked sailor, and the only exploring genes I have come from those who have discovered new lands by getting lost.


I am also the man who lost his stack of poles, rope and coloured material when constructing objective flag poles.  I had placed them on a convenient ridge roughly in the centre of each of the objectives that I was building flag poles.

This meant wandering in decreasing circles to find the stash of supplies to build the next objective flag pole




 it is very useful to have a pocket guide to give me a clue that if I walk through a cowboy town instead of a missile base that I’m walking away from the safe zone instead of towards it

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14 hours ago, ButcherBill said:

Does anyone really need a map on any UK sites?


Ares Alpha is more than just a map though. It's particularly good if you have a team/group of mates or are playing a Milsim type event where many of your team or squad all have the app installed. It works as a Blue Force Tracker, can me used to issue movement commands, manages the heirarchy and even has an SOS function if you've managed to fall down a hole and you need assistance.


As to your question - for your average Sunday skirmish? Probably not but if you're on a new site then maybe. For a milsim/filmsim/battlesim then yes, maybe you would for all the reasons above.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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