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My skill on BFBC2 was 2 most of the time and I'm fairly sure the closest I got to being top was about 6000th place or there abouts.


Cheers for that Marksman.

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Well im not sure exactly how it worked then :P


All i knew was that i used to play with a guy who was ranked 2nd on the PS3 servers and he was a 2.

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This new update sucks penis.


I miss not being able to use the MAV as an elevator, the snipers seem to behave differently. I'm convinced the damage of practically everything has been reduced and also, not that it particularly bothers me, but tanks seem to be pathetically weak all of a sudden.


Mostly though, what the hell is with this rent-a-server bollocks? Now there are no real, serious servers, they're all being rented out to retards who're just trying to make the game better for themselves which in turn makes it crap for everyone else. I don't want to play games with 1000 tickets that just keep rotating the same map over and over.


If to make the game good enough for me to bother spending time on it, I have to rent out a server for 2000 MS points a month, then EA and Dice can take a hike down to the pits of hell.




It's been a few days and I'm actually warming to the update, (though I still hate the rent-a-server thing) snipers can now kill with a centre mass shot out to a certain distance, which is good and earlier today I got an epic headshot, I was in an elevated position looking down at about a 30 degree angle, 535m headshot on a guy sprinting between all the freight containers on Kharg Island. I think probably my best kill so far.

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mine is



k/d 0.809

kill assist:192

score per min:232

longest head shot:1034m

longest colatteral:726m and 728m


most stars on one weapon:m249 11 stars


i mainly play as recon and support and when i play recon i even go indoors running round with a sv98 with iron sights on,since bf have done this rent a server thing they have ruined the game for hardcore players,its so annoying joining a game and getting kicked because they are boosting

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It's a bit like Facebook in a way.


Every time there's change everyone's up in arms about it. But, after a while it becomes the norm and no one cares anymore.


However, I will forever think that the rent-a-server thing is a ton of pure, fetid shite. I've not played the game unless I've been able to find a DICE hosted dedicated server because otherwise all the settings are stupid, 1000 tickets is way too many on console, with only 24 people it takes forever to deplete them all.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Airsoft-Ed said:
I figure I might as well post mine as well, before they start getting worse again as I've run out of things to aim to achieve again lol.


Wormongers, I assume you play on PC? If not then your kill streak is pretty impressive, what weapon were you using and what was the map?


Here's a link to my Battlelog again: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/soldi...180615170/xbox/


Kills: 13,454

Deaths: 6,724

K/D Ratio: 2.001

Kill assists: 1,436

Score/Min: 236

Quits: 6% - Never really understood what this stat means...?

Vehicles Destroyed: 1,107

Vehicles Destroyed Assists: 175

Avg. Weapon Accuracy: 16%

Longest Headshot: 1,259m

Kill Streak Bonus: 30

Skill: 616

Squad Score Bonus: 112,110

Repairs: 27

Revives: 578

Heals: 17,482

Resupplies: 543


Hi mate I think it was using the M4A1 and probably rush on kharg island and I play on xbox only

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  WorMongers said:
Hi mate I think it was using the M4A1 and probably rush on kharg island and I play on xbox only


30 kills, no deaths on a huge map, on rush, with a CQB weapon... Wow, that's pretty epic. My highest streak on the ground was using the M1014 with buckshot on Seine Crossing on rush and I basically camped on a stairwell by the fist M-Com, I managed to get 19 of them and then the game ended and I was seriously chuffed, I'd never even used any shotguns before lol.


My 30 kill streak was done playing as a chopper gunner on wake island with a seriously epic pilot and I had the thermal optic, so I guess in a way my kill streak was skill-less =[

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  Airsoft-Ed said:
This new update sucks penis.


I miss not being able to use the MAV as an elevator, the snipers seem to behave differently. I'm convinced the damage of practically everything has been reduced and also, not that it particularly bothers me, but tanks seem to be pathetically weak all of a sudden.


Mostly though, what the hell is with this rent-a-server bollocks? Now there are no real, serious servers, they're all being rented out to retards who're just trying to make the game better for themselves which in turn makes it crap for everyone else. I don't want to play games with 1000 tickets that just keep rotating the same map over and over.


If to make the game good enough for me to bother spending time on it, I have to rent out a server for 2000 MS points a month, then EA and Dice can take a hike down to the pits of hell.




It's been a few days and I'm actually warming to the update, (though I still hate the rent-a-server thing) snipers can now kill with a centre mass shot out to a certain distance, which is good and earlier today I got an epic headshot, I was in an elevated position looking down at about a 30 degree angle, 535m headshot on a guy sprinting between all the freight containers on Kharg Island. I think probably my best kill so far.


I disagree partially. Thank god you cant use the mav as elevator anymore, i thought that was well out of order!

I think the sniping has improved a bit but still sucks close range. some weapons seem to have reduced in power initially but they have improved in other areas.

in terms of tanks, they still rock if you ask me even though a tank without the reactive armor upgrade can get disabled with one javelin hit but not rpg hit.

since the update i have shot down several choppers with the rpg which was impossible before, and i might add thats soo much fun. i even shot down 2 jets flying really low (not hovering but flying).


my new weapon of choice as engineer is the g53 with heavy barrel, foregrip and flashlight (yea i know but it helps against people with higher powered rifles)


the rent a server update is something that makes sense for clans or websites etc btw I would be well up for chipping in for a AFUK server..

I have played games with 1500 tickets and what i found they are good for is trying different tactics over and over, so great for practising!

if you want to play the normal servers(dice) then just go on the search function in the server browser and type in normal or dice


since the update my stats have improved a bit:


Kills 9 645

Deaths 5 872

K/D Ratio 1.643

Kill assists 2 101

Score/Min 373

Quits 17%

Vehicles Destroyed 1 076

Vehicles Destroyed Assists 291

Avg. Weapon Accuracy 14%

Longest Headshot 726 m

Kill Streak Bonus 33

Skill 399

Squad Score Bonus 203 780

Repairs 1 367

Revives 367

Heals 5 377

Resupplies 1 289


For some reason stats of vehicles destroyed have decreased?! huh (dohh i was looking at eds loll)

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I agree that it was stupid that the MAV could be used as an elevator, but in my eyes it filled a void, a void that was being unable to climb to the top of all the buildings.


In reality, snipers take the high ground and get dug in because if they don't they have no advantage over other units, they don't have clear line of sight over long ranges, they need to be higher than all the obstacles, so their rifle doesn't become useless.

In reality, they're able to go into buildings and get to the roof from the inside.


On Battlefield you can't get in many of the larger buildings, so the MAV offered a solution for getting to the roof. It was an unrealistic solution but created the realistic effect of snipers being actually worth their salt.


I do personally want to murder all the dicks that used the MAV to run people over though, that was just like saying, "Well I can't aim for sh*t, so I'll just hide in a place where I can't be found or injured and run everyone down..."


I think anyone manning an MAV ought to come up on the minimap like the mortar guys do.


But anyway, how do you use the heavy barrel and the flashlight on the G53? They're both Slot3 unlocks.

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  Airsoft-Ed said:
I agree that it was stupid that the MAV could be used as an elevator, but in my eyes it filled a void, a void that was being unable to climb to the top of all the buildings.


In reality, snipers take the high ground and get dug in because if they don't they have no advantage over other units, they don't have clear line of sight over long ranges, they need to be higher than all the obstacles, so their rifle doesn't become useless.

In reality, they're able to go into buildings and get to the roof from the inside.


On Battlefield you can't get in many of the larger buildings, so the MAV offered a solution for getting to the roof. It was an unrealistic solution but created the realistic effect of snipers being actually worth their salt.


I do personally want to murder all the dicks that used the MAV to run people over though, that was just like saying, "Well I can't aim for sh*t, so I'll just hide in a place where I can't be found or injured and run everyone down..."


I think anyone manning an MAV ought to come up on the minimap like the mortar guys do.


But anyway, how do you use the heavy barrel and the flashlight on the G53? They're both Slot3 unlocks.


you are right my bad should have been either or with the g53..


you can still get on top of buildings, just have someone fly you there =)


the mav killing thats just balls..i was in a game on metro conquest where 4 snipers camped in their spawn and ran people over all game through..total dicks :angry: !

they should not be able to do that and yes def should appear on the map like mortar guys.

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Apparently Dice think water's concrete.

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Yes but jumping off a bridge into water doesn't kill you. Especially considering it was only a 10 foot drop or so.

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Yeah, I had quite a good streak going the other day, spotted a guy running into the building I was on top of, so I jumped off the roof (I was only 1 story up) and when I landed I died, even though I had full health and everything, really pissed me off.


I hate it when the game says I've committed suicide.

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  Airsoft-Ed said:
Yeah, I had quite a good streak going the other day, spotted a guy running into the building I was on top of, so I jumped off the roof (I was only 1 story up) and when I landed I died, even though I had full health and everything, really pissed me off.


I hate it when the game says I've committed suicide.


mate on gulf of oman, i jumped over gravel filled blocks at 'B' right next to the buggy and I died...erm wtf

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I've died from lying down on a cardboard box on Seine Crossing before..

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  WorMongers said:
mate on gulf of oman, i jumped over gravel filled blocks at 'B' right next to the buggy and I died...erm wtf


I was actually on Gulf of Oman when I died from jumping off the roof.


I've also died from walking through a broken section of fence, stepping off a curb, landing from a parachute jump even after having my chute deployed for most of the descent and then the stupidest one was leaving the mission area so the 10 second counter comes up, except instead of it counting down from 10, I just died immediately without warning.


Then there's times when I've been killed by people who didn't start shooting at me until after I got behind hard cover. I'll be sprinting across open ground then they'll start shooting right as I turn behind a wall or whatever, and then I die even though they lost line of sight. It's like they can shoot through walls, or my guy was holding out on death until he was actually safe.


In either case, wtf?


There's also still a ton of glitches. Most annoyingly not being able to always vault through windows, or over wrecked pieces of half destroyed wall.

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  Airsoft-Ed said:
I was actually on Gulf of Oman when I died from jumping off the roof.


I've also died from walking through a broken section of fence, stepping off a curb, landing from a parachute jump even after having my chute deployed for most of the descent and then the stupidest one was leaving the mission area so the 10 second counter comes up, except instead of it counting down from 10, I just died immediately without warning.


Then there's times when I've been killed by people who didn't start shooting at me until after I got behind hard cover. I'll be sprinting across open ground then they'll start shooting right as I turn behind a wall or whatever, and then I die even though they lost line of sight. It's like they can shoot through walls, or my guy was holding out on death until he was actually safe.


In either case, wtf?


There's also still a ton of glitches. Most annoyingly not being able to always vault through windows, or over wrecked pieces of half destroyed wall.



What describing sounds like lag. Best thing is to use EU servers only and UK ideally. Problem is that the engine either calculates to slow to keep up with your movement or the other way around in some cases.

Happened to me as well loads of times after running around the corner then dying a few steps after.


Lately the bad luck deaths have increased a lot. Happens about 3 times per game now..and also getting shot behind hard cover like concrete blocks etc and again i think thats down to the engine/connection processing time. there is always a minimum damage weapons cause on certain distances and loads of other factors p-lay a role..who knows


pre update you couldnt shoot through fences or your rpg would explode when shot through glass or tree branches..they fixed that now.

whats your gamertag? mine RB ST3AL

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Mine's Bullet4MyEnemy.

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Idk if it has been there a while now but the intermission of games now has a leave game button, which is very useful.

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Yeah, it's been there since the last patch.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The new dlc is going to cost 1200 points...is anyone going to pay that??

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