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AFUK Weekender

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Who would be interested in attending a AFUK Weekender at Southdown Airsoft?  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would be interested in attending a AFUK Weekender at Southdown Airsoft?

    • I would attend.
    • I Wouldn't attend

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Yes he could he could make it on the isle of wight


Craig the isle of wight is past the south coast :P



But I like the idea of going to the isle of wight festival but camping and skirmish on a airsoft site as well :)

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If someone further north than me is going, I'll go if they give me a lift lol.


Wouldn't it make more sense to base it somewhere in the middle of the country? That way more people can get there, it's not just you idle, hot weather, flat land, useless southerners that play airsoft lol.

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Get a few lorries and vans, maybe a spade or two.

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On first page, it's stated as 500 for DMR/Single Shot/Bolt Action and 320 +/-10% for AEG

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How about buying AWA Herts, and using it more effectively? :P


EDIT: Can i come for the first day or something at a reduced price??? cheers

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Oh sorry lol, I have no idea, I was just saying they were said earlier on :P.

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In all fairness the fps limits have changed fairly recently, origionally single actions guns were to be 400fps but i deemed it to be too low and would cut out a large portion of players with upgraded snipers so i took it up with the owner and the limits were ammended


EDIT: and when i got my 470fps sniper i wanted to use it there :P

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  • AF-UK Founding Member

It should be known that this isn't by any means definate yet, so details are few and far between. If something like this did go ahead then you can be sure everything would be posted up.

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