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Well if we can have a Watches thread (which I like), then let's have one for geeeeeeeetars too, as they can lovely things to behold and meddle with.

I am a pleased-as-punch recent purchaser of this:


231876730_PRSguitar.thumb.jpg.e3f77216d1bcad412815871602d98884.jpg  414014725_PRSguitarcloseup.thumb.jpg.e3c77297f55e74c479c66cf355526a36.jpg

PRS SE CE 24 in Blood Orange


If only I could play it as well as it deserves!    (This is my 5th guitar, purchased over a span of nearly 40 years, and I've only just got vaguely to grips with rhythm.  Lead is a complete no-no.  I suck!)
PRS really do a fantastic job on build quality, even on their cheaper guitars (like this one).  And it plays so easily, it's really nicely set up straight from the box.

I might invest in a set of locking tuners on it, the 9 gauge strings are shifting tune as my 'office' room is a bit of a sweatbox at the moment.
And those skinny strings are slicing up the ends of my fingers a bit - though that might be because I'm just playing it too much :D

Anyway, share some pics of your beauties :)

Edited by RostokMcSpoons
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PRS make some stunning guitars., and thats a beute ! I'm an SG fan mainly. Hugely into Sabbath, here are my main 2. The Gibo has 2 Iommi custom pickups and the Epi has the same in the bridge. 


I have got a Jaydee Oldboy on order, build slot is about 12 months away yet !  Copy of Iommi's main guitar , made by the same people that make his , can't wait ! 


It'll be a trip up to Birmingham to collect it and have a look around the workshop. 



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The cherry Epi is lovely, and out of the box much better than the Gibson. That had an action you could get a bus under and took lots of setting up. 


To the extent that I wouldn't buy another Gibson, my Les Paul is also and Epiphone, but running a very nice pair of Bare knucke pickups.

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Bassist here!


Late-comer to the party (2019), always fancied it and when the eldest started learning I said I would too. Obviously his Squier Mini-strat hasn’t been played in ages but I still play regularly.

Here’s my Ibanez SR370.


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Most of mine are in cases buried in the spare room right now but I have:

1991 Gibson Explorer - my first "proper" guitar, bought from Peter Cooks in Hanwell when I was 21!

90's BC Rich Bich NJ - workhorse guitar from my gigging days, has SD Jazz and JB pickups fitted and more dings and scratches than anything else.

BC Rich Bich special edition - this was designed as a signature release for Mick Thomson of Slipknot just as he jumped ship to Ibanez so it has a blank fretboard but archtop and white binding. Awfully heavy bloody metal.

Epiphone G3T - licenced copy of the old Steinberger cricket bat, it has a Steinberger trem and Iron Gear pickups. Plays really nice and just sits in my office for when I start noodling

Westfield bowlback electro acoustic - bought it when Westfield were still trying to sell their guitars as "premium", it's pretty nice but just doesn't get played. It doesn't chug.

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