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Which gun?

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Hi guys im new here and very new to Airsoft and could do with a little help on which gun to buy my 2 sons. My youngest lad has found a gun on Zero One which is a JG AEG G39C for £104 (link below) has anyone got any views on this gun or another which is not over heavy or stupid money. My oldest son has chosen a CYMA / Cybergun AEG Kalashnikov AKS74U Full Metal & Wood, which i am led to believe is a decent choice, any thoughts would be very much appreciated 


many thanks Funfrock



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The JG G39 is a very solid gun. Almost indestructible internals and reasonable performer. It can take any G36 specific upgrades and its not a particularly heavy gun either. 


You can get side rails for it for additional attachments, a scope rail attachment, different stocks etc. 


It's a great choice for a beginner!

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I guess I'l just +3 to all of the above.  Those are perfectly decent choices, and make a nice change from the usual starter M4.


(We've got a nice c-c-c-combo going here, I wonder who'll break it by suggesting a GBB P90)

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CYMA AKs are excellent - may need a barrel clean and hop rubber change and dependent where you get it from (Taiwangun.com are recommended) a spring change as it will shoot hot.  Taiwangun will change the spring for free if you include the service as part of your order.


EDIT - just read Cybergun - avoid as Samurai states believe the OEM for them is Jing Gong.  Here are some CYMA AKs worth considering that won't break the bank




https://www.taiwangun.com/en/electric/cm-045a-1-joule-cyma?from=listing&campaign-id=19 (1J version so no need for spring change)



And an AK74 and AKM just for variety 




CYMA AKs are great for their price point

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