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New player looking for fun advice

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Hi guys. 


I'm relatively new to airsoft. I have played a couple of times at Quex Park and enjoyed it. I'm looking to get into it a bit more and wondered what gear I needed. I would like to start out buying a nice pistol and have been looking at some electric ones but would appreciate some reccomendations (also if anyone has 2-tone gun for sale, I don't understand how the classified section works). This way I can use the kit hire which includes an AEG but also get a better experience using a sidearm to gauge whether airsoft is something I want to invest in. Also what kind of accessories/safety gear would you reccomend. If I enjoy it and want to get more involved I will probably post again later on. Thanks guys

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Hi, welcome to the forum / sport!


If you want to have real fun, and are hiring an AEG for now, then get a gas blow back pistol, you should be able to pick up a Tokyo Marui with a couple of mags for around or under a £100 in the classifieds.


Other than that depends how much you are relying on hire gear, decent own boots and goggles / eye protection are worth while.

Other than that its upto you if you want any own kit 

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Welcome :).  Have a read of all the pinned (sticky) posts in each section, lots of useful information for new players.


The Classifieds are basically split into Electric, Gas, and Spring guns with sub division for rifles and pistols.


The search tool has a 3 character minimum length, choose a search term and read through the results.

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  On 26/03/2019 at 15:41, SimplyChi said:

. I would like to start out buying a nice pistol and have been looking at some electric ones



Non sequitur.


Electric pistols work as well in the cold as the warm, which is to say, not very.  They're very low powered compared to gas pistols or electric rifles, and throwing money at them doesn't necessarily help much.  Mine is wired to lipo, with an upgraded spring and bushings, but I've never got it above 240fps, and that's at the expense of dire trigger response even with the lipo. I'll be clipping the spring or going back to the original if I can be bothered putting any more time in to it.  The best I can say about it is that it takes cheap 60 round extended mags and is fairly consistent, but it's a big, bulky sod and really not satisfying to use.


Now I've just bought a cheap gas blowback Glock and, wow, what a difference.  That instant trigger response and ka-chunk from the slide is well worth the price of entry.  So much more fun.


If you've played twice then you're on the way to getting your UKARA number and being able to buy anything you like without fussing around with 2-tones.  It might be as well to tough it out until then.  Well, I say that, but I didn't, and bought 2 tones.  The guns work just as well, and the paint isn't that hard to remove (or spray over) when the time is right.  If you've got the budget and don't want to wait, you don't have to.


However, the first thing I'd recommend is eye  and face protection and gloves.  Pyramex i-Force dual pane glasses and a One-Tigris style half-mesh/half-fabric lower face mask is probably the default solution, but it doesn't work for everyone.  I can steam up Pyramex glasses and have to use fan or DIY double-glazed goggles.  You won't know until you try though.


Glove, I just use cheap hard knuckle "tactical" gloves from fleaBay, which take some of the sting out of finger hits.


Oh, hi and welcome to the forum. ;)

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Hello, Quex is my home site. Well......when real life  doesnt get in the way. Personally I bought bullet ant gogles and revision wipes and not looked back.(no pun intended) As for a pistol, I've had mine for a year and waved it in anger 4 times. 2 of which it went Pete Tong.  So it might be worth getting a rifle first. And plus 1 for gloves. I use cheapo paintball gloves because its not fun taking a hit to my sausage fingers👍🖐️

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  On 26/03/2019 at 22:20, Nicky blue eyes said:

Hello, Quex is my home site. Well......when real life  doesnt get in the way. Personally I bought bullet ant gogles and revision wipes and not looked back.(no pun intended) As for a pistol, I've had mine for a year and waved it in anger 4 times. 2 of which it went Pete Tong.  So it might be worth getting a rifle first. And plus 1 for gloves. I use cheapo paintball gloves because its not fun taking a hit to my sausage fingers👍🖐️


Some good advice here I've found personally that running a pistol only comes in handy when I'm running my AK which is set to semi only due to it still being a bit on the hot side,so once I feel I'm within 20m or rushing someone then out comes the pistol I must admit it is quite satisfying taking someone down with it 😁

  On 26/03/2019 at 15:41, SimplyChi said:

Hi guys. 


I'm relatively new to airsoft. I have played a couple of times at Quex Park and enjoyed it. I'm looking to get into it a bit more and wondered what gear I needed. I would like to start out buying a nice pistol and have been looking at some electric ones but would appreciate some reccomendations (also if anyone has 2-tone gun for sale, I don't understand how the classified section works). This way I can use the kit hire which includes an AEG but also get a better experience using a sidearm to gauge whether airsoft is something I want to invest in. Also what kind of accessories/safety gear would you reccomend. If I enjoy it and want to get more involved I will probably post again later on. Thanks guys


Welcome mucka!,good full face pro or eye pro and half mask is a must,decent comfortable boots if you're running around in woodlands or anywhere there is a build up of water I'd recommend some gortex lined ones(wet feet is no fun) the rest of the lads have already given you excellent advice,hope you get into this fun sport🖖

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Oh, right, it's an outdoor site?  Then forget the pistol, just buy an AEG.  Pretty much anything sold by PatrolBase or any other decent retailer (i.e. without "BB" in the name) will do the job.

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If you've played  couple of times you can't be far away from your UKARA. Wait it out as hard as that is then buy none two tone gun. If you have money to burn buy some of the below kit but know pistols are only useful at SEMI only sites as AEGs can just hose you down and AEPs are not able to compete. 



Eye/face protection as this is mandatory to play so if you want to use your own equipment you will need it to stop renting but I did my last 2 rental games with my own PPE as  I take my saftey more serious and gave me time to test the equipment without fully relying on it. 


Boots especially outdoors as it provides ankle support but in doors the bbs pile up and it's like walking on marbles some times. (Ankles are the #1 airsoft injury)


Gloves, finger / knuckle shots are some of the most painful. A commonly recommended pair is mechanix m-pact. If you don't play CQB thin mechanix gloves would be fine but if your tight in there kn


S sling, even on a rental gun it helps when your dead not having to carry the rifle and if you want to use a pistol in the future you will need a sling to retain your rifle if your swapping to a secondary. 


 BFG (Blank firing grenade) not cheap can run you up to £100 but you don't need ukara to get one. I find these really useful on a CQB site but can see it being not very good on a outdoor site. 


If you want a recommendation on a good starter gun above the base level then a G&G ARP9 is small lightweight highly rated.


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