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Buying my first wepon

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Hello guys,I want to buy my first wepon,I did a bit of research before about manufacturer ,theyr pros and cons,but I am still not decided,I just want a second opinion,I`ve put an eye on VFC VR16 MK12 Sopmod SPR but hopefully you will give me more option.

Range price 300 pounds

What I want at my wepon is to be  AEG,I want to use it outside,medium range,I want to be strong wepon,like more metal then placstic or at least to be resistant

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If it's your first airsoft gun you may be better off prioritising function (read internals) over form and externals. VFC guns have a reputation for being not up to scratch in peer price comparison when it comes to internals.


Take that £300 and wait until you have at least another £100 to £150 and buy a gun solidly in the 320-380 range - 2x battery+charger and magazines and red dot/sling will set you back around £70-£100 - and if you buy an expensive gun you wouldn't then skimp on the semi-mandatory accessories?


I'm out of the loop myself - so if I'm a bit of a cliche when I say which guns are best, but it's definitely worth having a (first) gun which works!


Get a gun with a reputation for good internals and reliability.

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Have a look at the M4s by G&P. Still more-or-less in your price range, depending on the product. 


If you could wait a bit and buy a TM you'd be set. They're in the £400s though. 


Krytac is a good brand. 


As mentioned you'll need to consider all the extras - mags, batteries, chargers, etc.. Which can really add up. No point buying something if you can't shoot it! 


Nothing wrong with buying cheaper guns. The CM16 series by G&G aren't to be scoffed at. 


Just because a gun is made out of metal doesn't necessarily mean it's any good by the way. A good quality polymer is always better over cheap metal. 


How much experience do you have with airsofting by the way?

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45 minutes ago, Doaruj said:

I can go 350 top and I cant go for Krytac,this is the list i can buy from



http://www.landwarriorairsoft.com/airsoft-rifles-c38/electric-rifles-c45/krytac-alpha-series-crb-aeg-black-p9028 = £300


Why can you only buy from JD Airsoft?


How much airsofting have you done, what guns did you use, and what did you think of them?


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1 minute ago, Doaruj said:

I dont have any experience,and I want JD Airsoft cause i can make a finannce,and I have another 100 budget for batteries and mags


There are a few other Airsoft company’s who do 0% interest online 



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25 minutes ago, Cleaners inc said:


Remove JBBG from that list 


@Doaruj Have you played before? You should rent at least once before buying anything. You could end up buying hundreds of pounds worth of kit and find out you don't even enjoy it. 

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The thought of financing what is, in the final analysis, a toy gun for playing pretend soldiers with, just fills me with "WTF?"  And with a minimum purchase price of £300 from JD Airsoft.


If you mean that you've yet to play airsoft at all, I'd strongly advocate that you get out there with some rental or borrowed guns and see what it's all about.  You'll find out if you really enjoy it enough to get into debt over it, and you'll have the opportunity to talk to other players about their guns and try them out.


For one thing, you may find that prefer something other than an M4 variant when you actually get to pew it in real life.  Personally I think the G36 is an ergonomically superior platform.

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50 minutes ago, Doaruj said:

I dont have any experience,and I want JD Airsoft cause i can make a finannce,and I have another 100 budget for batteries and mags



Honestly if you're looking at "finance" buy a polymer G&G combat machine M4 on a £200 outright budget (including battery/charger/sling).


If you've not played much airsoft, buy gloves.


19 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

For one thing, you may find that prefer something other than an M4 variant when you actually get to pew it in real life.  Personally I think the G36 is an ergonomically superior platform.


And now we can get narrow G36 mags too - i've been considering it myself since discovering that.

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15 minutes ago, Sacarathe said:

And now we can get narrow G36 mags too - i've been considering it myself since discovering that


Mine's feeding fine from M4/STANAG mags using magwell converter, after just a little bit of filing and tidying.  That said, the G36 clippy-together mags are pretty tacticool.

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Tbh i'd rather take a cyma ak or cm16 over having to get finance for an airsoft gun, its a hobby ffs and you shouldnt be putting yourself into debt for it (only bankrupting yourself after every pay cheque)


As others have said you'd be better off going a few times, get the feel of airsoft in general, chat to the regulars (nobody likes showing off their kit like airsofters). Also getting your ukara sorted before buying your first gun means avoiding the scourge of the 2 tone paint job.

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2 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

The thought of financing what is, in the final analysis, a toy gun for playing pretend soldiers with, just fills me with "WTF?"  And with a minimum purchase price of £300 from JD Airsoft.


If you mean that you've yet to play airsoft at all, I'd strongly advocate that you get out there with some rental or borrowed guns and see what it's all about.  You'll find out if you really enjoy it enough to get into debt over it, and you'll have the opportunity to talk to other players about their guns and try them out.


For one thing, you may find that prefer something other than an M4 variant when you actually get to pew it in real life.  Personally I think the G36 is an ergonomically superior platform.

Ive been to paintball a few times,but the map its too small for me and I really want to try airsoft,my brother already got a AKS Masada 2 and he went for a game and now hes waiting for me :D ^^ so I will definetly enjoy it :P


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5 hours ago, Cleaners inc said:


4 hours ago, Gepard said:

Remove JBBG from that list 


@Gepard is right, I would not recommend this shop (or any with BB in their name).  @Cleaners inc remember that any advice can risk another member's money; read up on justbbguns 



@Doaruj Researching and asking questions is a good idea, if you have not read this yet it is a good place to start:


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2 hours ago, Doaruj said:

Ive been to paintball a few times,but the map its too small for me and I really want to try airsoft,my brother already got a AKS Masada 2 and he went for a game and now hes waiting for me :D ^^ so I will definetly enjoy it :P


As already said. Just rent or borrow until you have a UKARA and save cash until then. You'll be happier for it. 


Although something tells me you won't take the sound advice from this forum. 


Inb4any1else I'll buy your vfc off you for a score when you realise its not paintball bruh. 

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44 minutes ago, Doaruj said:

oke guys thanks for help,I will take your advice and go have a few games first,now can you tell me how to close this topic?



Don't misunderstand us, there are benefits in buying a cheap two tone gun (when starting out), we can't know where you will play but its entirely possible you'll spend £100 on rental over your first 4-5 games. Owning a two-tone £100-£160 gun could work out better for you.


Given the way I entered the sport (hire purchase TM Glock 17) I would say that getting your own rifle class gun instead of hiring can work out, I got that RIF through wolf armouries which plays at a very small paintball venue (10 minutes away from me) where I was not disadvantaged by having only a sidearm - but I had to play the UKARA criteria before I could take it home.


I think I spent £115 on the gun and £80 on a pair of extra magazines and a double magazine holster and pistol holster for my belt + some gas and BBs. I would have been better off with a G&G M4 - and tbh I knew that but wolf don't stock G&G.


So don't misunderstand us, you don't have to hire, but if you're going to start out buying a (two-tone) you want to go with something cheap (cyma/G&G/ICS) or something with a solid reputation in the £300 range - to me that's the ASG scorpion or a Krytac M4. But putting either through two-tone is crazy to me.


Given that you've not played airsoft you definitely do not want to be buying a [heavy] VFC gun.

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2 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

Smart move.


The thread will tail away naturally after someone derails it.




indeed it does, it must be so hard to make hits with all that range paintball guns have

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18 minutes ago, Callyourhits said:


Now look what you've done. 




he used a 40 mike at a cqb site?


oh sorry, didn't have my glasses on i see it's a train wreck now

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