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Ukara Number Registration.


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hi, i am asking if i can play airsoft and my parents on the side lines and if that counts towards to sign up for a ukara registration. i am not old enough to own a ukara number, also i think two toned airsoft guns are lame.

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Do your time like every one else, or get your dad to play 3 games as a rental & then he can gift you whatever he then buys.

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So there you have your answer young @Orthiz22.

sorry if its not the answer you wanted but rulez is rulez ☹

you will get to play but you can't bypass the process.

it will all be worth it.🙂👍



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You will learn there is nothing like s free lunch in this world (that's a metaphor if you don't understand what I'm talking about)... We are lucky in this country to be able to play airsoft with non coloured guns.... However the rules are there for a reason and should not be circumvented.... and nothing about airsoft is lame. A two tone gun is just as good as a vanilla gun. It's the player that holds it that matters and if that player has a mind set that airsoft is lame when playing with a two tone gun then maybe this hobby isn't for you.... 

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@Orthiz22 I dislike two toned  guns as much as the next guy, but if it meant I had to suck it up & use one in order to play, then so be it, but I'd stay within the law & cover the brightly painted areas with camo scrim net or sniper tape & crack on with shooting mofo's.

It's what you should do 👍 


EDIT: Obviously daddy will have to buy the two-tone, & gift it to you

Edited by Tackle
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1. If you aren’t old enough to qualify under UKARA you aren’t able to buy anything, two tone or not. 
2. An increasing number of sites stipulate that U18 players must wear a full mask and must play with a two tone until you are 18 anyway. So by getting a RIF you are limiting where you can play anyway. There are only a few places like UCAP that don’t allow two tones. 
3. Another ‘hey guys please tell me how I can circumvent government legislation’ covert post. You won’t find any regular poster on here that will indulge you on this. 

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15 hours ago, Tommikka said:

Thinking that a two tone is lame doesn’t aid in showing the maturity required for responsible RIF ownership 


it's worth noting that whilst there is a subset of players who dislike "noobs" (and those players are assholes) most players don't give a damn if your gun is 2-toned.


we all know it's a necessary evil and as long as it's not been done to anything particularly rare/nice you're not gonna be judged for it.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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