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AngryBull Airsoft - Youtube Channel


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A CQB site, haven’t been to one in a while, I’ll be sticking to the Woodlands for now! 🤪

Good luck with your channel, it’s an interesting project to try and see how far you go? 🔫😎👍

Might have to pay visit to this site one day!?.... 🤔


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40 minutes ago, GAMBLE said:

A CQB site, haven’t been to one in a while, I’ll be sticking to the Woodlands for now! 🤪

Good luck with your channel, it’s an interesting project to try and see how far you go? 🔫😎👍

Might have to pay visit to this site one day!?.... 🤔



Yeah, been open about a month or 2 and is 15 mins away from me. Owned by a top bunch who have the well established Skirmish woodland nearby. I've found with a lot of time on my hands recently, YouTube content helped me while away the days, if I can provide even a distraction from boredom I'm super happy.

If you do ever head over please do give me a shout, would love to accompany and play shoulder to shoulder with a fellow forum buddy.

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1 hour ago, EDcase said:

Looks like a good place.  Unfortunately too far for me to go 😟


I am very impressed with it. It's tight enough in places to get the intensity but the middle more open part is so well placed to not make it easy to pass from one end to the other. With the numbers currenlty due to covid as well it feels empty even when everyone is in game. I think it could probably push up to about 10 per side before it started to peak it's numbers.

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1 hour ago, Davegolf said:

Can’t beat pistols in CQB 👍

Loving the sideways hold at 2:10 😁


Absolutely the best way! Pistols indoor is OP


That was a very mild side slant compared to what I was doing at other points in the day, there is a long line down the left side with cover for the enemy in the shape of some barrels but there path to the barrels is behind and right. With a good lean you can bend round the barrels and almost to their spawn!

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On 13/11/2020 at 15:34, Davegolf said:

What spec is your HiCapa? Other than yellow :D



Thank you, nothing too extravagent but spec list is as follows;



Airsoft Masterpiece Infinity Slide

Elite Shooting Centre Aluminium outer barrel (not sold on this, may swap out for AM)

Elite Shooting Centre Inner Barrel (will be swapped for PDI as soon as I can get one)

Maple Leaf Hop Chamber

Maple Leaf Hop Wheel

Maple Leaf Hop Arm


Decepticon 70 bucking

AM Guide Rod

AM Guide Rod Plug

Waldo Snappy Boi 130% Recoil Spring

CowCow short stroke buffers (3 plus washers)

CowCow Lightweight BBU

Elite Shooting Centre Nozzle

AIP 140% Nozzle Return Spring

Airsoft Surgeon STI Tacticla Magwell



I apparently have a PDI barrel in transit (although it's going the long way round the world to get to me), also have some AIP aluminium sights to add to it as well.


All running from a Primary HPA adapter.

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This weeks installment is the upgrade process for the GE. I've hoarded some parts together, very happy with this build but since this was recorded (I schedule about 3 weeks ahead) I have since upgraded some other parts so we'll have yet another installment coming hopefully titles "final" build. We will see! Anyway - hope you enjoy it.



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Small update on where I am with my little channel and where I want to go with it.


Over the last week I've invested in a proper GoPro to improve the quality of the footage on my videos, the £30 Apeman just isn't cutting it any more and I've also upgraded my video editor software and brought that up to date as well (Magix/Sony/Vegas Movie Studio 17 Platinum is currently only £30 for anyone interested).


With regards to the footage, the last however many weeks have been fun going over the technicals and spec lists of my weapons and I've not really started on my "primary" weapons yet but as we are now less than a month away from getting back out there I will be swinging my focus towards some honest gameplay footage, no hit marker stuff, just honest POV of some of the game situations and sites I go to with the odd montage added in for when there has been a fast paced CQB session.


Speaking of which... there is now another CQB due to open up within 20 minutes of where I live which is going to give me a nice variance of location especially when tied in to my montly "big" outing with the rest of the Recon101 guys.


My channel has already hit my first self imposed milestone and has surpassed 50 subscribers, not sure how or why given most of the content is me ranting about how shite Golden Eagle pistols are but thank you to those already subbed and for anyone reading and who isn't yet, please do give me a sub as I would really like to make it to 100 subs before summer.


Overall I'm super exctied to be getting back out next month and given how much turmoil is caused online by clickbaited videos, false claims of many descriptions and the general focus on promoting "angst". I am looking forward to reflecting a true airsoft experience even if it doesn't get my views into the thousands.


A lot of love going out to "my guys" @Flintlock @DECO290597 - can't wait to get back out as a group again and a strong nod in the direction of @KJB as I can't wait for us to start hitting up the CQB's locally and causing a ruckus!



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This week's dropped earlier than I expected. Anyway, some conquest action from the local CQB and a very hyped up can't wait for the 18th May as I'm booked into another CQB for a 13 hour session. Yes going to be full of bruises that week!


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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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