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Is That You Kicking Mustang?

Stratton Oakmont
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Having read numerous threads on the YouTube sniper, I’ve noticed a theme running through the posts by one particularly vociferous poster.

My suspicion is that it may be a distraction to pour scorn on the person whilst secretly concocting an elaborate back story when it’s them all along.



SKARA, is that you kicking mustang?




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5 minutes ago, osteoshot said:

SKARA, is that you kicking mustang?


You're way off..........it's already been confirmed that @Skara is actually Novritsch. Reverse psychology n' all that.

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I'm looking forward to being featured in your next video @Skara


What will the title be? "Professional Sniper DESTROYS Forum Snowflakes with these OVERPOWERED Posts"?

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2 minutes ago, Cr0-Magnon said:

I'm looking forward to being featured in your next video @Skara


What will the title be? "Professional Sniper DESTROYS Forum Snowflakes with these OVERPOWERED Posts"?

Considering the current state of both Italian and UK airsoft, I would totally expect this title from KM lol

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21 minutes ago, Cr0-Magnon said:

I'm looking forward to being featured in your next video @Skara


What will the title be? "Professional Sniper DESTROYS Forum Snowflakes with these OVERPOWERED Posts"?


you forgot with " Trusty Ex Soldier sidekick whom may or may not whistle when walking" 

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Just now, GenuineGerman said:


you forgot with " Trusty Ex Soldier sidekick whom may or may not whistle when walking" 


Sorry yes, you're totally correct. I was getting confused between which one he is.

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5 minutes ago, osteoshot said:

Looks like he got royally screwed on that one.

Both parties messed up to be fair.

Skirm shouldn't have accepted a 50/50 split in the first place, since they were the ones doing all the heavy lifting, and KM should've signed some sort of NDA with the manufacturer AND skirmshop.


Now, Stalker/Skirmshop aren't new to ripping designs off.

Their Kraken SRS chamber is a 1:1 carbon copy of the MAXX, their barrels are ridiculously similar to EdGi dual bores and I believe the Panthera tensioners are a ripoff of either skeee's or someone else's.

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Yea bad mix business and friends with no paperwork 

I watched a YT clip with comparison between both kmcs and stalker suits/stuff and they were exact copies (within 99%) if they had bothered to swap around some of the stitching then they could have done a “Novswitch” but doing a blatant copy whilst allegedly being in business with someone/friend is a proper douche move.

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ok not been in airsoft long enough but whats the issue with those youtubers?

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4 minutes ago, MiK said:

Yea bad mix business and friends with no paperwork 

I watched a YT clip with comparison between both kmcs and stalker suits/stuff and they were exact copies (within 99%) if they had bothered to swap around some of the stitching then they could have done a “Novswitch” but doing a blatant copy whilst allegedly being in business with someone/friend is a proper douche move.

Thing is.

It's NOT a copy, it's the same product, made by the same russian tailor using the same materials (albeit different print, KMCS in something, Stalker in M05), only the tag has a different name printed on it :D


4 minutes ago, miserydrift said:

ok not been in airsoft long enough but whats the issue with those youtubers?

Everything, starting from the fact that they steal our oxygen :D

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16 minutes ago, miserydrift said:

ok not been in airsoft long enough but whats the issue with those youtubers?


They realised that clickbait and trolling generates more clicks/revenue than portraying airsoft in a positive light. Most of the commenters on their videos don't even play or own any airsoft guns, they just get a kick out of the footage of full-auto to peoples faces from three metres away etc. If anyone dare suggest it's poor sportsmanship, they're met with a barrage of "Snowflake! You go to shoot and be shot!" (again, by non-airsofters).

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1 minute ago, miserydrift said:

ahhh got ya had noticed the close full auto shit recently!


It's a difficult one, in a sense you can't blame them. Most started off innocently enough and because of it only had about fifty subscribers.


There are also the ones which shill every gun/product they review, in fear of not being sent free stuff again.

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aye ive learnt that with most youtubers even motorcyle ones to pc ones so if im wanting to watch a review i  usualy look for ones where they have bought it themselfs


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I don’t mind the youtube celebs, I don’t mind the schills as that’s how advertising has always been.

The ones that irritate me are those people that put a gun on there head/gun turn it on and record and then think it’s good enough to to post on YouTube. No editing, nothing.

It would appear that some people had too much of mummy saying whatever you do is wonderful, not enough reflection on their own work and realising that it’s mediocre at best and does not warrant putting out for public consumption. 

As I’ve said on other threads I don’t mind kicking mustang et al, mainly because I appreciate the time and effort they have had to put into editing the “story” you see for entertainment.

You may not like the story you see but compared to a shocking video of poor quality sound, picture and content that goes nowhere I’d rather watch a headshot compilation of repeats from previous footage.


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4 minutes ago, miserydrift said:

aye ive learnt that with most youtubers even motorcyle ones to pc ones so if im wanting to watch a review i  usualy look for ones where they have bought it themselfs


They are supposed to be the least biased ones, but there is always the hardcore fanboy who can't admit the flaws in his idol's product

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12 minutes ago, Skara said:

They are supposed to be the least biased ones, but there is always the hardcore fanboy who can't admit the flaws in his idol's product

totaly agree same with anything really though all sports mmusic everything its just human nature unfortunatley

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@osteoshot - You can be entertaining with doing the trolling/clickbait bit. Or maybe they can't because without it they're not witty, charismatic or really have any way of attracting people to their channel.

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