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Hi-Capa Aftermarket upgrades

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Just bought my first Hi-Capa (and pistol) and dont know where to look for some aftermarket upgrades here in the UK. Just looking to get a new inner barrel, threaded outerbarrel, bucking and maybe a magwell or something, for a TM btw. Cheers. Also not sure if its the right place to postso let me know if not mods

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Barrel/bucking i'm running a pdi 6.01 with a maple leaf autobot green and i key, that'll sling whatever you want to put in it.


Pdi's w hop bucking is also pretty decent but will struggle at real heavy ammo.


Cant say about outer barrels, mine came threaded but i never run a suppressor anyway. The tk grip is pretty nice although maybe not as flared as you're looking for.

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51 minutes ago, Milk__ said:

Just bought my first Hi-Capa (and pistol) and dont know where to look for some aftermarket upgrades here in the UK. Just looking to get a new inner barrel, threaded outerbarrel, bucking and maybe a magwell or something, for a TM btw. Cheers. Also not sure if its the right place to postso let me know if not mods


Depends on the Hi Cappa. Which one did you get? If you got the TM DOR then you will be quite restricted in what you can get as it based on a new system introduced with the TM M45A1

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Guest Yukarin
2 minutes ago, Milk__ said:

I got the gold match

I think the barrel assembly of the gold match is different to the standard TM 5.1, but I'm sure Mike at eliteshootingcentre will be able to advise you.

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Yeah im pretty sure it is, but from what ive read so far a new inner and outer barrel is all it is, apparently the two are tied together so you need to replace both

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8 minutes ago, Yukarin said:

I think the barrel assembly of the gold match is different to the standard TM 5.1, but I'm sure Mike at eliteshootingcentre will be able to advise you.

gold match is a non dropping barrel .


plenty of after market support for GM.


Just speak with Mike let him know what one want to do and what you have he prefers people ask to avoid ordering the wrong thing. He has been very helpful  when i have spoken to him.

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Im not sure what non dropping means.


Messaged him about the Tanio Koba One Touch Silencer Adaptor as Im not sure if that means I need a threaded inner, as it says "they are designed to cut their own thread"

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The 1911 has a barrel that tilts down to unlock, many airsoft pistols including the default hicapa also do this to replicate the look. However on an airsoft gun it does nothing but add a bit of friction and wobble so the ones optimised for better shooting have barrels that are fixed (like yours does)


Its better for a suppressor, hanging a weight on the end of the barrel that the action has to swing up can screw up its effeciency (this also happens on real guns, the eponymous mk23 socom has a special spring loaded suppressor for exactly this reason)

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IF you look in the ejection port as you move the slide back you will notice the barrel drops a few mill.  This is the replication of the lockup he is talking about.  The muzzle obviously rises at the same time.  AIrsoft guns are straight blowback so this locking feature is for cosmetic purposes only.  See link below.



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On 02/11/2019 at 20:58, Milk__ said:

Oh right, I see what you mean, but where does this come in? Im new in this area, so im clueless haha, apologies



On most airsoft pistols the barrel rocks up and down as in the video above purely to replicate the functionality and look of a real pistol, your Gold Match does not. As a result you get better accuracy but you are then limited on choice for replacement barrels due to the way they are mounted.

Speak to Mike at ESC and he'll sort you out.

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