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Recommend a UH-1 Optics Replica Holographic Red Dot Sight I just bought

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Rog ? 😉

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Why do I get the feeling of ‘retailer’ posting ?

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why rip off a product that's main usp is its vip warranty. As a vortex owner I purchased it second hand for the same price this is new for Airsoft because I don't care if it gets shot out vortex will replace it. Otherwise I expect it's just another red dot/hologram clone that will be dubious to zero and poor quality glass to see through but some will put looks over performance and then put an ugly lense protector in front and ruin the looks anyway.


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Its a sketchy Chinese run template website (they own/run at least two other sites), the poster probably wont be seen again and will most likely be busy posting other peoples images of products not even purchased from them on other forums/facebook pages.


Not sure the Italian dudes mum wants her bras and nicknacks all over the web but to late now😭 

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