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CQB Help

Jonny welsh
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Guns by their very nature should be as loud and as scary as possible. My G39 gbb makes a very loud and satisfying noise. 


I do recall, though it might have been a dream, that there was a device that hooked your gun up to a speaker which then made a 'realistic' gun noise when you fired it. It was total garbage. 

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2 hours ago, CrackCommandoUnit1972 said:

Guns by their very nature should be as loud and as scary as possible. My G39 gbb makes a very loud and satisfying noise. 


I do recall, though it might have been a dream, that there was a device that hooked your gun up to a speaker which then made a 'realistic' gun noise when you fired it. It was total garbage. 

Seems likes it's not a dream as it's featured elsewhere in this very forum.

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13 hours ago, Robert James said:

Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate... To suffering. Lots of suffering from the loud hawk.

Lots of suffering to the user you mean?


Stupid things just shout I am over here come shoot me. CQB is all about speed and surprise so a stupid sounding loud gun just defeats the objective. 

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Honestly, before you choose a gun platform, work out what you want to get out of it first.


Personally if I was going for CQB, I’d want:


- Lightweight

- Compact

- Fast ROF


That would probably take me towards one of the H&K submachine guns. Maybe an MP7, failing that a UMP.


I’d go for an MP7 with nice high 1x red dot, mid caps, high speed motor, 11.1 LiPo, Deans connectors, lower powered spring to ease off the workload a little.


 Now, the real question is, where can I get such a gun?

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In your dreams, and mine.


AFAICT, there aren't any AEG style MP7s out there at the moment; they're all AEP based.


MP5K is about as close as we can get at the moment for leccy guns.  It's a peach of a platform, but I do sometimes tuck it in at night and sneak downstairs to watch the Elite Force AEG teaser vids with the volume turned down real low.



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The only way to make the MP7 good atm is to A buy the GBBR version (seriously, awesome bit of kit)
B HPA them.
I have tuned a few, and out what must of been self hate spent 6 weeks trying to get 350fps and 20rps out of one even gone so far as to have custom wound motor made for mine.
The simple limits of the AEP gearbox mean they will never be competitive with an equally small ARP 9 firehawk ect.

Regarding the firehawk noise.That is just the effect of a massively over volumed barrel combined with a poorly shimmed gearbox.The box on them is one of the worst sounding in recent years imo.
I built one for a friend why plays speedsoft with a custom ported cylinder, roughly 40% the volume of a standard V2 SHS swiss cheesed half tooth piston, short stroked the gears 1tooth added a gate titan and setup for precocking.
Tornado full cnc torque motor and an M140 finished it off.
315fps 46 rps auto near instant semi response and quieter sound signature.
Absolute monster that thing is, glad its used on a semi only site.

Several interesting points raised in this thread :).

21 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


triggers broom


Yes indeed. Thats the amazing thing about the hi capa as a platform. You can make it fit you as a player. 
Do you want very little recoil and a hyper snappy trigger ? Right this way sir, a nano slide light weight BBU and short stroke buffer kit will set you up nicely.
Do you want it to kick hard and feel as real as possible ?
Heavy full steel slide and frame 140% recoil spring and steel sights plus a steel cylinder will get that weight up and get that slide kicking around. (Tho it will use gas like a drunk girl trying jagermeister for the first time)
I love working on them.But i suffer from ADOS... attention deficit OHHHH SHINY. 

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4 hours ago, karldavies said:

Regarding the firehawk noise.That is just the effect of a massively over volumed barrel combined with a poorly shimmed gearbox.


Not just that, the beak is designed to act as an amplifier.


As noted in a "wut secondary?" thread, if you just want a short M4, don't want it to be shouty (and especially you're going to gut the internals anyway), then you might as well start with any cheap M4 and take a hacksaw to it.

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13 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


Not just that, the beak is designed to act as an amplifier.


As noted in a "wut secondary?" thread, if you just want a short M4, don't want it to be shouty (and especially you're going to gut the internals anyway), then you might as well start with any cheap M4 and take a hacksaw to it.

True enough, as a base for a CQB gun build tho i like the firehawk. Quite a lot of them about for cheap prices.


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On 14/12/2018 at 14:52, Rogerborg said:


Don't you like it when your victims are giving away our positions with shouty-guns? ;)



And team mates.


Why do they always stand near me full autoing every one after I spent 20 mins sneaking up?

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On 11/12/2018 at 09:09, Immortal said:

If you get the ARP9 I'd opt for a drum mag and forget the stick ones. You'll be forever reloading the midcaps and the hicap ones with a wheel aren't great (more time spinning the wheel than shooting). WIth a Drum mag the ARP9 shines and you have BBs on tap.


If you do want the whole swapping mags on empty scenario then I'd opt for the 556 version. The mags are cheaper and are easier to slam home/reliable. More choice of pouches too and if you get another AR styled rifle then your 556 mags are cross compatible (the ARP9 are bespoke).


FWI (roughly):

5 x APR9 mags = £100

5 x Stanag 556 mags = £20


Where are these stanag 556 mags available for £20 for 5 please ? 

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I have a G&G Arp556 it’s a great gun and it sounds awesome,I have added a red dot sight,front grip,tactical torch and a drum mag. It’s great for CQB and woodland areas.

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