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Newbie from Liverpool.

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Hello Everyone!


I've grown quite fond of the idea of getting into airsoft although i've never had the chance to play it, I have recently been watching a lot of Youtube videos and have decided to try my best to get involved.


I have a rough idea how to get started but finding locations near to me is proving quite difficult there only seems to be 1 small location close to me in which I have spent a day paintballing in last year and it's probably the location I will try Airsoft for the first time.


I'm going to be browsing through this site quite a lot to find everything I need to get involved in this awesome sport!


This was me just introducing myself, hopefully i'll make a couple of connections on this site and we can one day meet up on the battlefield.


Any help will be greatly appreciated! 





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Welcome :).


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Welcome , liverpool your not limited if you drive . Swat run 2 sites, 1 in liverpool and 1 in the wirral and you have bravo 22 . Northwales has 2 sites i know of alpha 55 and the ex site. 

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  On 13/06/2019 at 18:33, johnnyj said:

Welcome , liverpool your not limited if you drive . Swat run 2 sites, 1 in liverpool and 1 in the wirral and you have bravo 22 . Northwales has 2 sites i know of alpha 55 and the ex site. 


Thanks for the reply Johnny I appreciate it! Have you been to any of these sites before? if so which one would you recommend? if not no worries i'll scope them out and see what one looks best.


EDIT: I see you have SWAT on your list of sites. 😅

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Welcome to the forum and your next addiction 😉


I'm a regular at the Ex Site near Mold and have been a member for about 4 years now.  Game attendances vary, anything from around 10/12 of us (if the weather is crap) to 30/40+ when we have joint games with somewhere like OTT from Anglesey or Delta Team 3 who are coming over from Manchester in July.


It's a roughly 200 acre woodland site, with a mock village and plenty of other buildings dotted about.  There's also a secondary site called the quarry (probably because it used to be one) and that has some awesome terrain.


Games are most Sundays and I think it's around £35 for non-members, including hire gun and around 1000 BBs if you're just starting, basic hire eyepro is included too but I'd recommend doing a bit of reading and buying your own.


We're a pretty relaxed (apart from when it comes to safety), friendly and approachable bunch who don't take ourselves too seriously.  We play plenty of different game formats and usually have night games a couple of times a year.


For info: website and Farcebook.


If you fancy going some time then let me know and I'd be happy to meet up and introduce you, partly because the site isn't the easiest to find!

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Rock Ferry here, looking to start going to the 3x SWAT sites in the area soon if you wanna organize something.

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  On 13/06/2019 at 22:03, Philby21 said:

Welcome to the forum and your next addiction 😉


I'm a regular at the Ex Site near Mold and have been a member for about 4 years now.  Game attendances vary, anything from around 10/12 of us (if the weather is crap) to 30/40+ when we have joint games with somewhere like OTT from Anglesey or Delta Team 3 who are coming over from Manchester in July.


It's a roughly 200 acre woodland site, with a mock village and plenty of other buildings dotted about.  There's also a secondary site called the quarry (probably because it used to be one) and that has some awesome terrain.


Games are most Sundays and I think it's around £35 for non-members, including hire gun and around 1000 BBs if you're just starting, basic hire eyepro is included too but I'd recommend doing a bit of reading and buying your own.


We're a pretty relaxed (apart from when it comes to safety), friendly and approachable bunch who don't take ourselves too seriously.  We play plenty of different game formats and usually have night games a couple of times a year.


For info: website and Farcebook.


If you fancy going some time then let me know and I'd be happy to meet up and introduce you, partly because the site isn't the easiest to find!


Thanks for the reply! I may take you up  on this offer 1 day, it sounds awesome.

  On 14/06/2019 at 00:47, paradoxum said:

Rock Ferry here, looking to start going to the 3x SWAT sites in the area soon if you wanna organize something.


Hello!! Yeah i'm up for that! I need to buy some of the essentials first within the next week week or 2 then I should be ready to go.

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  On 14/06/2019 at 07:03, Localcaine said:

Thanks for the reply! I may take you up  on this offer 1 day, it sounds awesome.

Hello!! Yeah i'm up for that! I need to buy some of the essentials first within the next week week or 2 then I should be ready to go.



Sweet. I'm really hoping to get my stuff delivered from a buddy shipping it on to me from the US soon, including my SCARH, and my damn P226 is stuck in customs limbo for 2 months now on the way back to sweden for being broken, but I've got everything else and my pulse rifle (can't wait to roll up with that and do the 'wanna introduce you to a personal friend of mine' bit).

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  On 14/06/2019 at 15:16, paradoxum said:


Sweet. I'm really hoping to get my stuff delivered from a buddy shipping it on to me from the US soon, including my SCARH, and my damn P226 is stuck in customs limbo for 2 months now on the way back to sweden for being broken, but I've got everything else and my pulse rifle (can't wait to roll up with that and do the 'wanna introduce you to a personal friend of mine' bit).


Ooof that SCARH should be pretty sweet! I'll let you know if i'm ever planning to head up!

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Roger that.


I got a grenade launcher for it too which I have yet to even play with because the grenades are coming with the SCARH, gonna look like this; 



If you end up having to rent you can have a play with it, or use my pulse rifle;










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  On 14/06/2019 at 20:44, paradoxum said:

Roger that.


I got a grenade launcher for it too which I have yet to even play with because the grenades are coming with the SCARH, gonna look like this; 



If you end up having to rent you can have a play with it, or use my pulse rifle;











Wow! Well its safe to say this reply has got me excited 😁

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  On 14/06/2019 at 21:51, Localcaine said:

What is the community like with new players? I don't want to be the noob who annoys everyone on my team! 😅



I've yet to even go yet, I wanted to get my scarh and everything else first for my loadout and have been gathering all the bits, then on days when they had games I was busy or something came up, so I'll turn up looking like I've played before and probably just get killed constantly :P I am pretty good at BF4 though.. I think it's mostly friendly though, I had a look on their facebook and they seem like a nice bunch, and what with the whole honor system for calling hits in the sport I guess that attracts people that just wanna play and have fun etc.

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  On 14/06/2019 at 21:58, paradoxum said:


I've yet to even go yet, I wanted to get my scarh and everything else first for my loadout and have been gathering all the bits, then on days when they had games I was busy or something came up, so I'll turn up looking like I've played before and probably just get killed constantly :P I am pretty good at BF4 though.. I think it's mostly friendly though, I had a look on their facebook and they seem like a nice bunch, and what with the whole honor system for calling hits in the sport I guess that attracts people that just wanna play and have fun etc.


I thought you have to play at a registered site 3 times to use your own guns? I'll probably rent for the first few games just so i know what loadout I should invest in and to get a feel for the game in general.


I think the main thing for me is to buy the essential equipment first.

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  On 14/06/2019 at 21:51, Localcaine said:

What is the community like with new players? I don't want to be the noob who annoys everyone on my team! 😅



The majority of sites will make you welcome, as long as you jump in and have a go, take your hits and just generally enjoy yourself then you'll be fine.


Chat to people, ask about their what guns/gear they're using and you'll find everyone will be more than happy to chat to you and a lot will likely let you try their guns for size so you can getting a better feel for what you might prefer yourself.


The playing three times at a site relates to gaining UKARA registration, using your own gun at a new site isn't an issue but it will get chrono'd to make sure it's within limits.


Minor warning, you'll go through several guns and several load outs too before you settle on something you're happy with longer term.  I've got various chest rigs but am now putting together a belt load out instead (aiming for more PMC).  Most of my recent "normal" game days I've been running with literally just my Sopmod, a hi cap mag, an ammo bag and my side arm and that's been it.  Others will turn out with loads of kit on a full PC rig, more than one pistol and multiple mags.


That's one of the fun things with this hobby, you can mix and match to your heart's content - but your bank balance might not forgive you! 😂

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  On 14/06/2019 at 22:32, Philby21 said:

Others will turn out with loads of kit on a full PC rig, more than one pistol and multiple mags.


Sounds like that#ll be me.


Print this out http://ukara.org.uk/Players-Skirmish-Validation-Form.pdf and get them to stamp it when you go

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  • 4 weeks later...

There is also The Mill at Wigan if you dont mind the train journey/car journey

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There are a few vids on youtube. Search for Liverpool Swat Kiln. It's a good cqb venue if that's your thing. 


I don't think the kiln is open at the moment as they are concentrating on the woodland venue over in Parkgate. I heard that they are going to do the place up over the summer.

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Oh yeh. In regards to airsoft defence, Swat airsoft has there own validation method known as the Swat Pass rather than Ukara.


It's the same sort of thing and I have had no problems ordering rifs from Patrol Base

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  On 10/07/2019 at 14:39, CrackCommandoUnit1972 said:

Oh yeh. In regards to airsoft defence, Swat airsoft has there own validation method known as the Swat Pass rather than Ukara.


It's the same sort of thing and I have had no problems ordering rifs from Patrol Base



Oh cool, but can you still get ukara stamps there for ordering elsewhere?

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  On 10/07/2019 at 17:27, paradoxum said:


Oh cool, but can you still get ukara stamps there for ordering elsewhere?


I'm not sure.

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Be wary with the SWAT PASS as its ok for ordering from the likes of Patrolbase and such, but anything outside of the country can be hit and miss with anything other than UKARA

I have only used UKARA myself but a couple of mates have had their SWAT PASS declined from the likes of Taiwangun and Gunfire.PL

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