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My top war films

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Please have a read and see where we agree/disagree!





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59 minutes ago, Dentonboy said:

Please have a read and see where we agree/disagree!






Good read mate although I disagree with the placement of Dunkirk, but that's just personal opinion. Surprised I didn't see The siege of Jadotville, Kajaki, Jarhead or dare I say it The Hurt Locker and even Behind Enemy Lines (I actually really rated Owen Wilson in this and the lack of WOoW's in the dialogue)


As far as series go have you watched Generation War which I think is on Netflix or amazon at the moment which shows the war from the German perspective?

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I have not, no, will have to seek it out. Could've and should've squeezed 'Downfall' on there too...just so many decent films. Where would you have put Dunkirk?!

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1 minute ago, Dentonboy said:

I have not, no, will have to seek it out. Could've and should've squeezed 'Downfall' on there too...just so many decent films. Where would you have put Dunkirk?!


Downfall is in my top ten foreign speaking films by miles! Personally Dunkirk probably wouldn't have even been on there but if it were probably far higher up the list nowhere near the top 10! I found the acting really flat and putting Tom Hardy/Harry Styles in it seemed like a desperate attempt at getting bums on seats. Take it you didn't notice the very obvious cardboard cut outs on the beaches? seems to me they also blew their wad on paying for the names and not paying for extras to fill up the beaches.

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Dunkirk ahead of Hamburger HIll?  Ahead of Saving Ryan? Ahead of FMJ? And Zero Dark Thirty at 1?  What have you been smoking?  Section this boy immediately.


I would argue that ZD30 doesnt even qualify as a War movie, its a thriller but not a War movie as it represents 1 very short SF raid on a compound and is more about the chase rather than the catch.


Where is were Eagles Dare and all the classic 60/70s films?


Need an education in films boyo :P

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1 minute ago, EvilMonkee said:

Dunkirk ahead of Hamburger HIll?  What have you been smoking?


After legal advice I have been told to state 'no comment.'

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By making 'No Comment' the jury will be allowed to make an inference from your silence in favour of guilt.  And to be honest, I think we should press for the death sentence.

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7 minutes ago, EvilMonkee said:

Dunkirk ahead of Hamburger HIll?  Ahead of Saving Ryan? Ahead of FMJ? And Zero Dark Thirty at 1?  What have you been smoking?  Section this boy immediately.


I would argue that ZD30 doesnt even qualify as a War movie, its a thriller but not a War movie as it represents 1 very short SF raid on a compound and is more about the chase rather than the catch.


Where is were Eagles Dare and all the classic 60/70s films?


Need an education in films boyo :P



Have to agree on the ZD30, I was surprised to not see 13 hours in there considering ZD30 was... I hadn't actually noticed how many war films/military roles the guys from 13 hours had been in for instance Max Martini who played "Oz" is in Saving Private Ryan, Captain Philips (he was the seal commander), The Unit, The Great Raid and a few others



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2 minutes ago, Dentonboy said:

13 Hours is an oversight.


Was just about mention 13 hours! Great film. 


Few on on that list I’ve not seen so will have to seek them out. 

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14 minutes ago, Monkman said:

A bridge to Far

 A Bridge Too Far. 


Pedantry aside:


10.  Stalingrad

9.    A Bridge Too Far

8.    Sea of Sand

7.    In Which We Serve

6.    Kelly's Heroes

5.    Black Hawk Down

4.    Full Metal Jacket

3.    Saving Private Ryan 

2.    Hamburger Hill (Yes above SPR) 

1.    Where Eagles Dare


Had to leave out such gems as Glory, Flags of Our Fathers/Letters from Iwo Jima, Lawrence of Arabia, Paths of Glory, Das Boot, Zulu....etc etc


How about the top 10 Worst War Movies?


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My worst would include:


R-Point - a rare RoK take on the Vietnam War which just flounders in a supernatural setting.


Jarhead - I know it is beloved by most, but they've made a war film...boring.


Sand Castle - a wasted cast and some dreadful vehicle stand-ins. Not the worst...not the best. Gets better after the first 1/2 hour. 


Pearl Harbour - Urrgh. Soapy, unrealistic, too long, too boring and too American. Dire.


Battle of the Bulge - great cast...greater errors.


Redacted - a good premise but they bottled the ending. Really bottled it.

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57 minutes ago, Dentonboy said:

My worst would include:


R-Point - a rare RoK take on the Vietnam War which just flounders in a supernatural setting.


Jarhead - I know it is beloved by most, but they've made a war film...boring.


Sand Castle - a wasted cast and some dreadful vehicle stand-ins. Not the worst...not the best. Gets better after the first 1/2 hour. 


Pearl Harbour - Urrgh. Soapy, unrealistic, too long, too boring and too American. Dire.


Battle of the Bulge - great cast...greater errors.


Redacted - a good premise but they bottled the ending. Really bottled it.


Gotta to agree re the Battle of the Bulge that would be my #1 Worst quickly followed by Pearl Harbour.  Michael Bay should never be let behind a camera ever again

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Jarhead , a very boring war film? Very true .

The real gulf war ? just as boring as the film ! 😂😂😂

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51 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

Jarhead , a very boring war film? Very true .

The real gulf war ? just as boring as the film ! 😂😂😂

Lol, Airsoft, 5% preparation & 95% action.........real life, 95% prep & 5% shit hitting the fan.


loads of good films mentioned, what about Brotherhood, makes the opening scenes in saving private Ryan look like a tea party.

another good Vietnam flick not mentioned yet, predates most of those mentioned, The Boys From Company C.

what about Southern Comfort ?, I'd like to see a remake with airsofters in the lead role, pissing off someone & being hunted down lol.

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Southern Comfort is superb.


Anyhow, my top twenty (with significant caveats) action films:







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