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Inconsistant Spread With Shots

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Hello, my Specna arms m4 that ive used a total of 3 times at airsoft is having huge inconsistencys in the bb flight path some are going dead straight some are going madly left some are going right. Whats causing this is it just a dirty barrel? or would it be something else.



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just to add after cleaning barrel...

ensure you are using "decent BB's"


say G&G .25's would be a good start

(I know they ain't ultra cheap, but decent ammo can/does make a difference)


if you started using another bag of shit egg shape bb's

then don't expect them to fly so true

if you are using G&G's already then yup barrel or hop rubber/nub problems for certain

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All good advice up there:

Good quality ammo

Clean the barrel

If that doesn't make a difference check the hop rubber for tears / damage.

If that is ok maybe look at fitting a new nub, possibly one with a concave curve to help centre the BB consistently.

Also checking the hop arm for side-to-side play, and the hop unit fit onto the barrel.

Good luck! Let us know how it goes.

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All as above but just to throw into the mix the stock hop rubber might be a bit hard. Worth looking at a new one while you've got the barrel out to clean.

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Ahhhhh chuck it away and get a TM recoil..... they work with special TM pixie dust only found on Mount Fuji.... They always shoot straight no matter what you do to them..... otherwise Luke at Negative Airsoft will sort it out ;)




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49 minutes ago, AlphaBear said:

Ahhhhh chuck it away and get a TM recoil..... they work with special TM pixie dust only found on Mount Fuji.... They always shoot straight no matter what you do to them..... otherwise Luke at Negative Airsoft will sort it out ;)




I wish 😆 i'd love a TM recoil cant justify it lol Plan to upgrade my gun next year with a Gate Titan and a better hop. 


So i cleaned the barrel with cleaning Alcohol and a microfibre cloth and its shooting and sounding much better... Might of been some real dirt in the barrel, Cleaned my mags too the same way and the mag well seems to have fixed didnt think i got any dirt in the gun but seems mud always finds a way.


Thanks for all the help guys!



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15 minutes ago, padraigthesniper said:

I wish 😆 i'd love a TM recoil cant justify it lol Plan to upgrade my gun next year with a Gate Titan and a better hop. 


So i cleaned the barrel with cleaning Alcohol and a microfibre cloth and its shooting and sounding much better... Might of been some real dirt in the barrel, Cleaned my mags too the same way and the mag well seems to have fixed didnt think i got any dirt in the gun but seems mud always finds a way.


Thanks for all the help guys!




It's incredible how much a 'dirty' inner barrel can make... especially so after a woodland game when it's wet and you're going through some dense woodland like I was last weekend..... that reminds me I should clean both guns which I used last Sunday :)


Regarding the TM recoils they are just fun to use..... not that your's isn't... they are just the only platform I ever play with until recently that is shhhhhhhh :)




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ASG blasters have loads or random voids in them when I investigated. Move to something better. Valkyrie, G&G, Novritsch

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