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Painting Advice Please


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I'm pretty experienced at painting stuff (miniatures, RC cars, military models etc) and have already painted my mate's AAP 01 for him. The AAP was easy, the separate components of his were easy to remove and paint properly, stock, rail, barrel extender / handguard and the pistol itself obvs. 


I'm now looking at my M4 and wanting to get that painted up as well. I'm not really that up on taking apart a modern RIF, I can take apart a simple pistol and could do a springer back in the day but I'm pretty concerned about taking apart an AEG and buggering it up. With a view to that are there any real  issues in painting one as is and masking stuff off as appropriate? 


Was interested to see Luke (negative airsoft) mixing varnish in with his airbrush paints to create a really hard wearing surface but one that will age and weather over time, not something I've done before but will be giving a go. 

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11 minutes ago, SussexMatt said:

I'm pretty experienced at painting stuff (miniatures, RC cars, military models etc) and have already painted my mate's AAP 01 for him. The AAP was easy, the separate components of his were easy to remove and paint properly, stock, rail, barrel extender / handguard and the pistol itself obvs. 


I'm now looking at my M4 and wanting to get that painted up as well. I'm not really that up on taking apart a modern RIF, I can take apart a simple pistol and could do a springer back in the day but I'm pretty concerned about taking apart an AEG and buggering it up. With a view to that are there any real  issues in painting one as is and masking stuff off as appropriate? 


Was interested to see Luke (negative airsoft) mixing varnish in with his airbrush paints to create a really hard wearing surface but one that will age and weather over time, not something I've done before but will be giving a go. 

It depends on the outcome you are after.

Obviously the more you can dismantle & seperate, mask/seal etc the ‘better’ a paint job you could achieve


If you want a fully painted factory fresh colour scheme or a US style perfect camouflage job then you want to dismantle as much as possible 


But if you want some coloured highlights with a pretty design then you can work that around the parts that you are comfortable with disassembling and masking the relevant moving parts, holes etc, or for a classic British field expedient rough & ready camouflage scheme then mask what has to be masked and wave the spray can around 



Take apart what you can

Mask off relevant areas, stuff ‘things’ such as rags, rods etc into the barrel, magazine well etc



Prepare the surface as you would normally do - eg cleaning, a bit of rubbing down etc, and then paint lots of thin layers

Periodically make sure that anything still assembled that should move still does


If you want to preserve the finish then a suitable laquer, clear coat etc will do that 


If you want ‘wear’ then you can opt for ‘real’ wear as it’s used, or go for the harder option of painting it to appear worn and preserve that in the finish 

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Krylon , alcohol wipes , masking tape the bits you don’t want painted and just get creative , it’s hard wearing , easily removed (only elbow grease required ) and easy to spray over & touch up if required.



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I usually do most of my painting with gun still assembled , as others have said masking tape and bits of kitchen paper stuffed in holes works fine plus once I’m happy how it looks if I’m not wanting it to get scratch and rubbed or have the paint job damaged then I usually give it a couple of passes with clear matt lacquer to give it a bit of protection . 

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Thanks, pretty much what I thought then, no real issues with masking other than the quality of the finish, I've got a knackered old AK in the shed I'll try some stuff out on before hitting the M4 with anything. 

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Of all the guns I've painted I only stripped the AS02. Everything else I just used masking tape

13 minutes ago, SussexMatt said:

I've got a knackered old AK in the shed I'll try some stuff out on before hitting the M4 with anything. 

Good call. A boneyard gun to practice on is a good idea

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Stick something in the mag insert(sponge), tape the sight lenses and any numbering on scope elevation etc, bit of spong on front of barrel. 


Extend the stock and grab the mags you intend to use as these may as well be painted. 


As for painting... You sound like you're well versed. 


+1 for krylon matt. 



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37 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

If you're going to be using rattle cans halfords do decent camouflage paints and their green is the same shade as krylon OG

Picked up the 'full set' of these the other day and am quite impressed with them. Been using their primers for years for models etc and they've never let me down.

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+1 on the Halfords camo. 


I also sometimes use the Humbrol Matt Acrylic sprays. 





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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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