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What to buy???


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So I have a budget of around £700 and I'm stuck on what to buy , my first choice was going to be nov's ssr15 but was told buy a friend not to bother and after reading so reddit posts on it iv moved, so then started looking at the vfc's but told again that there not worth the money I'd love a tm next gen recoil but can't get past the low fps . Been looking at high pressure airsoft and put a few builds together to be told again if I'm going that route to get a mtw as hpa conversions have alignment problems so I'm stuck and looking for help please 

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We might be able to better advise if we had a bit more info, such as playing experience & style, as well as current and previous Airsoft armoury ? 

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Been playing for just over a year have tippman v2 carbine (selling it sunday) started with a asl aeg then bought a g&g cm16 wildhog (chag3d the mosfet to a perun changed hop to a win hop and bought a flat hoped barrel and don't get me wrong I do love it ) I play woodland and cqb 

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For that money you could buy an upgraded NGRS second hand by KOA for example.


Or get over the fps - like banging head against a wall - TM work very well, you can always upgrade it, or buy it upgraded from somewhere like FireSupport or DCA with an M100, gear set and deans conversion, really not that spendy.


IMO other than stealth and spastic ROF I really don’t rate HPA that highly.


A decent AEG is the best assualter.

Adecent GBBR best realism and easy performance… MWS!?

BASR or HPA sniper best long range gun.


The NGRS is the cheapest to run, most reliable and consistent all year round.

The Scar, 416 and M4 are the best performing.

If you did the 3 basic mods above, that’d be 330-340 fps.

Run a G&G green and Super Nub will get you a very nice 55M with 0.28s

If you want more then up the road Rhop it to see 65M range.


If your frugal n your play style then the MWS is a very satisfying RIF to use.

Edited by Davegolf
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Put a TM FNX in a carbine kit.

30 round mags, ultra reliable and will shoot 80m on red gas and 0.4’s totally standard. 

Just saved you £400

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14 minutes ago, Davegolf said:

I did wonder if I’d missed a product release!


Def cool but carbine kits do jar with me a bit from a realism POV.

Literally, that one is designed for the real pistol 🤣🤣

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With that budget I’d get my self a TM recoil and the mags for it but one thing I would say is DO NOT BUY OR PAY TO HAVE AN UPGRADED ONE !
I’ve basically had at least one or more since they 1st came on to the UK market(give or take a couple of yrs so I’ve made an awful lot of schoolboy errors with them ! 🤦‍♂️) and bar changing the connector to a Deans my experience and team mates has shown you do not need to upgrade them , you’ll be given loads of reasons and excuses of why you need too , faster trigger response , higher rate of fire , increased range , etc etc  but I’m sorry they’re all bollox in my book , you may ‘want’ too upgrade but you certainly don’t ’need’ too  . TM have spent a lot of time and money getting them where they are today and I do genuinely believe there one of the few models on the market that just aren’t suited to being messed about with , got a busted or worn out one ? Yes certainly have a go but new out of the box ? Nope sorry your just making a top notch gun sub par by doing so .

AND so ends the Sunday sermon ! 😉


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