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Customised laser engraved optics... Market research on behalf of Feyachi.


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Hey guys, so I am doing some market research for Feyachi. Disclaimer this is for a small reward.


So that being said. Feyachi would like to know if custom laser engraving on their optics range is something that would interest customers upon buying an optic from them. They want some direct input from us airsofters on the front line so to speak and value our input.


This could be anything from having your call sign engraved, maybe your favourite action movie quote, your youtube name, your team name or anything else you can think of. 


I imagine it may not appeal to some who are going for the more Milsim style replica builds, but might well appeal to people who like the more casual side of customising and building RIFs or youtubers and speedsofters etc...


Let's go for a poll style response using the 'like' feature.


Yes please! That sounds awesome = like (heart)

No! My Gnu wouldn't look genuine if I did!!  = sad face


Thanks for your time and feel free to add anything to the discussion.

Edited by Khyber
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It's a no from me. 


I think people either want an optic (or certain type of optic) that is as cheap as possible so it's then the easiest/cheapest one that fits their requirements. If so custom engraving isn't going to make it cheaper or easier to get.




They want the best value optic they can get for their money, whether thats an airsoft optic in a certain style up to a £500 aimpoint. I don't think many people pay for the vortex optic price brand to get a airsoft clone with some engraving.


My main point here is I think it's a gimmick that only a few people would be interested in and if they want it enough they can get companies that do laser engraving to do it for them (such as land warrior) on their choice of optic. 

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Ooerr. I wanna change my vote. 🤣



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Thank them for making nice optics at great prices, but I wouldn't be interested in engraving an essentially disposable item.  
But then I don't think I'd be interested in engraving my gun either, even though I like messing around with my rattle cans for a personalised look.

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5 hours ago, MAX DICKER said:

Not for me sorry. Mainly as I avoid Chinese companies as best I 

I must say their customer service is top notch. And better than alot of companies. They may be cheap but they work very well for the price and are more than adequately accurate for an airsoft gun. :)

Thanks everyone for the input so far. Personally it's not something I would choose but I know there are people out there who dig that kind of thing. Would be great if a few more people could add their vote too.  Thanks 

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15 minutes ago, Khyber said:

I must say their customer service is top notch. And better than alot of companies. They may be cheap but they work very well for the price and are more than adequately accurate for an airsoft gun. :)

Thanks everyone for the input so far. Personally it's not something I would choose but I know there are people out there who dig that kind of thing. Would be great if a few more people could add their vote too.  Thanks 

Absolutely not doubting their customer service or the value of their products

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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