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Hello From North East

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Evening everyone, 


I am new to the air soft scene. Not played anywhere yet or have and equipment but once everywhere opens up again that will change. 

Any hints or tips for the hobby will be welcome. 

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31 minutes ago, heroshark said:

Where's our gbb Uzi?

Yer gona confuse the new guy. (I'm waiting for it too)


Welcome rook3h.  Don't mind heroshark, we've kinda lost it a bit with this lockdown. 😬


Read all the sticky posts to get maximum info

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But the best pair of combat boots you can afford. 

Rent a G36 or AK74 until you decide you want to blow it all on a TM GBBR

Ammo is cheap as fuck, so there is no such thing as too trigger happy. 

It’s ok to shoot people in the arse between games if they are your mates. 


Shoot and get shot. Don’t be a bitch when it’s the latter. 

Take your hits. 

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13 minutes ago, DRay said:

But the best pair of combat boots you can afford. 
Rent a G36 or AK74 until you decide you want to blow it all on a TM GBBR
Ammo is cheap as fuck, so there is no such thing as too trigger happy. 
It’s ok to shoot people in the arse between games if they are your mates. 

Shoot and get shot. Don’t be a bitch when it’s the latter. 
Take your hits. 

I'd disagree with a couple of points there:

"no such thing as too trigger happy" Yes there is.  Too much auto spraying is a sign of poor skill and really annoying.

"It’s ok to shoot people in the arse between games" Not something to be encouraged because things will get out of hand if other people see that being done too much. 

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Hi @r00k3h! 👋

Welcome to the forum, full of advice and like minded players! 🔫🤪👍

Good luck getting started, when it is safe, hopefully soon! 🤞

Have a channel aimed for beginners with hints and tips, if interested? 🤔👍


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  • Head Moderator

Welcome :).

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One tip springs to mind...don't listen to @EDcaselol.

Another hard learnt tip is to never use your pistol to scratch an itch in your ear!even if you think its unloaded. If however you know for dammed sure its unloaded then its OK but best not to just in case.it would probably be OK if you take the mag out and put it in your pocket though or under a recognisable stone so you know where it is.

Other than that err yeah.....have fun....


Oh yeah watch @GAMBLE

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51 minutes ago, Shamal said:

One tip springs to mind...don't listen to @EDcaselol.

Another hard learnt tip is to never use your pistol to scratch an itch in your ear!even if you think its unloaded. If however you know for dammed sure its unloaded then its OK but best not to just in case.it would probably be OK if you take the mag out and put it in your pocket though or under a recognisable stone so you know where it is.

Other than that err yeah.....have fun....


Oh yeah watch @GAMBLE

talking from experience here bud?


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42 minutes ago, miserydrift said:


talking from experience here bud?


Fuck yeah. Dammit!😭 lol

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