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Gun / Spring / FPS / Energy Reference Wiki

S Porteous

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Having recently been trying various springs in new AEGs to work out what gets me to the site sweet-spot ahead of (unsuccessfully) ordering the right spring for the job... I was wondering if there was a site, or wiki, or anything which listed what different spring and gun combinations resulted in. 


I think that it would be a useful reference point for those that don't have every spring combination available (especially for those gearboxes that aren't quick change). 


Obviously this could only ever be considered a guide, and would probably need to be populated with data from non-upgraded guns, but I was thinking something like this:


AEG Brand AEG Model AEG Manufacture Year Spring Brand Spring Strength Hop On (Y/N) BB Weight FPS Energy (J)
ASG CZ Scorpion EVO 3 A1 2018 ASG 95 Y 0.28 285 1.06
ASG CZ Scorpion EVO 3 A1 2018 ASG 90 Y 0.28 265 0.91
Double Bell M4168 (Long) 2022 ASG 95 N 0.25 313 1.14
Double Bell M4168 (Long) 2022 ASG 90 N 0.25 280 0.91
Double Bell M4168 (Long) 2022 Gearparts 105 N 0.25 340 1.34
KWA QRF Mod. 1 2021 Gearparts 105 N 0.25 280 0.91


I don't think that it's something which a single person could maintain, so a wiki platform would be more suitable (you can then import the table data into other things from analysis).  I did have a look at Wikipedia, but I don't think that the content would fir their guidlines as it's not official information as such.


So my questions are:

  • do people think that this would be something which would be useful?
  • would people be willing to update something like this with the information that they have?
  • where would be suitable to host this where a community could update it (is it possible on this site)?


Either way, I'll probably maintain something for myself, but I would be interested in what others thought.

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The problem with something like that is that there are so many variables. Springs vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, air seals vary even between identical guns  etc. as a rule we generally know that in a well sealed gun an M95 or M100 will get you in the right ball park for the majority of AR types. 


I cant honestly see people bothering to update it.

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It's nigh on impossible to have an actual chart of what spring achieves what energy in what gun.


To have a somewhat "fair" comparison, the chart would need to have:


  • Cylinder length
  • Cylinder inner diametre
  • Cylinder type
  • Actual Cylinder Volume (so the inside area multiplied by the distance between the end of the port and the cylinder head, nested into the cylinder)
  • Piston travel
  • Number of teeth on the sector gear
  • Air Seal rating (tricky, maybe on a scale from 0 to 10 and each number has a coefficient)
  • Hop chamber
  • Hop rubber
  • Inner barrel length
  • Inner barrel diametre
  • Spring manufacturer
  • Spring material
  • Spring coefficients (gl finding them)
  • BB weight
  • BB brand
  • BB average dimension (yes, get on the caliper and measure every single bb you are going to use)
  • BB average weight (same as the above but with a precision scale)

Not to mention how parts are aligned with each other and other bollocks.

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Another idea which may appear good on paper, but in reality will be as useful as tits on a nun.


There's way too many variables to give more than a rough approximation of what results you'll get

Edited by Cannonfodder
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18 hours ago, S Porteous said:

and would probably need to be populated with data from non-upgraded guns


Sorry, I have to agree that this won't particularly useful given that I'd always encourage first getting the air seal as good as possible, then changing the spring.


It would certainly be interesting to see comparisons, but there are just too many variables involved, starting with individual chrono, for it to be more than a scatter plot.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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