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Raven EU17 or WE EU17


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Im new to this and wanting to move away from constantly borrowing mates guns. Looking at a GBB pistol. Mate uses Raven EU17 series 4 which feels good however also looking at WE EU17 Series 5 which is only £40 more. Found lots of comparisons about WE EU17 and the Umarex EU17 however can't see find any differences between the RAVEN S4 and the WE S5 Any help appreciated. 









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In that price bracket/between the two you are considering, go with the WE. Many WE products get mixed reviews, but the one thing that most people can agree on is that their Glocks are pretty good. I have a Gen 5 Glock 19 from them, and a Gen 3 Glock 17 - both have been great.  Prices can vary significantly on these, so do shop around.


Also, the WE Glock mags are generally pretty well regarded, and can be had from overseas sellers (e.g. Hong Kong based) a little cheaper than from the UK if you are prepared to wait a few weeks for them to turn up. 


I've never had a Raven pistol, but from what I read, they are a bit of a budget gun, and the quality/QC is variable.

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Definitely WE. Their glocks are rather good nowadays and they’re TM spec so there’re tons of aftermarket parts.


Stay well clear of anything Raven or Vorsk. It will break sooner than later.


If you want the best glock that will hold up for ages and shoots great, have a look at TM. Although they have a plastic slide.

Edited by theSwede
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Raven is a sub-brand of re-brander Nuprol.  You're at least two re-sellers away from anyone who cares about their reputation.


WE is the better choice out of those two.


If you want a pistol as a primary, I'd push the budget to a Toyko Marui.


If you want something as a casual use secondary (although I've used mine a fair bit in CQB), the Army Armament R17 can be had for less than the Raven, and works well enough.



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Definitely the WE. Raven have terrible quality control and unless you just want a holster filler to complete a look should be avoided, in which case there are cheaper options available 

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I'm going to be the annoying one and say unless your heart is set on the kick from a metal slide going back and forth the AAP-01 is a way better and cheaper choice (and uses Gen 4 mags).


You benefit from better gas efficiency, a way better hop unit, and better accuracy.


To get my son's WE EU17 G4 to match a stock AAP-01, for hop and accuracy, needed a Maple Leaf hop unit + bucking + better inner barrel.

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  • Jedi_Master changed the title to Raven EU17 or WE EU17
This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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