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I Don't Know Your Site Layout


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14 hours ago, JimFromHorsham said:




“The Fort” 








That’s not the fort, it’s Bennys farmhouse 







(One of our guys was doing a job, and when he was loading up the waste to scrap they mentioned getting rid of their playhouse - just in time for event planning)

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I swear I started a similar thread a while ago with the intent to post all maps I find.....


But yeah, it doesn't need to be a work of art or even anything beyond simple line drawing with basic features and names. 

First time (awhile ago now) at a new site (ambush Botley) and they start talking about locations "yeah, but where is it?" - oh just follow someone....


By lunch we had a conversation with owner about it, we had done a very rough sketch of the rest of the afternoon by the end of the day, someone had found a dnd map maker and boom, a usable map was born.


The Gaol do theirs very well, with the "long game" locations, timings and scoring options all listed. Shout out to Justin as it hits 10Years in May.


CS used to hand a copy to all site first timers. 

Many smaller sites might not need to bother, Red1 chiselhurst for example is compact enough to have have its areas clear and easy to navigate. 


As is mentioned already,  it doesn't need much. 

For me, the effort of getting a map either on website or handed on game day speaks volumes about the sites level of welcome to new to site visitors. Excluding of course the smaller sites that don't need to...


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55 minutes ago, Jaylordofwaargh said:


First time (awhile ago now) at a new site (ambush Botley) and they start talking about locations "yeah, but where is it?" - oh just follow someone....


By lunch we had a conversation with owner about it, we had done a very rough sketch of the rest of the afternoon by the end of the day, someone had found a dnd map maker and boom, a usable map was born.




…. Did it look anything like this?




When we ran events there, circa 2010, they had a faded whiteboard up with a rough sketch.

I can’t remember if we put together the map or they gave us an existing source to overlay ours onto.


We produced a giant ‘bare’ poster board edition to overlay event specifics in the safe zone briefs.

It should still be in my garage, hung from the ceiling acting as a shelf for tents - but the prints probably disintegrated/rubbed off over the years 



I like site maps, as a descendant of a dodgy ‘ship wrecked’ Norwegian I have no sense of direction and rely on map/site feature recognition ….. and at Camouflage Bournemouth during pre event setup I lost half the objective props for a while - I had stacked them on top of a hill whilst taking them a couple at a time to set up, and couldn’t find my way back to the hill.  So I geotagged every location at Ambush.

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That's not ambush activities Botley is it? Thought the site was squarer than that? 

There was a white board with some x's and y's but no other marks as the game was explained using named locations...

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8 hours ago, Jaylordofwaargh said:

That's not ambush activities Botley is it? Thought the site was squarer than that?

It is, and represents the wooded areas



The zones still in use may be in more of a square, (and possibly the larger of the woods contains the normal zones)

8 hours ago, Jaylordofwaargh said:


There was a white board with some x's and y's but no other marks as the game was explained using named locations...

It sounds like the same whiteboard map is still going, and probably wiped away a few times since then


For a fuller large scenario we would like to open up into more of a sites. With Ambush having been in the game for many years there were ‘abandoned’ zones which we would have brought into featured points and they will also have shut down & rebuilt new areas since.

Parts of the site are prone to flooding so would be available or unavailable at times of the year 



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That explains alot, this is where I have played the times I have been. As in the hay bales were the limit...



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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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