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ARES SLR stolen

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This is the second post this week (across this forum and reddit) i've seen of gear being stolen. A guy on reddit said he uses Apple Airtags or Samsungs equivalent to track his gear on gamedays if he's leaving it in a 'safe zone' but not locked up. Can't help but feel this is a good idea going forward minus chaining your gear to a tree.


Always take pics of your guns/gear so people know what to look for in the event of it getting picked up by sitck fingered bastards.

Edited by MrTea
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Also, the circumstances behind the theft may be important, for example was this a random garage break-in, or a targeted theft by a potential buyer ? 


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1 hour ago, rj1986 said:

On facebook, he said it was stolen out the back of his car.

From the rear footwell. Without a case.

WOT, on show for the world to see ?, if that's the case then he's only got himself to blame. 

In fact I dunno what worse, getting a window popped & losing the gun, or maybe getting nabbed by the fuzz for having a rif on show in public, either will be a costly experience 🤔

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I got my car keys stolen when i was 17 (luckily they didn't steal the car).


My dad shouted at me, but basically taught me to ask "Would I leave my wallet there?" If the answer is no, then don't leave anything valuable there.

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I left my wife asleep in the back of the car once and it was stolen.


The gutless bastards brought it back within half an hour! 😂😂


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8 hours ago, rj1986 said:

On facebook, he said it was stolen out the back of his car.

From the rear footwell. Without a case.

He did also say that it was covered.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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